July was the month of the Roller Skate Dress with sewing contests on both Sew Mama Sew and Frances Suzanne.
roller skate
the super online sew match takes on the roller skate dress
The round two pattern challenge in Sew Mama Sew’s Super Online Sewing Match is the Oliver + S Roller Skate Dress. And there’s a chance for you to sew along too.
once upon a thread: our contribution!
In which we introduce our contribution to the Once Upon a Thread book-inspired sewing projects for our kids. So fun!
flip this roller skate dress
The Oliver + S Roller Skate Dress is the July featured pattern in the Flip This Pattern challenge at the Frances Suzanne blog.
roller skate dress in hand-screen printed linen by Celina Mancurti (and a giveaway!)
Here’s a lovely Roller Skate Dress made in a hand-screened linen created by Celina Mancurti.
roller skate week
It’s Roller Skate week in the Oliver + S Facebook group. Stop by to see what others have been sewing.
new spring patterns now available
At long last (we know many of you have had a hard time being patient…), the time has arrived! Our new patterns for spring are now up on the website and ready for purchase. Both styles are available …
the rolling roller skate tour
In case you missed it yesterday, we did a special little Roller Skate Dress + Tunic blog tour, in honor of the impending release of the spring patterns. We started out the morning with a visit to Skirt as Top, …
customizing with oliver + s: raw-edge house applique
Raw-edge applique is about as fast and easy as applique gets. If you haven’t tried it before I think you’re going to like it because it’s a lot of fun and because you can do some seriously cute things with …
introducing the roller skate dress + tunic sewing pattern
Today I start introducing our new Spring-Summer 2013 patterns. These new styles should be available on our website by March 5 and at your local retailers around the world shortly thereafter. So without further ado, let me introduce you to …
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