weekend links

Hello friends!

We’re headed into the busy time of year, aren’t we? I’ve noticed that my schedule has picked up quite a bit these last few weeks; many more activities in the evenings and weekends, and next weekend S and I are taking a long-anticipated trip to Paris, at long last!

I’ve squeezed in some sewing for myself recently as well, which I’m eager to show you. My most significant sewing accomplishment was three pairs of Hollywood Trousers in black, navy, and cream. I’ll tell you about them shortly. But in the meantime, a little Hollywood Trouser inspiration!

weekend links
images from @streetstyleglobal and @lamercader_bcn

Those wide legs work so well for a wide variety of fabrics, don’t they? Isn’t the big plaid fun? I’ve made my trouser legs narrower, and I’ll be showing you how to do it yourself very soon.

For now, however, some weekend reading to keep you company.

Weekend Reading

OK, have a wonderful weekend!




  1. Anna Wolden

    I clicked on this story because of those beautiful wide-leg trousers only to be disappointed that there is no story about them šŸ™

    1. Joanne

      Iā€™m sure the story will come !!!

  2. Maryam

    Wow three trousers!!!
    Did you sew one at a time? Or did one step for all three together? Curious
    I usually do one project at a time, otherwise I feel overwhelmed

    1. Since they’re each a different color I had to sew them one at a time. But I cut them at the same time and was able to shortcut a bit by doing all the interfacing together, etc. Still, it took quite a while!

      1. Maryam

        Oh Ya I forgot they are different colors.
        Still I think it is really brave of you to sew Three trousers.

  3. Carol in Denver

    Whoa: a command to stop or an expression of surprise.
    Woe: sorrow or distress

    1. I knew it wasn’t right when I wrote it, but sometimes life happens and you just keep going…

  4. Teresa

    I am looking forward to your lesson about narrowing the leg. I appreciate your lessons. Thanks

    1. I’m glad you like them!

  5. Joanne

    Getting this email is my favourite part of the week ā¤ļø

    1. That’s so nice of you to say! I enjoy doing them when I have time.

    2. Maryam

      Me too!! I like reading weekend links šŸ™‚

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