Oliver + S

Serger accident :(

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    Masha Richart

    Oh, I am devastated. I have been assembly-line sewing a pair of polka-dotted corduroy Playtime dresses for my girls. Today the dress for my older girl suffered a tragic serger accident. I patched it with the idea of appliqueing something over the patch. But of course, being a serger accident, the hole is very close to a seam, so it’s kind of an awkward place for an applique. The patch itself is not eye-wateringly noticeable, but of course it is noticeable. Anyone have any brilliant ideas? I don’t have enough fabric to make a new bodice, though I do have some more of the fabric. I was thinking maybe a bow made out of the same corduroy, but it needs to wash well with a minimum of pressing required afterwards and I am not sure how a bow would fare. This is meant to be a school dress.



    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    What about an applique bow? Or even a bow appliquéd on in the same fabric and then outlined with straight stitch in the same colour as the collar outline, then it will look cohesive and intentional? Such a big frustration for you being so close to done and no more fabric to re cut 🙁

    cybele727 @cybele727

    What about a width of ribbon (1 1/2″) sewn around the circumference of the dress? You could open up the side seam and tuck the ends in and sew it closed again?

    Liesl Gibson

    I think the ribbon idea would be perfect! It will completely mask the hole and add a nice detail to the dress.

    Sarvi @Sarvi

    Yes, either ribbon or bow should do the trick nicely. Bummer, though 🙁

    cybele727 @cybele727

    I use ribbon to hide a multitude of sins! That suggestion comes from way too much experience! 😉

    Masha Richart

    Thanks all. I ended up going with the applique bow idea and am pretty happy with how it turned out. I knew I’d get good ideas here! http://www.flickr.com/photos/23557464@N03/10837958665/

    Tamara @justsewit

    It was a very clever coverup!

    meleliza @meleliza

    Great solution. It looks very purposeful! I somehow snipped a tiny hole in the back skirt of a pink cord. Music box jumper! I guess it happened while I was finishing with the buttons. I’m highly annoyed because I wanted a clean look and really don’t want to patch it at all. I picked these nice wooden buttons to take the edge off the pinkness of it and I loved the subtle effect. I put a square of fusible for now, but that won’t hold. It’s in a really random place below her butt. Ugh.

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