Oliver + S

Question about walking foot

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    shokomoo @shokomoo

    Dear justsewit,

    Thank you very much for sharing very detailed and useful information about different feet attachments. I am very surprised and also inspired to find here such supportive and knowledgeable group of people who want to share and help beginner sewer like me.

    Happy sewing!


    Tamara @justsewit

    Yes they nearly came home with me except the dealer wouldn’t do a trade in. Their loss! I got a GREAT machine! But then I think it was love at first sight!

    Okey dokey! I will endeavour to take photos in readiness.

    RTWG I have a vintage machine sitting in the homestead that I am longing to be reunited with. I haven’t even seen it properly yet – my late mil’s treadle. I think vintage is great.

    Shoko, good to know we’ve convinced you. You certainly won’t regret the purchase.

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    Oh Wow! A treadle! This is my wishlist machine, at least to have a turn one day 🙂

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