woodland clearing: a photo adventure


Woodland Clearing, Fabric by Liesl Gibson for Robert Kaufman

Woodland Clearing, Fabric by Liesl Gibson for Robert Kaufman

Woodland Clearing, Fabric by Liesl Gibson for Robert Kaufman


Woodland Clearing, Fabric by Liesl Gibson for Robert Kaufman

Woodland Clearing, Fabric by Liesl Gibson for Robert Kaufman

Woodland Clearing, Fabric by Liesl Gibson for Robert Kaufman

Woodland Clearing, Fabric by Liesl Gibson for Robert Kaufman

Woodland Clearing, Fabric by Liesl Gibson for Robert Kaufman

Woodland Clearing, Fabric by Liesl Gibson for Robert Kaufman

Woodland Clearing, Fabric by Liesl Gibson for Robert Kaufman

Woodland Clearing, Fabric by Liesl Gibson for Robert Kaufman


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  1. Darcy

    This is so beautiful and inspiring!! cant wait to get my hands on some of this fabric!

    1. I’m so glad you like it, Darcy! Can’t wait to see what you make with the fabric. It’s fun to sew. xo

  2. Jill J

    Will any online stores be carrying this line? I have no decent fabrics stores near me and order most of my fabric online. Looks wonderful!

    1. Jill, I’m sure they will. I don’t have specifics because Kaufman manages the sales (thank heavens!), but I understand that the collection has been very well received. It’s just shipping now, so keep an eye open and I’m sure you’ll see it soon.

  3. Michelle Wyman

    What a creative and inspiring photo “story!” Love it.

    1. Thanks, Michelle!

  4. How fun! I loved the camping background and props. Looks like the kids had fun participating and showing off their cool duds.

    1. We all enjoyed it, Cindy. Thanks so much!

  5. Susan

    Beautiful story; the photo’s are great. Such happy smiles and such well dressed and outfitted adventurers!

    1. Thank you, Susan!

  6. Marcy

    So fun to look at! The fabrics and clothes are beautiful.

    1. Glad you like it! Thanks very much.

  7. Ooooh, so it’s a lawn? A lighter weight cotton?

    1. Indeed, it’s cotton lawn and soooo soft. More details about it tomorrow.

  8. Laura

    I’m so excited! Having already sampled it, I know how heavenly it feels and the prints are just to die for.

  9. Katie

    Did you use a pattern for the pink peplum top?

    1. Katie, we really should have listed all the patterns at the end. Maybe I’ll go back and do that. The pink top is our Oliver + S Butterfly Blouse, which you can find here: http://oliverands.com/search/results/?q=butterfly&submit=go#gsc.tab=0&gsc.q=butterfly&gsc.page=1

  10. Andi

    Was a lawn used for the peach O+S cape, or a heavier fabric?

    1. Andi, the cape used Essex Linen for the outside of the cape and Woodland Clearing lawn for the lining.

  11. Stephanie

    Sweet fabric and darling illustrations. Love that adorable scalloped skirt!!

  12. Susan

    I am overwhelmed!!!. At least I already have some of these beautiful fabrics in my stash so I won’t have to try to find money I dont have. It is beautiful.

    so much energy. Thank you for your inspiration.


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