Flower Girl Dresses
14 years ago LINK
scgoble @scgoble
I am making dresses for my daughter and niece (both 2yo) for my sister’s wedding in Charleston, SC in April and can’t decide which style would be best. I know that we’ll likely be using a white/ivory silk shantung or dupioni. So far we are thinking either School Photo or Music Box Jumper. But I also know that the Ice Cream Dress has been done beautifully in silk. My other sister and I are the attendants and will be wearing this in a seafoam green color:
Any ideas on which pattern would look best with this fabric? Being all white, I’m afraid of them coming out looking like an old-school nurse’s uniform or something. Thanks for any input!
14 years ago LINKAnonymous @
Wow – those bridesmaids dresses are amazing! I really like the music box dress with the single pleat for a formal fabric. There are some photos posted on flickr just a day or two ago showing this pattern used for flower girl dresses. You could put a bit of green trim at the bodice seam to tie them in with your dresses.
14 years ago LINKjanimal @janimal
Yes, there’s a musicbox dress in all white with a pretty trim on it for a flowergirl on FlickR that is just DARLING!
There are a few pictures of it. I just think it is PERFECT for a flowergirl dress! It’s also very easy to sew.
14 years ago LINKscgoble @scgoble
Thanks guys! You’re right, that is a perfect flower girl dress. I hadn’t seen that one. I like the idea of using green for the trim too. We can order the fabric that the bridesmaids are wearing, so I could match it exactly.
So next question – where does one get high-quality silk? I did some Googling and Etsy-ing and got results that were in the $6/yard range. That makes me suspicious since the yardage for the bridesmaid dresses is something like $25. I’m sure it’s marked up quite a bit, but still.
And SAHM, they are even better in person! The ruffle collar is to die for. I think I will just wear it around the house!
14 years ago LINKApril Henry @April1930s
I’ve purchased some great silk dupioni from fabric.com. They can send you swatches for 75 cents each so you can see what you’re getting first.
14 years ago LINKfreyiris @freyiris
Wow I love your bridesmaid dresses! They made me think of another option for flowergirl dresses – the ruffled halter top extended to a dress by adding another ruffle maybe two. The silk duponi would give the ruffles a nice amount of structure. I’ve just made a pair of the tops for my almost 2 year old twins for Christmas and they love twirling in them and I definitely want to try making a dress version next.
Here are two of my favourite versions of the halter from flickr:
That said I love the clean lines and simplicity of the music box jumper!
14 years ago LINKJustine J @justmejay
I like the halter dress idea! Although I think the simplicity of the music box jumper would go really well with the bridesmaid’s dresses (stunning btw!) – just to be contrary – how about the birthday party dress??
14 years ago LINKI know it’s out of print (darn it) but what about the Bubble Dress? I think it would be amazing in silk, and you could add a green sash to make it so cute! Otherwise I agree that the Music Box would also be great, or if you want to mimic the ruffled neckline the School Photo dress (View B) looks amazing in dupioni. I can’t wait to see what you do–the bridesmaid dresses are fantastic!
14 years ago LINKLoralee @Loralee
Ohhh! I love the idea of mimicking the ruffle by using the school photo dress. Silk dupioni is so luxurious. That would look fabulous. And I love those bridesmaid dresses, too.
14 years ago LINKAnonymous @
I can’t wait to see what you make! Oh – and we need pics of you in that bridesmaid dress!
14 years ago LINKckcsbella @ckcsbella
I just did a Bubble Dress in Silk Dupioni and it turned out quite well. I haven’t got a picture yet, but I will in the next few days (it’s a Christmas dress). Mine is green and pink shot fabric, and I love the way the light catches it. I used a silk lining, and I have to admit I’m not thrilled with that – I think I should have used something a little stiffer. But since I was cutting up an old dress of mine, all in all, I’m pleased!
14 years ago LINKscgoble @scgoble
I also thought about the Birthday Party dress after seeing April and Nicole’s gorgeous versions in the Flickr pool. In fact, I think I may be leaning that way today. I do have the Bubble Dress pattern and I love the idea of adding a sash. Argh – too many choices!
I will certainly keep everyone updated on what we decide – I may have to make several and choose once they’re done! A girl can’t have too many party dresses right?
14 years ago LINKNoodles @Noodles
I’m glad everyone liked my flowers girl music box dresses! But I agree that maybe the bubble dress would be nice, matches in with the style of the bridesmaids I think. I found with the silk, that it was better to make a fairly simple dress and then accent it with the trimmings to match the bridesmaids, we thought to let the lovely fabric speak for itself, rather than have something fussy. Having said that, my bride was wearing a fairly simple lined dress.
We also thought of using a sash and bow at the back to tissy it up, or maybe a wide velvet ribbon looks luxurious!
Love the bridesmaids dresses too by the way.
14 years ago LINKAnonymous @
your color selection is a pleasant one. awaiting to see your pics in bridesmaid dress. like last summer, this year too I shall try to come up sewing a dress. I can think of considering bridesmaid dress and not a flower girl dress like last year. my laptop is in repair and once it is up, I shall upload the pics of my sewed dress.
freyiris, the dresses are as cute as the ones I saw at http://www.affordableflowergirldresses.com/
14 years ago LINKscgoble @scgoble
Well, we ended up choosing the Birthday Party dress for our flower girls. I am almost finished with my practice dress, made up in the ugliest cheap corduroy you’ve ever seen. I had not made this dress before so I wanted to get the kinks out before cutting into expensive fabric.
Question: do you think that French seams would work okay with silk? I want these to be as beautiful inside as out so if you have other seam finishing ideas for silk, let me hear ’em. Thanks!
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