weekend links

Hello friends!

It’s been a few weeks since my last Weekend Links post. I hope you’re well and are enjoying the start of the summer holidays, which for us have just begun a few days ago. In a few weeks S and I are headed back to the States for time with friends and family. It’s been a full two years since our last visit so we’re both looking forward to it.

A few years ago I made a trip to Antwerp to see the Martin Margiela for Hermes exhibit at MOMU. It was a very worthwhile journey. Margiela’s innovative designs for Hermes shaped my own style before, during, and after I finished design school when I was paying really close attention to the fashion world. His designs expressed a practical, relaxed, self-confident, understated elegance that felt to me like the epitome of excellent design. They helped me to form my own personal aesthetic, and my own designs from that time sent me into a position at Ralph Lauren, which to me felt like the epitome of American understated elegance at the time.

Every once in a while I go back and revisit those Hermes styles to remind myself what it was that attracted me to them in the first place, and it amazes me that I still love them more than 20 years later. I would still wear those styles! In fact, I’m been contemplating sewing myself navy, black, and cream Hollywood Trousers to replace other trouser styles in my wardrobe. I want to retire most of my trousers and just wear those three pairs all fall, winter, and spring. (And if I choose the right fabrics, maybe even summer….) In fact, our upcoming fall collection was inspired, in large part, by the feeling of those Margiela collections.

In any case, this weeks Pinterest Picks are all about Margiela for Hermes and the feeling it conveys to me. I hope it will inspire you, too!

Pinterest Picks

I love how Victoria Beckham’s more recent outfit hearkens back to Hermes. These designs don’t age!

Liesl's Hermes-inspired Pinterest picks
pinterest link and pinterest link

The mix of masculine, feminine, as well as the ageless designs (which are also appropriate for every age)….

Liesl's Hermes-inspired Pinterest picks
pinterest link and pinterest link

Modern and classic at the same time.

Liesl's Hermes-inspired Pinterest picks
pinterest link and pinterest link

And of course with Hermes the details often include leather and precise construction, not to mention the luxurious fabrications.

Liesl's Hermes-inspired Pinterest picks
pinterest link and pinterest link

Weekend Reading

  • During the pandemic I read so many dire predictions regarding the future of fashion. Are high heels gone forever? Will we ever wear trousers instead of sweatpants again? Of course we will! And the good news is, today in fashion anything goes! Knock yourself out. Here’s another perspective on fashion and the return to the office. (And P.S. regarding those high heels….)
  • Worried about privacy and data encryption? Back in the Victorian age they had their own techniques for maintaining confidentiality, and it’s quite amazing to watch! I know S will want to try out some of these tricks.
  • Whether you’re traveling this summer or staying close to home I suspect you’ll appreciate the spectacular renovation of La Samaritaine department store in Paris. Stunning, no?
  • Did the moths get your clothing this winter? I’m a fanatic when it comes to storing my sweaters in summer (which probably comes as no surprise, I know). My trick? Vacuum-sealed storage bags and a bar of Trader Joe’s lavender soap wrapped in tissue and tucked into the center of the bag. The New York Times has other tips and suggestions.
  • How difficult can it be to make the perfect hard-boiled egg? Well, I’ve finally found my favorite method. And lest you think I’ve veered too far from sewing topics with this link, I’ll have you know that seam rippers are the ideal tool for making the hole in the end of the egg!
  • I appreciated the thoughtful tone of this piece about the lessons we can learn from simple ancient Japanese textiles.

I hope you enjoy your weekend! We’ll be back next week with more sewing inspiration for you. What are you making right now?



1 Comment

  1. Maryam

    Welcome back. Loved reading the weekend links Something nice to look forward to.

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