road test: girl friday culottes

Today we have another visit from Shelley, our regular contributor from Down Under. She is here to share how she wears her Liesl + Co. Girl Friday Culottes that she sewed for herself. Take it away Shelley!

When Liesl wrote her Style File post about wide legged trousers, I was reminded that I’ve been conducting a long term road test of the Liesl + Co. Girl Friday Culottes. What better time to share my findings?

I made the Girl Friday Culottes back when the pattern was first released and I’ve worn them over two summers now, so I can truly say that they are just the easiest things to wear in almost every situation.

Liesl + Co. Girl Friday Culottes

Not sure that a pair of wide legged pants would fit with your lifestyle? Well, here are mine going through their paces in my “average urban mum” day. (I may, or may not, do these kind of activities every day (the bad yoga pose perhaps gives me away). But you might, and I’m here to show that you can, in the Girl Friday Culottes!)

A trip into the city with a visit to the art gallery? Sure.

Liesl + Co. Girl Friday Culottes

Yoga by the beach anyone? Forgive me for not trying a headstand, but I’ll bet you can imagine the culottes would have protected my modesty even if I’d forfeited all dignity!

Liesl + Co. Girl Friday Culottes

If you have to run errands, then why not team your culottes with a French market bag and some organic fruit and veg shopping.

Liesl + Co. Girl Friday Culottes

For me, the ultimate test of any pattern is its “bikeability.” The Girl Friday Culottes get the “ride around the park with the kids” tick of approval.

Liesl + Co. Girl Friday Culottes

If I’ve done all of that in one day, then I’m heading out for a coffee.

Liesl + Co. Girl Friday Culottes

You might have noticed that over the course of two years these culottes have been washed and worn so often they’ve seriously faded.

I can see myself making another pair (with some fit adjustments, as these were my first ever sewn pants). Perhaps my next pair should be sewn in a black wool crepe, and then they could accompany me on all sorts of evening adventures too!

XX Shelley


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  1. These culottes are so practical/versatile and can be worn almost anywhere as you have shown us. Everyone needs a pair of culottes in their closet – I have 3 (made by me).

  2. Meg

    Love the peek into your everyday, Shelley! And those culottes do look quite versatile!

  3. Nicole

    Such an elegant everyday.

  4. Joen

    Really have to get a pair made!!! I wanted a denim pair to wear with boots and tights in cooler weather and flats or sandals in summer. Just move them up on my sewing to do list!!! so thanks for the reminder!

  5. That photo on the bicycle is so lovely Shelly. Thanks for sharing your everyday. Enjoyed it!

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