Oliver + S

Sewing for Yourself

B6567 or Cappuccino

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    novicesewer @novicesewist

    I am an advanced beginner, having done several garments most of which are Liesl & Co. Patterns now.

    I sewed B6567 earlier in my sewing journey with a cotton that was probably too thick and not enough drape. It looked okay. As far as the sewing, I learned a lot and got a lot of practice. Though I preferred to have more handholding on seam finishing and tips and tricks from a direct Liesl pattern. And I still dread hand sewing, which you need to do for the facing.

    So now I would like to redo that dress in a woven with drape. I know this design is similar to the Cappuccino dress. I like the B6567 design better since it has more shaping panels and I think would cover a thick waist more. I would really like to aim for the look given by the pink sketch on the cover! I don’t have the Cappuccino pattern, but looking at the old sew along, sewing seems easier and probably has more tips/tricks.

    So what do you think? B6567 (more shaping, harder sewing and instructions) or Cappuccino (less shaping, easier sewing & clearer instructions)?

    Thanks in advance for any thoughts/suggestions.

    Liesl Gibson

    Tough call, right? The style lines on both are very similar, you’re right. The only real difference is in the neckline, which has gathering in the Cappuccino as opposed to the flatter panels of the Lisette pattern. I think it has to be your call, really. The important part will be to find the right fabric. I’d look for a rayon or a drapey silk, personally. Let us know what you decide!

    novicesewer @novicesewist

    Thanks for the quick reply.

    I think I will redo B6567 in rayon or similar fabric. I really like like the look of it. As for the sewing, I can figure the seam finishing since I’m more experienced now. I do need to think and figure places to baste especially around the seam pockets and neckline. Also, I already have B6567 traced out on tracing paper and know what mods I would like to make.

    I need to learn to sew rayon and similar fabrics. From what I understand, it’s slippery. I still cut with scissors and there are probably other challenges when sewing.

    This will be a goal, but it will be worth it when done.

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