all about Moda

We really like Moda’s visual and marketing team. Remember their dollhouse-themed booth we showed you the other day, with all that wonderful attention to detail? It all carries over into the effort Moda puts into their sales and marketing presentations, as well.

For example, here are some of the materials from the show (click on the photos to enlarge for detail):

The little yellow booklet on the left is Moda’s April catalog, put out in advance of Quilt Market. Notice the sewing pattern theme, with the emphasis on children? Let’s look inside:

We were excited to find illustrations from our sewing patterns scattered throughout the book, demonstrating how the various fabric collections could be used in children’s clothing.

The large book you can see in the top photo of this post, with the girl and the dollhouse on the cover, is the Moda Look Book, which is produced for every Quilt Market. It features all the new fabric collections, along with supporting materials like quilt designs, sewing patterns, etc. Here are the City Weekend pages (because we know if we don’t show you, you’ll accuse us of teasing):

See what we mean? Such a great presentation they do.

Moda is also well-known for providing all sorts of pre-cut fabrics so quilters can purchase a little bit of each fabric in a collection.

Here are some jelly rolls, which are 2 1/2″ x 44″ strips of fabric:

And here (starting from the right side) are a layer cake, a charm pack, and what we’re calling a petit four, which is not a standard Moda pre-cut but which they made specially for us to introduce our fabric collection:

Ok, you need to get a sense of the scale on that petit four. They’re a tiny 2 1/2″ square. This snapshot will help:

Cute, yes?

Inside that house-themed tin you saw at the beginning of this post are another Moda pre-cut, the candy bar:

So what can you make with jelly rolls, charm packs, petits fours, and candy bars? Well, I asked that, too. You can sew them together to make very easy quilts like these:

Or you can get much fancier, with quilts specially designed to make use of these special cuts. Entire books have been written about quilts made just from Moda pre-cuts. You can visit the Moda Bake Shop for free patterns and ideas, too.

Next week we’ll show you our first quilt design, which you may have glimpsed in the photos of our booth. We’ll tell you all about it shortly.




  1. You are so right the detail is stunning.

  2. Elaine

    I can’t wait for the fabric to come out!! And what awesome marketing on Moda’s part.

  3. ASM_Blue

    Just gorgeous!! They really are genius with their attention to detail (the secret always lies in these little details that make a huge difference).

  4. i loved your booth.i love your patterns and i loved your outfits (i know has nothing to do with your booth but still)it was wonderful being there and i’m so glad i got to see your booth with my own eyes! 🙂

  5. Soo love this post…can’t wait to be able to get some of your fabric…and patterns too! Thanks for sharing the Moda book as well!

  6. sahmcolorado

    Charm packs are great for making quilts with lots of different colors. I made an applique quilt with them and I was able to have 30 different fabrics without spending a fortune on 1/4 yard pieces!

  7. I love the whole dollhouse concept, and those are wonderful booklets! I am so excited to see your fabric and hope that I can find some in Chicago!

  8. Please tell me they have extras of those little books and tins… I must know how/when/where I can get a set – love them madly – they are totally me, Liesl! (although, I’m sure you knew that without my saying so)

    Fantastic, fantastic, fantastic marketing!!!!

  9. Thanks for blogging about your Quilt Market activities!

    As a vendor at Quilt Market, I do always get out and look at all the beautiful booths so thanks for sharing!!

    Douglas Eagleson
    President, Kona Bay Fabrics

  10. I love the crisp clear colour palette of your new fabric collection. It’s perfect for your patterns. What a wonderful achievement. Congrats.

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