Oliver + S

Bedtime pants for Daytime?

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    Loralee @Loralee

    I just finished a pair of pj’s for my oldest and she loves them!! The pants fit her perfectly and she is usually hard to fit in ‘ready to wear’ retail pants. She’s 10 yrs but I made the size 7 for her without having to add length! On tops and sometimes dresses, I usually add 1 1/2 inches. But these were just right as is.

    She likes the way they fit so much that she wants me to make a couple pairs for school. Do you all think she could pull this off without looking like she’s wearing her pj’s?!?! At 10, she’s super conscious of her clothes. 😉 What fabrics would you recommend?

    PS: She picked out a wild and bold print for her pj’s! Alexander Henry’s ‘Willow Grove’ in browns, golds and orange. Hubby calls her a 70’s girl. LOL I took pics but need to figure out how to get them from the camera to flickr. Baby steps for this computer challenged mom. 😉

    littlebirdy @littlebirdy

    I think they’d be fine – but adding a patch pocket or two would help them look a bit less pajamaish.

    Incidentally the sandbox pants are a very similar shape and have the pockets already. I’d recommend them as an alternative. Does she have a uniform colour? The sailboat trousers are also gorgeous and would look beautiful lengthened for a stylish girl. Both are VERY easy to sew.

    Have fun. Looking forward to seeing your pics.

    sayiamyou @maraya

    I don’t have this pattern, but just judging by the picture I think, with the right material, you could pull these off as pants. I think a stretch denim would work nicely. Have you considered the Sandbox pants for her? I make those for my girl all the time.

    Looking forward to seeing your pictures! I love that Willow Grove print!

    janimal @janimal

    Oh that’s such a great print, I understand why she would want to wear those fabulous pants in the daytime. I agree – pocket could make the difference. Hmmm, how about a solid ribbon around the pant leg an inch up from the seam? Or worn with a longish shirt and a big belt?

    JohannaO @JohannaO

    With this fabric pattern, I can see it working as daytime pants. Some ideas to make it more “daytime appropriate”- ruffles at the bottom hem instead of a hem binding, a “mock” fly in the front, cargo pockets, side pockets, back pockets, knee patches. I also have a niece about this age (a little older) whose favorite thing to wear to school is P.J.’s. They’re officially “banned” at school, but she delights in bending the rules because they’re homemade.

    My kids all love the P.J. pants, and they scout the fabric stores for fun fabrics for me to use for this pattern. (So far we have soccer balls, Hot Wheels, rockets, Olivia the Pig, Thomas the Tank Engine, butterflies, etc.) Have fun with it- I’ve found this pants pattern to be very easy to adapt.

    Loralee @Loralee

    Thank you for all the suggestions! My daughter and I had been considering the sandbox pants with modified front pockets but I don’t have the pattern yet. Oh, twist my arm to make me go buy another O+S pattern! LOL And I was planning on making lengthened sailboat pants in uncut corduroy, too. I’m hoping the sizing is similar but haven’t had a chance to check.

    For the time being, I’m going to modify the bedtime pants with rounded pockets. In the front. My kiddo’s favorite pants from Mini Boden are like that. She said I could pretty much do anything now that I’ve got the pattern down. Love her confidence in my skills. LOL

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