Oliver + S

sleeves: i need remedial help

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    corlee @corlee

    an update: i am sewing the sailboat top and the sleeves? i did them both in under 30 minutes!!! i followed all the great advice, sewed with sleeve slide down versus the body side down, and i actually got the sleeves on with nary a naughty thought! it was a miracle. pinning took a bulk of that time but practice will make perfect… and more efficiency, i think. thank you all for your helpful advice. this forum is yet another reason why i love oliver and s so much!

    Rebecca W @craftalittle

    Thanks Nicole! That helps!

    Violaisabelle @Violaisabelle

    Like Nicole, I always baste my sleeves on, first, especially on little children’s garments. However, I confess I hand baste, I do not use my machine for this. I find I do not have to rip out sleeves or puckers because I do this extra step. Once I have basted, then I conventional machine stitch, then I serge/overlock the seam allowance.

    Congratulations, corlee! I’m glad you had wonderful success.


    Rebecca W @craftalittle

    Carol- I am working on a music class blouse right now- maybe I will try hand basting on this one!

    Violaisabelle @Violaisabelle


    I would love to hear how this works for you. It really only takes a few extra minutes and in my experience, it is so worth it.

    Use a long needle, if you have one, bit stitches and a contrasting thread with easy knots. That way, when you have the sleeve sewn on, you can quickly pull out the basting thread. I stitch just inside the seam allowance. 🙂


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