upcoming seam finishing tutorials

I’m pleased to announce that April Henry will be joining us as an occasional guest blogger focusing on interesting sewing techniques you can use to make your Oliver + S garments even more special.

April’s business, April 1930’s, centers on vintage Singer Featherweight machines and their attachments. Those of you who own older sewing machines will be especially interested in the attachment details she will be including in her posts, since many older machines don’t include these special stitches. April also does a lot of our sample sewing and pattern testing, and we frequently rely on her expertise.

April’s first series of posts, a number of short tutorials which will start running tomorrow, focus on seam finishing techniques. We hope you’ll enjoy and learn from April’s work.




  1. Very cool! I love April. 🙂

  2. Ana Sofia (ASM_Blue)

    Great news!!!!
    I’m pretty sure you’ll be great together (sounds like a perfect match) and we’ll gain from this collaboration. Hurray!!!

  3. Sandi

    This is great! I’m looking forward to it 🙂

  4. Oh wow – thank you for such an unexpected and lovely introduction. Oliver + S is my all-time favorite pattern company and it has been an honor to work with you, Liesl.

  5. corlee

    yay! i’m so incredibly excited about this. this is going to be fantastic. april, you will be fantastic!

  6. Kiasa

    This is AMAZING! You have NO IDEA! I acquired a tan singer 221 a few years ago and have been trying to learn all about the machine and learn to sew with the amazing help of Oliver + S patterns/tutorials. I’m VERY excited to learn from April and her expertise. April, your website has been rightfully bookmarked.


    I’m excite to learn more….

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