Oliver + S

Cutting confusion… How many back pieces?

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    Adrienne @coastmama

    I’m preparing to cut the fabric for my first “Roller Skate Dress”. However, I’m already confused. On the pattern piece it says to cut TWO?? of the lining and the back dress piece? I’m reading that incorrectly, right?
    I should only need to cut …
    – 1 Front
    – 1 Front Lining
    – 1 Back
    – 1 Back Lining

    Adrienne @coastmama

    Link to photo – https://flic.kr/p/vduXQq

    KAREN @Butterfliesandfaeries

    Hi! I am not at home at the moment and cannot access that pattern but I checked pictures on my blog of the dress I made a couple of years ago and it looks like you do indeed cut two of the back main fabric and two of the lining fabric because I think that there is a seam up the back of the dress. The front is cut on the fold but not the back. I hope that I have helped! If I am incorrect, I hope someone will jump in and let you know.

    Brittney @georgeandizzy


    Karen is right, you cut two backs from your main fabric and two from your lining.

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