Oliver + S

Halloween 2015

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    Tamara @justsewit

    We don’t have costumes and we don’t have a party to go to this year (the youth centre put one on for the kids last year). The kids are throwing suggestions around and dh has just told them we are Not doing any of it. I have had to explain to him the origins of the Halloween tradition and how it has become commercialised.

    Anyway, I hope everyone who is dressing up and trick or treating has a fun (and safe) time.

    Sarvi @Sarvi

    @juliamom2009 I love her response! Both for the sweet concern for her friends, and for how proud it must have made you feel!

    I got our Hiccup (http://wm.schoolofdragons.com/SoD/Joomla/templates/schoolofdragons/images/DTV_cg_hiccup_03.png) costume done in time thanks to @maraya giving me great tips on which patterns to use, and then had to make the tunic all over again in a cooler, less itchy fabric to account for the latest heat wave. I felt pretty bad for the kids in full-body polyester; it can’t have felt or smelled too wonderful in those.

    aprilshowers @aprilshowers

    Halloween 2015 is in the books! I hope you all had a fun night!

    Attaching the drape to Demeter’s dress ended up being way easier than I had thought. Clearly I was overthinking. I took a scarf she found at the thrift store, gathered it at the center and stitched a straight line through it to the back of the dress. Then I happened to have some elastic that was the exact same color and I made wrist bands for the ends. I sometimes have to remind myself that these costumes are exactly that, costumes, and not heirloom pieces! Thanks for indulging me though. And thanks for posting your own costume ideas too – so fun!


    Sarvi @Sarvi

    She looks perfect! What a great solution and so wearable for a kid.

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    Beautiful interpretation of her picture 🙂

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