Oliver + S

Finishing seam allowance of cuff edge of long sleeve version

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    Toyota888 @Toyota888

    Just doing the cuff of the jump rope long sleeve version… the instructions include the finishing the edge of the seam allowance instruction under the heading “PREPARE THE SLEEVE TABS (VIEW A ONLY)”, whereas that is a step that is needed for view B as well.

    The fact that I am on the sleeves means I survived the placket and the collar – boy was I scared πŸ™‚

    Lizabeth @Lizabeth

    so, how did it turn out? Are you happy with it?

    Toyota888 @Toyota888

    I finished it a couple days ago – it is really cute. I have taken a photo but am a bit reliant on my husband to get it from the camera onto the computer – very sad I know. I will load onto Flikr soon. I am really pleased with how it looks – it is currently hanging in my living room so I can admire it throughout the day! My little girl won’t fit it for a few months so I’ll get to adore it for a while yet. I am keen to do view A now that I got through the placket and collar – the collar was hardest – especially avoiding puckers at the back of the dress where the collar joins on – don’t try it late at night! The placket was actually fine – just lots of little steps that you must follow with blind faith.

    Lizabeth @Lizabeth

    I have to laugh with you about hanging a dress in the living room–guess where my child size form is standing right now? in the living room! with a dress for my daughter that I’ve finished (except for the hem). Just looking at it makes me soo happy. I completely understand about ‘adoring’ one’s work πŸ™‚

    April Henry @April1930s

    Ha! My child dress form is hanging out in the Living Room right now, too! πŸ™‚

    norasroom @norasroom

    Mine too–and stark naked. You mean that’s not where we’re supposed to keep ’em?


    Well, as long as this has become the true confession discussion thread….

    Pedal–the Oliver + S child dress form–is currently in our living room at home too. She too is naked, but it gets worse. She’s also disassembled and her various pieces are sprawled around the room–each wrapped in a plastic garbage bag.

    Yeah, it’s a little too The Sopranos, I know. She’ll be heading back to the studio where reassembly and dressing await her this weekend–I hope.

    Lizabeth @Lizabeth

    We hope that will happen this weekend, too, Todd! that sounds just awful! if a dress form has a name it should not be in pieces or undressed.

    Liesl Gibson

    Pedal is back together and living at her home in the studio again. Believe me, her trip to our apartment was worthwhile. Not that I want to schlep her again–she’s a little heavier than the REAL S, who doesn’t have a 30-pound steel stand where her feet belong. However, Pedal is still naked, at least until next week when we start putting together the spring collection…

    Lizabeth @Lizabeth

    oooh spring collection is in the works! you are amazing–hitting the ground running after quilt market. Can’t wait to hear how that went!

    jane_l @jane_l

    For the long sleeve, you finish with a cuff still? but without the tab? I just did a regular hem on the sleeve because I wasn’t certain.

    April Henry @April1930s

    Hi, Jane – yes, you finish with a cuff, just without the tab. Here’s a picture:

    Oliver + S Jump Rope Dress ~ School Uniform

    I wavered on which blind-hemming technique to use – still not sure I’m happy with this one, but oh well. πŸ™‚ Hope this helps nonetheless.

    Toyota888 @Toyota888

    I finally got around to uploading photos of the dress to Flikr.

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