Oliver + S

Big 3 Downloads

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    scgoble @scgoble

    I downloaded a Simplicity pattern tonight, my first time doing this. It was a nightmare, requiring download and registration of separate software just to open the pattern. It is times like these I remember why I don’t patronize these companies. And of course there is no discussion board or place to get help, other than sending an email and waiting until “the next business day” for someone to respond.

    So, that’s my rant for the day!

    Masha Richart

    I have only downloaded one – a New Look pattern about 18 months ago – and I had a similar experience. Plus the pattern itself was a nightmare to follow. And, being spoiled by independent designers, I was miffed that there was no way for me to save a digital copy of the pattern after purchase. Blech.

    Rpankow @excytin

    Oh heavens, I can feel your pain! I had done the exact same thing last winter and the experience was horrible. The only other downloaded patterns I had done prior to that one was an Oliver & S download. I had ordered the download and had the same problem of having to add on additional software as well. The software never took and towards the end of the whole ordeal, I finally figured out how they communicate with you. I had to log into their site and view the message board to see my messages. Silly me for assuming they would email me about my issues. I did eventually requested my money back and after some time I did receive it thankfully. I vowed I’d never go through that company again no matter how badly I wanted the pattern.

    It makes a person even more thankful for the services we receive thorugh companies such as Oliver & S!


    Tassiemum @Tassiemum

    I tried to download a pattern from New Look about a year ago and had the same problems. The software did not work and the communication was terrible. I ended up giving up in disgust and would never try to download another from them. Thank goodness Oliver + S is so easy.

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