Oliver + S

Bartack Collar?

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    mrskanuckles @mrskanuckles

    I am working on my first applepicking dress as part of my pattern busting. I am a bit confused as to exactly where the *optional bartacking could go after you attach the tie to the neckline. It says you can bartack the tie to the front for extra stability. Does someone have an example on flickr where they did this?


    Liesl Gibson

    I’m just sorting and organizing and answering questions today, so I’ll dig out a sample of this pattern and take a quick photo for you. Good camera is at home today, so it will have to be a really awful ipod photo, sorry!

    Liesl Gibson

    Ok, here is a photo with a little yellow drawing to show where the bartack would be. It’s really just to strengthen that corner.

    mrskanuckles @mrskanuckles

    Thank you so much for posting, I get it now. For some reason was thinking it needed to be a bigger tack and I couldnt imagine that not being noticed. 🙂

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