go fish!

I know I’ve mentioned it here before, but are you aware of Camp Creativebug? Every week this inspiring and beautiful site for on-line classes adds more kid-friendly projects for those days when there’s Absolutely Nothing To Do. Or those days when the kids really want to Make Something Right Now.




S and I had such a fun time working together to film one of these workshop a few weeks ago, and it’s already available! Which is great, because S is away visiting grandparents for an entire month, and just one week into her absence I’m already missing her terribly. So now I can watch her on film, at least.

In our collaborative workshop we made hand-painted fabric fish, complete with magnets and a fishing rod so you can go fishing. These are friendly little hungry fish who bite whether it’s sunny or rainy out. You can go fishing anytime with no worries about the weather or the mood of the fish. In fact, you can even fish in the living room, where the fish are always biting back behind the sofa. (And who knows what else you might find back there, while you’re at it.)

This is an easy project that can be completed in an afternoon or can be spread out over a couple of days, depending on your schedule and the urgency of the need to go fishing. We hope you’ll have fun making it it together. Happy crafty summer!




  1. Catherine

    Love this! And what a gorgeous video.

  2. Tamara

    Oh Fabulous! This would be great fun.

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