• Enbee replied to the topic 'Big' Cake Recipes in the forum Group logo of Cooking and BakingCooking and Baking 8 years ago

    I’ve made the chocolate cake recipe (although not in this size – scaled down significantly, different frosting and filling) on this post from Deb at Smitten Kitchen, and I loved it. She mentions in another post that she used this for the 12-inch layer in a wedding cake, and that she baked and froze each layer.…[Read more]

  • Sarvi replied to the topic 'Big' Cake Recipes in the forum Group logo of Cooking and BakingCooking and Baking 8 years ago


    Not a giant recipe, but I would imagine it could be usefully doubled and made a few times — might be easier on your kitchen/baking tools too.

  • Nicole replied to the topic 'Big' Cake Recipes in the forum Group logo of Cooking and BakingCooking and Baking 8 years ago

    I knew you guys would rock! 🙂

    @Sarvi , fairy cakes are a great idea, I can bake and freeze and ice on thawing.

    @Ann-Maree great recipe and equally great advice, thank you so much!

    @Kerrilyn, yours too? 🙂

    Keep them coming Ladies!

  • Kerrilyn replied to the topic 'Big' Cake Recipes in the forum Group logo of Cooking and BakingCooking and Baking 8 years ago

    Some great suggestions here. Thanks for starting it Nicole. Looks like we were sporting big bellies full of boy at the same time😋

  • nzsewist replied to the topic 'Big' Cake Recipes in the forum Group logo of Cooking and BakingCooking and Baking 8 years ago

    This is my go to recipe for birthday cakes…

    Annabel Langbein’s Ultimate Chocolate Cake

    I always make the cake or cakes a few weeks in advance, wrap in cling film and then freeze until the day before. I’ve made this one in both 27cm (entire recipe) and 20cm (recipe split into thirds) tins. I’ve also staked two 27cm cakes, and you could…[Read more]

  • Sarvi replied to the topic 'Big' Cake Recipes in the forum Group logo of Cooking and BakingCooking and Baking 8 years ago

    You know, I do have one huge chocolate cake recipe, but it’s for making a huge number of individual cakes (it’s a recipe for 75, from El Bulli). That make me wonder whether it wouldn’t be easiest to make one normal cake to decorate and put candles on, then make a huge number of cupcakes. Won’t have to fuss with handing out 200 plates and forks,…[Read more]

  • Nicole started the topic 'Big' Cake Recipes in the forum Group logo of Cooking and BakingCooking and Baking 8 years ago

    Hit me with your ‘big’ cake recipes, preferably something that will freeze.
    I am considering making my sons 18th cake, possibly for up to 200 people.

    At the moment I am thinking I will make several and put them together on the night…. anyone here experienced with catering for a big crowd.

    I am not after anything too fancy, just good honest…[Read more]

  • Nicole started the topic 'Big' Cake Recipes in the forum Group logo of Cooking and BakingCooking and Baking 8 years ago

    Hit me with your ‘big’ cake recipes, preferably something that will freeze.
    I am considering making my sons 18th cake, possibly for up to 200 people.

    At the moment I am thinking I will make serval and put them together on the night…. anyone here experienced with catering for a big crowd.

    I am not after anything too fancy, just good honest…[Read more]

  • Enbee replied to the topic Toddler Party Food in the forum Group logo of Cooking and BakingCooking and Baking 8 years ago

    I’ll have to give those fritters a try. I hope the kids enjoy the party!

  • Sarvi replied to the topic Toddler Party Food in the forum Group logo of Cooking and BakingCooking and Baking 8 years ago

    Ooh, yum, I’ll have to take a look at that!

  • dubhels2003 replied to the topic Toddler Party Food in the forum Group logo of Cooking and BakingCooking and Baking 8 years ago

    Thank you so much, there are loads of ideas here! I’m going to be looking back at this thread for cooking for the next few weeks!

    I’m going to do Lady E and her chum broccoli tots for their tea tomorrow, and a selection of picky bits for the party.

    I’m going pretty low key on it, there will only be 4 kids and I’ll be back at work full time.…[Read more]

  • tantemele replied to the topic Toddler Party Food in the forum Group logo of Cooking and BakingCooking and Baking 8 years ago

    Such nice ideas. I will be using some of them to make the lunchbox for my 3-yo more attractive. I’ll be trying the broccoli tots for sure (he also has dairy allergy, so I will copy the modifications :-)), the english muffin pizzas and and … I think I will make a list to hang in the kitchen. Thanks for the ideas and links!!

    To add something: we…[Read more]

  • Nicole replied to the topic Toddler Party Food in the forum Group logo of Cooking and BakingCooking and Baking 8 years ago

    Some great ideas here!

    A ‘fun’ dessert I make for parties is ‘frogs in mud puddles’

    Small cups half filled with chocolate custard with plump greens grape ‘frogs’ hiding in it.

    Serve with a wee spoon.

  • Enbee replied to the topic Toddler Party Food in the forum Group logo of Cooking and BakingCooking and Baking 8 years ago

    I know this is going to sound ridiculous (I mean, it’s toddlers), but google ‘broccoli tots.’ Never mind that my 14-month-old likes them (which he does, to the point of ignoring anything else on his plate), but *I* like them. Which, if you knew me, is truly miraculous. They are the only form in which I will eat broccoli, and I’ve tried ’em all.…[Read more]

  • Sarvi replied to the topic Toddler Party Food in the forum Group logo of Cooking and BakingCooking and Baking 8 years ago

    Tons of great ideas above. I think the parents will appreciate having some healthy options and the kids will probably not especially notice anything but the cake. How much work do you want to put into it?

    I make this semi often and it is a big hit, but it’s a fair amount of work. You can make it go much quicker by using premade puff pastry and…[Read more]

  • justsewit replied to the topic Toddler Party Food in the forum Group logo of Cooking and BakingCooking and Baking 8 years ago

    Fried rice springs to mind, although it is strictly a sit down at the table thing to eat, I know my kids loved it when they were very small.

    Does vegetarian mean no eggs and milk products too?

    If eggs are allowed, I would do little curried egg centres and of course include it with the fried rice.

    Zucchini slice! It is seriously delicious. I was…[Read more]

  • justsewit replied to the topic Toddler Party Food in the forum Group logo of Cooking and BakingCooking and Baking 8 years ago

    Fried rice springs to mind, although it is strictly a sit down at the table thing to eat, I know my kids loved it when they were very small.

    Does vegetarian mean no eggs and milk products too?

    If eggs are allowed, I would do little curried egg centres and of course include it with the fried rice.

    Before I read the description of what you were…[Read more]

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