Oliver + S

Lisette Patterns $1.99 @ Jo-Ann's this week

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    bren1122 @bren1122

    I went to Jo-Ann’s yesterday and picked up all of the Lisette patterns for $1.99 each. All Simplicity patterns are $1.99 this week, and they qualify! Actually, I got mine a little cheaper than that b/c I am a homeschooling mama and I used the teacher’s discount card on top of the sale price (additional 15% off)!! Woohoo!I didn’t see any Lisette fabric, but I would not be surprised if my Jo-Ann’s didn’t carry it b/c I live in Alaska. Off to look online!

    Rebecca W @craftalittle

    thanks for the heads up!! At that price, i can pick up all 4- in both sizes- and figure out what size I am later!

    emstone @emstone

    For some reason I don’t think my local Joann is carrying the patterns but I know that Hobby Lobby is and they have their Simplicity Patterns on sale this week for $.99. i am stopping by at lunch tomorrow to check them out and I will report back here.

    bren1122 @bren1122

    The Lisette Portfolio Dress is on the cover of the Simplicity book at Jo-Ann’s. That is how I found out that they had them. The pattern numbers are 2209, 2211, 2245 and 2246. They are in the huge pattern drawers with all the other Simplicity patterns, not in a special display area or on the spinning racks.

    Sarvi @Sarvi

    Just got back from my local. They had a few of the fabrics, none of the patterns. I was pretty sad, I mooched around and bought a ballpoint needle so I can use some City Weekend interlock as a displacement activity.

    Kim @kmac0107

    I learned a lot while shopping for the Lisette patterns and fabric on Saturday. I asked the Joann’s store clerk if they had the patterns and fabric and she said no, then I saw the cover of the pattern book, found the patterns in the drawer, hunted around for the fabric and found it by itself with no sign. I found some Lisette subdued navy print lawn for the Passport dress but I could not find the coordinating print for the jacket in navy. I asked on the sewlisette.com forum page what kind of fabric the model is wearing for the dress and the jacket. Liesl answered my question and posted a link to the fabrics https://www.sewlisette.com/fabric/ and suddenly everything was clear to me! The fabrics are those specific fabrics listed on the website link.

    Rebecca W @craftalittle

    I bought them all today!! And they did have a bunch of the fabrics are the JoAnn’s in Maple Grove, MN. I didn’t buy any because I don’t know what I want to make yet- but they are there!

    bren1122 @bren1122

    I clicked on kmac’s link and it says that the fabric will be in ALL Jo-Ann stores around mid-March! So for me in Alaska, that probably means early to mid April, haha. But at least it is something I will not have to order online! Plus, it gives me time to think about what patterns I want in what fabric 😉 Yeah, our Jo-Ann’s staff isn’t very knowledgeable or helpful either, but they are VERY generous with the 40% off coupons!

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