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how to narrow or widen a trouser leg

How to narrow a trouser leg

Hello friends!

I recently sewed myself three pairs of Hollywood Trousers, and I wanted a narrower leg than the original pattern. I’ve been meaning to show you how to do this alteration yourself since it’s a really convenient way to alter any style of trousers to your preferences. So here’s a quick video to demonstrate how easy it really is.


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In the video I demonstrate how I narrowed the leg on my trousers. But if you want to widen a trouser leg, you can use this same technique–either using the existing seam allowances to add width or adding extra width beyond the seam allowances (be sure to add the same amount for all seams!) before you cut out your pattern. Then pin the side seams to suit your preferences.

The method I showed here for transferring my changes onto the original pattern pieces is great for making sure both trouser legs are the same. It also comes in handy if you’re making a lining for your trousers. I lined the cream-colored trousers I wore in this video, and it was so nice to know for certain that I was cutting the lining to match the outer fabric.

So there you go! Give it a try for yourself and tell me how it works out, will you?


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