Oliver + S

packaging: your thoughts

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    poppy_andrew @poppy_andrew

    I absolutely love the paper dolls, and my 6yo son and 3yo daughter both love them as well. The only problem is that my kids are rough–in their playing and with their cutting–so for my family the best option would be a way to download the paper dolls so that I can print replacements when they get shredded. From my perspective, downloading a free or cheap paper doll would only get my children to start nagging me to sew even more of the patterns! I love the family engagement angle.

    Jess M. @mommy2maria

    I know this is older but what if the paper dolls became freebie printables on the site? That way we could still have access but maintain the ability to change packaging? (I did t read all 3 pages and probably already occurred but it just popped in my head).

    I wouldn’t be heartbroken if the dolls went away but I love the bit of whimsy.

    Becci @Becci

    I would like to keep the cost low- I want the dolls to definitely be a part of the pattern but I don’t actually cut them out (even though I have two little girls) because I like to keep them for myself 🙂

    dare moi @dare moi

    Yep, I would like a more durable envelope for the pattern. So far i have not cut out the paper dolls because the card they were printed on acted as a protection for the envelope.

    The download option for the dolls is a great idea.

    xoxx s

    dare moi @dare moi

    Oh, and also, for the envelope to be big enough for people like me, who can never fold up the pattern sheet the way it came, and have trouble getting it back in the original envelope.

Viewing 5 posts - 31 through 35 (of 35 total)

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