weekend links

Hello friends,

I’ve been a little more quiet around these parts than usual lately, but that doesn’t mean that I’ve completely disappeared. I’ve been taking a little breather from the constant social media cycle that can come to feel endless and draining–blog posts, moderation of our Facebook groups, Instagraming, etc. Over the next few months I’m going to be focusing more of my efforts on developing our new fall pattern styles and tending to family, so you might hear a little less from me than usual. But that doesn’t mean I’m not here!

But today I’m back with a short weekend links post to share with you. So here we go.

Pinterest Picks

Two very elegant women, both shot by the Sartorialist. Style goals, right?

Liesl's pinterest picks for April 6
pinterest link and pinterest link

A little color inspiration for spring. I love the soft neutrals, but especially that green with beige!

Liesl's pinterest picks for April 6
pinterest link and pinterest link

And just for fun: a very happy guinea pig and the best bike helmet ever!

Liesl's pinterest picks for April 6
pinterest link and pinterest link

Weekend Reading

Have a wonderful weekend, and I hope you sew something fun! Some of you have already started posting photos of the new spring patterns and they look wonderful! Please keep them coming. I love to see what you’re making!




  1. I’ve been to Botin and it was wonderful. But no, I did nothing have the nerve to order the suckling pig. Those poor little things just kept on coming out of the kitchen!

    1. Ha ha! Todd ordered it once, and S and I put a big menu between him and us so we wouldn’t have to look at it. I just can’t.

  2. Barb

    I’m not sure I could do those ant dishes. They are a bit too realistic!

    1. I totally get it, but for some reason that’s what I love about them! Have a good weekend.

  3. frances

    Favorite Givenchy-Hepburn collaboration? Omg, too many choices! This “Funny Face” ‘big reveal’ is pretty chill-worthy though: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aPElaYUCTmA “It feels wonderful!–but it’s not me.”

  4. Enjoyed all your links. Especially Botin!!! We enjoyed a lovely afternoon at that restaurant!! And….fabric shopping!!!

    Pics of both on my blog….under…Chaotically Precise…Travel chaotically – To Spain with love.

  5. Lynn Shepard

    Thank you for including the article on Givenchy. It was very interesting reading! I adore fashion history.

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