day 1 of the gelato sew-along

Hello friends!

I know, it’s Monday. But it’s a sewing Monday, so that makes it a little better, right? Today is Day 1 of the Gelato Blouse + Dress Sew-Along, so at least you’ve got that to look forward to. Join us on the sew-along page if you haven’t already. We’ll keep adding to it this week for each new day of the sew-along. And, as with all our sew-alongs, if you’re unable to join us now it will be there forever. So jump in when you can.

Liesl + Co. Gelato Blouse + Dress

In the meantime, summer solstice this week! And did you celebrate Father’s Day yesterday? We did, even though it wasn’t Father’s Day in Spain. (Why aren’t these holidays international? So weird.)

One last thing. What fun to read all your comments and ideas about matching, or not matching, your serger thread to your fabric! You can catch them all on the blog, on Instagram, and in our Facebook page. (By the way, you might be interesting in joining one or more of our Facebook groups if you haven’t already. We have two. Oliver + S Friends and Liesl + Co. Friends. Join them both if you like!)

I particularly appreciated hearing a few of you say that you, too, knot your threads together to make changing the colors on your serger easier. The lovely Luna has been adding adventure, intrigue, and annoyance to my life by chewing my serger thread every. time. I. look. away. The other day I threaded it three times in the span of 15 minutes. These cats. But she usually leaves me a couple of inches of thread to re-tie, at least.

OK, off you go now! Forward, Monday! Take courage. I’ll tell you what’s making me happy today. Someone on my block is a professional pianist, and I can hear him or her practicing from my window right now! What about you? What’s making you happy today?


1 Comment

  1. Sally Lippitt Houston

    I am just about ready to start my Gelato Dress and would love to do it with the drawstring. Are there directions for doing so in the Sew Along?

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