Oliver + S

Easter/spring sewing?

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    Tamara @justsewit

    @ldk237 don’t feel bad, I was late to the party also. Some ladies have been experiencing some scary security issues on Flickr, so if you do start a flickr account, this is a heads up. May I give you a little advice? To avoid possible things happening to photos containing the children you sew for, I would increase the security on those modelled photos and/ or leave them for a private instagram account (where you get to screen your followers) and just post the garments themselves on the flickr pool. Just for security purposes. I increase the security settings on my modelled photos when I add them to the pool and I find that a private instagram accounts cuts out all the riff raff that could carry your precious photos off to cyberspace and do damaging things. You can still hashtage the photos but the downside is that those people who are not following you don’t get to see them. I mean that can be a positive thing too which ever way you look at it.

    But please don’t be deterred altogether, we generally look after each other, as we are all sewing for the little ones in our lives and want to keep them safe and show off our sewing at the same time.

    So will you take the plunge? I do hope so.

    Lisa @ldk237

    I have thought about this issue quite a bit. It’s too bad because the modelled pics show the garment the best but I do worry about posting my daughter’s picture all over the place. I won’t let it completely put me off but I will take security precautions and maybe stick to photos that do not show her face when on more open sites. Deciding how I feel about this is really what has kept me from fully participating in all the online sewing activities. This group is so much fun though and I enjoy all the inspiration that can be found here! It’s amazing how much talent is out there!

    Tamara @justsewit

    @ldk237 I understand. We all put so much effort into our sewing. We deserve to show it off and say “Look what I made!” A headless pic is a good idea and keeps some anonimity. And I agree modelled pics are better. It is an individual choice but I am glad you are coming around to the idea of joining in and posting your photos.

    This community can be very welcoming, so I am looking forward to seeing alk the easter and spring garments, modelled or not in the flickr pool or on instagram. Showing off your work is inspiring to others and that is helpful when you have sewing block😀.

    Liesl Gibson

    Yes, I completely understand your concerns. We’ve addressed it in our family by never using S’s name, and I try to be careful not to post specifics about where we live, where she goes to school, etc. You have to do what you feel comfortable doing.

    cybele727 @cybele727

    While not Easter, I am looking forward to the new dress pattern you previewed. My daughter has kindergarten graduation in June. That pattern is the perfect level of dressy casual.

    I can’t wait. 🙂

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    I just went and checked Instagram, love that new dress! Twirly, princess seams, beautiful!

    Mama_Knowles @Mama_Knowles

    My youngest son’s outfit is done and the two middle boys’ vests are almost finished too. My little boy is thrilled with his outfit. The plus side for me is that I can sew the Art Museum pattern with out pulling out the instructions anymore. It is another O+S favorite in our home. I need to get to the smocking on the Garden party dress finished this weekend as well. It seems like I never have enough time in a day.

    Tamara @justsewit

    I’ve only just realised I haven’t smocked anything for Chloë apart from the school days jacket and the carousel dress. Of course I am planning to use smocking in the Easter dress. Being currently away from home, the plans are halted somewhat but the mind is still buzzing with ideas.

    The male members of my family are still going to have shirts made for them. I will have to use men’s patterns for Noah’s as he has outgrown all things Oliver and s unfortunately.

    I would really like to do trousers also, but the time….

    Anyway, it will keep me busy in the week when there will be no texting the eldest due to her being on camp. So I can bury myself in the sewing room and create that week and hopefully get alot of it done.

    • This reply was modified 9 years ago by Tamara. Reason: Spelling is atrocious!
    cybele727 @cybele727


    I bought a Gertie border print and now my daughter is in a size that to use border prints, I need a waist seam in the pattern. I am eagerly awaiting the twirling dress. It is in some ways a simplified version of fairy tale (in a good way), it seems. Although anytime I have an even slightly fitted bodice, I have to make a muslin since she has broad shoulders, narrow bust/high bust (compared to shoulders) and a slightly distended belly. So princess seaming is a great way to accommodate that fit! I also love the classic V neck that S is wearing in that video too!

    Trying to be patient! 🙂

    Sherry @mim22

    Cybele727, have I missed something, is there a new pattern coming soon?

    Getting excited now.

    Tamara @justsewit

    @cybele, I’m confused! I got onto imstagram when the first message was mentioned but couldn’t find anything remotely close to a new pattern preview, or promo video for that matter. Would love to see and join in the excitement but I feel sad that I missed it😕

    Tamara @justsewit

    Oh wait…. i just found it😀😀😀💕

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