closing out our remaining oliver + s paper patterns

Here’s your final chance to add a few Oliver + S paper patterns to your collection!

Through the end of this month, you will save over 60% off the suggested retail price of our remaining Oliver + S paper patterns.

Oliver + S Closeout Patterns

After April 3, Oliver + S paper patterns will no longer be available, and we will make Oliver + S styles available only in digital format.

The discount is already reflected in the pricing, so there is no coupon code needed. Simply add as many patterns as you like to your shopping cart and checkout. The discount is only available on Oliver + S paper patterns and only while supplies last or through April 3, 2022, whichever comes first. No returns or exchanges on items purchased at this special price.



  1. Elizabeth

    I absolutely despise digital patterns. I don’t have the time or interest in constructing a pattern before I start the process of creating. If I wanted a puzzle I’d buy one. Bring back the paper pattern.
    There is absolutely nothing green about me printing this at home on regular paper. So much waste.

    1. Robin

      Elizabeth, I totally agree with you! I love the my paper patterns. But now since I have several Oliver & S digital patterns I want to sew for 5 yr old great niece. Before the pandemic hit, I loaded 2 of my Oliver & S digital patterns onto a thumb drive. I took the thumb drive to a local printing shop and had them print out each pattern on a large sheet of paper 47 3/4” X 36”. It might be known as Blue Print size. The printing store didn’t survive the pandemic, but I did find an Office Supply that also prints the large size paper.
      Having this option has made it easier to trace the size you want to sew. I tape the pattern to sliding glass door and trace the size I need onto light weight pellon. This is way easier than taping pieces from my printer together. Hope this helps.

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