Oliver + S

Jump Rope Dress sleeveless? With a longer placket?

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    mjw8274 @mjw8274

    I want to make a traditional shirt waist dress for my 9 year old, and can’t find a pattern…which seems ridiculous, but anyway…I have made her several Jump Ropes and they are darling on her. I’m wondering if anyone has made this sleeveless (and if so, how did you finish the armholes? were they too large/gaping without the sleeve inserted?), and if anyone had success making the placket extend all the way to the hem? I could probably figure these things out, but am happy to benefit from others’ attempts and advice :).



    violetvata @violetvata

    There have been a few Ottobre design patterns for a buttonup dress like the jump-rope dress (I just located one for sizes 128-170 cm), if you want specific issue numbers, feel free to email me: violetvata@hotmail.com and I can look thru my old issues for you.

    JohannaO @JohannaO

    Here is view B with an elongated placket-


    Cindy can probably give you details on how she did it if you want to send her a flickr mail.

    I know I’ve seen some versions that are sleeveless, and I think they were just finished off with some single fold bias tape. This is a slim fitting pattern, so I wouldn’t anticipate that the armholes would be too large unless the child’s arms are very slender.

    beachmom @beachmom

    I cut my placket pieces (2) 3 inches wide the length of the dress. Let me know if you have any questions.:)


    mjw8274 @mjw8274

    Thanks, everyone…I think I’m going to tackle this. I appreciate your help!

    Tamara @justsewit

    I shouldn’t think you’d need a science degree to figure it out. Cindy’s version b stepped it up a notch for the older girl – I have my eye on making one for my daughter.

    Can’t wait to see your dress all done!

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