city weekend, inspiration from a little city bedroom

This is S’s bedroom. It’s tiny, which is why it’s rather difficult to photograph. But you can see that it is still bright and cheery despite its diminutive size. (To give you a sense of scale, that’s a crib-sized mattress on her toddler bed.)

We’ve incorporated plenty of City Weekend fabrics into S’s room. The City Weekend quilt, the pattern for which is available as a free download from both the Moda website and from our website, was inspired by a vintage quilt I found in a library book. Moda has produced kits for this quilt, which you can purchase via many shops and websites.

A tutorial for toy bins similar to the ones I made for S can be found on the Purl Bee (Sewn Stash Baskets–not exactly how we made ours, but the finished result is very similar).

I also made S a simple fitted sheet using the interlock knit from the collection. When you feel how soft this fabric is, you’ll want to sleep on one too!

What will you make? I can’t wait to see. Visit the City Weekend Flickr group to see more ideas and to add photos of your own sewing projects.




  1. Alice S

    What a lovely room!

  2. This is all so adorable I want to make a million things with City Weekend.

  3. This is so sweet! What will you do when S outgrows the toddler bed? You may need to move some walls around 🙂

  4. Wow! I love how bright and cheery her room is. And I also adore the quilt. It makes me want to try my hand at quilting again.

  5. What a lovely bright room! I love the hexagon tree! Is it fabric or paper?

  6. Perfect little room. The quilt is so beautiful! I really love the City Weekend colors.

  7. Sarvi

    My favorite is the pillowcase. I have a hard time visualizing the relative scale of patterns by looking at little squares on fabric shop websites. The pillowcase is beautiful.

  8. liesl, her room looks amazing. she must be in heaven! and that sheet must be so soft and wonderful to sleep on.

    huge congrats on the success of your first fabric line! i had to wait over a month to get my hands on any of it… my daughter is asking for an exact replica of the 2+2 outfit i made way back when for the quilting show. (of course!) i will not be showing her S’s room yet, or i might have too many sewing project requests on my hands. xoxo

  9. I washed and dried some of the City Weekend interlock last night (purchased from Whipstitch Fabrics and Deborah there insisted the fabric was crazy soft) AND – OH MY! SO SOFT! What a lovely sheet to sleep on. You are so right in this post. Now that I’ve felt it, it would be SO lovely to sleep on.

  10. Beautiful!

  11. bec

    I love the colors. now to go track some fabric down!

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