Oliver + S

Will there be a new line of fabric?

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    cybele727 @cybele727

    So, am I the only one wondering if there will be a new line of fabric? ‘Cause I am sure with all of the free time at Oliver and S, you need one more thing on your plate! 🙂

    Todd Gibson

    Ah, the million dollar question!

    Right now there isn’t a new Oliver + S fabric line in production. But there will be a new Lisette line appearing in stores at the end of this year. Liesl has a next Oliver + S line planned out in her head, but she hasn’t found the time yet to get it developed.

    There are some other things, though, coming this fall that we’re sure you’ll like….

    Brittney @georgeandizzy

    Oh Todd, such a tease;) Yay for new Lisette fabric!! That seems to be the only thing worth going to Jo-Anns for anymore…

    cybele727 @cybele727

    I agree. Often the only thing I buy anymore is the Lisette. The rest is often junk. 🙁 Can ‘t wait to see what else is up your sleeve!

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