sewing small talk: do you sew with friends?

Sewing, at least with when done with a sewing machine, is often a relatively solitary activity. Many of us do most of our sewing alone, at home, maybe in a room we’ve set aside specifically for that purpose.

sewing together with friends
photos by Anna Maria Horner

But sewing can also be a fun activity to do with friends. Do you always sew alone, or do you sew with others? Are you part of a sewing group or guild? Have you ever attended a special sewing retreat or get-away? Tell us about it!




  1. Katy

    My brother and I have had sewing get-togethers for Halloween costumes and Christmas nightgowns for our girls. Our mom sewed a lot when we were growing up but we’re the only 2 of 5 kids who kept it up.

    1. Oh, I love that! Out of five girls in my family I’m the only one who sews. Wish one of my sisters did, but I enjoy doing it with my mom at least.

  2. Liz

    I sew with my children (5 and 7), my elementary students, my friends and a crafting group (any making goes!). I love to sew and socialize but I also love to sew alone in silence. I would love to attend a sewing retreat!! It’s on my wishlist.

  3. Tricia Wright

    I see on a weekly basis with a group making Boomerang bags ( reusable shopping bags). The group started with myself and a friend but has grown to a beautiful group of women of all ages and stages. We not only share our love of sewing sewing and the environment, but support each other through life’s ups and downs.
    We were just chatting yesterday about having an unfinished projects day to help and encourage each other with the jobs at the bottom of the sewing basket.
    Sewing is a wonderful solitary activity, but also a beautiful connecting activity in a group.

  4. Cindy Cooksey

    I usually sew by myself, but I don’t feel alone. I belong to a wonderful group of local sewists called “Fibreye.” We meet once a month, we share with each other what we have sewn. There is always a free table where members can give away old fabrics and patterns they no longer want. The group has been around for decades, and it includes a woman who is 100 years old. We take turns giving presentations, sharing a variety of techniques for sewing, dyeing, embroidery, etc. At our last meeting we visited a milliner’s studio. I feel so lucky being part of this group!

  5. Bev

    I am very fortunate to have a group of friends who see. Some of us meet every Wednesday morning to work on our quilt projects. Some of us also meet the second Friday and the third Thursday of the month for garment projects. So nice to be able to share ideas and help if we are having problems with a project.

  6. I see alone, but I used to teach young girls and I loved the energy of so many creative minds going at it! I really want to attend a sewing retreat but have yet to find one!

  7. Rachel

    I’ve never really thought of sewing as a portable activity that was easy to share with a group, but really, why not? My best friend is taking sewing classes and I’m thrilled we could share a creative hobby like that now. I’ve seen since I was a child, but my set up is very solitary. In a way it’s good because it is a retreat for me from my working mom life. But now I think it would be so fun to make it social security well. I’m going to try this out – I have a machine with a handle!

  8. Belinda

    Although I am a person who enjoys the company of others, I love to sew alone at my time and pace. The one thing I enjoy sewing as a group is reusable menstrual supplies for girls and women in third world countries through the non-profit Days for Girls. I recently moved to a very small community where quilting groups are very popular. First of all, I don’t really quilt, but more importantly, sewing is my private time!

  9. Rosemary

    I spent about 10 years sewing for a high school and middle school performing arts groups. There were about 6 of us that spent hours in the evenings and on weekends sewing costumes for dozens of kids. Some of my favorites were the Music Man, Aladdin, Once Upon a Mattress and Midsummer’s Nights Dream (fairies). I now do an annual quilting weekend with one of those sewing friends. Now that I am retired, I retreat to my sewing room almost every afternoon. I now have 3 grandchildren to sew for and love the Oliver and S patterns, Halloween costumes (Building Block dress). Most recently, am sewing American Girl/18″ doll clothes for my granddaughters. I have a small toy machine that we sew on when they visit. They are about ready to move to a real machine at 8 and 5 years old.

  10. Kim Dimond

    Mostly sew alone but will occasionally attend a special event. I attended an Alabama Chanin workshop at Craft South and enjoyed every moment shared with like minded sewists. I wish I had the chance to meet you there but it was sold out.

  11. Ann

    Whilst I don’t sew with anyone, I usually enjoy the company of at least one of my children. They like to sit on the bed next to my sewing desk and talk to me while I’m sewing. With seven children still at home, it means I’m rarely on my own. This year I have been attending weekly drafting lessons with some ladies from church. It’s a good way to socialise AND learn something new!

  12. M-E Jinno

    I sew alone and in groups. I have a front hall that is myspace at home. Just had a Stay retreat Friday/Saturday. Many can go away for retreats. I am not able to so I suggested a Stay Retreat for our group. We set it up and come and go over the 2 days as needed. I had help on Friday for husband so spent 10 hrs sewing. Saturday, I took Husband with and stayed 6 hours. I think I overdid as just -4 weeks out from hip replacement. Both have been filled and next one is being discussed. They have a “go away” one in May. We are able to chat it up & find info and tips from others. A lot of shopping is done on-line also as people order the next greatest sewing gadget and discuss the multi uses. We all do quilts, garments ,bags and crafts.

  13. Linda Mccoy

    My friend and neighbor have a sew day every Friday, We have so much fun and its a great way to make new stuff as well as finishing those forgotten UFO’s. We start about 9:30 am have lunch, which my significant other fixes for us and then continue sewing til at least 3 pm.

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