Hello friends!
I’m at that stage in the pattern development process when we’re waiting for spring Liesl + Co. patterns to arrive from the printer (it should be just a few more weeks!), and I’m hard at work on the fall season. This is the part when I’ve finished drafting the patterns and now I’m writing instructions and drawing illustrations. It’s tedious and time-consuming, and I feel glued to my computer. So it’s nice to get out of the apartment and take a walk once in a while. The trees are blossoming, the days are getting longer, and it’s finally March!
Here are some things I’ve looked at this week to provide some needed distraction from the work at hand.
Pinterest Picks
S would absolutely love cat pillows like these! In New York most windows don’t have screens, but you can buy temporary screens at the hardware store. Wouldn’t it be fun to replace the screen itself with pretty lace like this? So much more interesting.

Bright, spring-y color inspiration.

Sewing inspiration: The first photo below reminds me of our Oliver + S Lunch Box Tee and Culottes, and the second photo reminds me of our Oliver + S Swingset Skirt.

Do you like forest green? It looks so pretty and fresh in these photos.

If you or your kids liked this week’s monster hat tutorial (using our free Bucket Hat pattern from my first book, Oliver + S Little Things to Sew), you might like this paper monster idea.

Weekend Reading
- This year I switched from playing violin to viola, so I took close notice of this video: how to practice effectively.
- Here’s a thoughtful explanation of the word “flattering” and what it means when it comes to clothing.
- This sounds hilarious. (It’s also why my book is being translated into Spanish by someone who is not me.)
- As a former designer of technical outerwear and a lover of maps, this jacket appeals greatly.
- Stunning photos of Paris 100 years ago.
- I love this series of 16th-century-inspired portraits of tube passengers, which you can also follow on Instagram.
- You know I believe that clothing can mean so much more than something we put on our bodies. What about when it holds memories of grief?
- This was all over Facebook and Instagram a couple of weeks ago: father-daughter day at ballet school. The videos are wonderfully charming and hilarious! I love Dads in tutus.
- A very interesting and informative video about microfibers–like exercise clothes–and the plastics that are used to make them.
We’ll be back next week with another useful sewing tutorial as well as lots of other fun inspiration and ideas. I hope you have a great weekend!
Hi Liesl- I read this and thought of you! Though we’ve never met personally, you’ve been such an inspiration to me in my learning to sew, and I’ve really enjoyed following your blog practically since you started it. Many happy wishes to you and your family!
Oh, thanks so much! I’ve had my eye on that exhibition. The article looks great! Will read it tonight.
I really enjoy reading your links! I shared the article about kids and cellphones and Had a great convo on FB about it. I actually decided to switch my daughter to a flip phone after much debate.
That’s great to hear! I think it’s an important issue. And I’m glad you enjoy the Friday posts. xo
Congratulations on your instrument switch! Ignore all the jokes. The world needs more viola players (I’m a cellist).
There’s another important part of the microfibre pollution story not mentioned in that video, which is that rayon/viscose might actually be as bad or even worse. People think of those fabrics as ‘natural’ and therefore eco-friendly (especially bamboo-derived viscose). At least one study has found MORE rayon fibres than polyester in the ocean. https://www.plymouth.ac.uk/news/microplastics-abundant-in-the-deep-seas
You might find the 2nd episode of John Berger’s classic BBC series, ‘Ways of Seeing’, interesting in relation to ideas about ‘flattering’ clothing: https://youtu.be/m1GI8mNU5Sg .
I love the cello! In fact, I just told Todd the other night that I think I’ll just keep moving down the spectrum in terms of tone. I love the deepest, richest notes best.
With regard to microfibers, that’s absolutely true! I touched on that topic here, years ago. I should re-visit it: https://oliverands.com/community/blog/2013/05/fabric-friday-plant-based-or-cellulosic-fibers-and-manufactured-fabric.html
And thanks for the link! That series looks really interesting.
McSweeney’s published a few copies of “English as she is spoke” probably 10 years ago, and I have it if you would like to borrow it. It’s a lot of fun!
Thanks for linking to my article about “flattering”,
Bises de Paris,