secret favorites

Is a fabric designer allowed to have a favorite print from a collection? Or is that too much like a mother who has a favorite child?

If it’s ok to admit it, this is my favorite print from City Weekend. I like the colors, and I think the print is useful for many applications. In fact, I’m thinking about making myself something from it.

And now my secret isn’t so secret anymore.




  1. DianeY

    That’s funny! But now I’m going to have to buy some yardage-I opted for a layer cake & charm pack & knits-didn’t know there was that wonderful selvage with scissors!

  2. I love the colors in that one as well!

  3. I love the little scissors on the color circles!

  4. Sandi

    I promise not to tell the other prints in the collection!

  5. I think I may have to purchase some of this, I see a skirt in that fabric for ME! I just love your (searching for a better word than stuff or merchandise) so much!

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