weekend links

Hello friends.

With the horrible news coming from Ukraine every day, I have been remembering the short trip I made there last fall to spend time with a group of musicians from the Lviv Philharmonic.

photos from Lviv, Ukraine last September

photos from Lviv, Ukraine last September

photos from Lviv, Ukraine last September

photos from Lviv, Ukraine last September

While there, I made friends with a sweet, shy girl whose mother plays violin for the symphony. We sat together during rehearsals and the final performance, and she practiced her English with me since I don’t know any Ukrainian.

I’ve been thinking about her, her little brother, and her mother a lot these past few weeks. Fortunately they are safe so far. I’ve also been in contact with a few of the other musicians I met, and they are safe too. But they are scared and angry. I hope and pray that this unjustified and unnecessary attack on these fine people and their country will come to an end soon.

Weekend Reading

  • Important to remember during stressful news cycles: how to take care of yourself. Because you can’t take care of others if you aren’t taking care of yourself as well.
  • I’m thinking of the designers and makers in Ukraine during this time, as well.
  • Back when we were still living in New York, I met a couple of guys who worked for Thom Browne. They really do wear the uniform every day!
  • Speaking of New York City, I still use this subway conversion tip to translate Celsius to Fahrenheit. (I’ll learn eventually….)
  • Looking forward to seeing this exhibit at the Thyssen-Bornemisza here in Madrid.
  • Did you know that before I became a fashion designer I worked in book publishing as an editor? Also, when I was young, I spent a summer working for commercial printer. So I got all excited about this feature on how a book is made.
  • What do you think of the FA22 Pantone color palette?
  • And here’s a fascinating interview with Stevie Nicks. Just because I love her.

And that’s it for today. I’m hard at work designing the fall patterns and getting ready to share a few things I’ve been sewing for myself lately, so stay tuned to the blog for those. In the meantime, what are you sewing? Have a terrific weekend, and we’ll see you next week!




  1. Addie

    I’m glad to hear your friends in Ukraine are still okay. I was a Peace Corps volunteer in Ukraine, and lived in the central-Western part of the country for a little over two years, about 20 years ago. My best friends there are okay for now but it’s absolutely awful to watch from afar. I visited Lviv several times during the time I lived in Ukraine and enjoyed it very much.

  2. Adrienne

    Oh my gosh, I forgot you spent time there recently! Must make the news hit harder. How awful for your friends.

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