sewing small talk: never have I ever

Here’s a fun and silly little project for you! S and her friends sometimes play a little game called Never Have I Ever. It’s a fun way to learn more about your friends and let them know a little bit about you.

So I thought I would make a Never Have I Ever sewing edition for you! Try this game to see how you score, and post your results to Facebook or Instagram so we can learn more about you. Feel free to add a little commentary or a funny story to your, too! #neverhaveieversewing #lieslandco

#neverhaveieversewing #lieslandco Never Have I Ever sewing edition

I’ll post mine, too.




  1. Maria



  2. Jane

    18. Done every single one. Extra points for #13 if I break more than one needle on the same seam?!!!

  3. Carin

    I learn somrthing new everyday

  4. 19, yay! At least I don’t recall ever leaving scorch marks.

  5. Donna Earl

    20…and then some! LOL

  6. Sue

    17 only recently left the scorch mark lol

  7. jane

    20 and a few more

  8. Catherine Bocox

    18 ! Sort of scary how they added up

  9. Gina Digman

    I have done everything but give up. I do not count throwing it across the room.But I have broken as many as 4 needles on a project. And as many as 3 Serger needles. And the seam I ripped out was on a sleeve that was done through a small opening and needed to be turned. I think I sewed it wrong three times. You forgot hand sewed your clothing to your project. Done that!

  10. Kerri

    19. Maybe 20. Not sure if I have ever broken 2 needles on the same project.

  11. Nancy Weeks


  12. Cheryl Bach

    20….and extra points for sewing my fingers 4 different times!

  13. Bev

    20 … a perfect score. Just not sure if that is a good thing or not. LOL

  14. Wanda Quist

    I can’t remember ever leaving scorch marks, but have done all the rest. These skills I’ve learned and enjoyed using through my years of sewing have not only saved us lots of money but occasionally have earned me some money. Creatively altering and mending things for ourselves or others have been highlights. Making two of my daughters’ wedding dresses have been highlights. I feel so much more productive when I sew than when I do any other household tasks.

  15. MaryEllen Edwards

    Yea! I’m a winner. I should be since I’ve sewn all my life and I am an old dog now. #19 is such a vivid memory for me. My Grandmother was teaching me to sew on her treadle machine and I sewed through her thumb. It was gruesome and I was so regretful.

  16. Nilgun

    My point is 9. I will work harder to get more points. 🙂

  17. 1. Er .. yeah – check
    2. Don’t think so
    3. Check. Maybe too boring
    4. Well, yeah!
    5. Check
    6. Check. (As if I needed an excuse)
    7. Actually, yes
    8. Check
    9. It’s what I do!
    10. Check
    11. Check. (Have you never been to Hong Kong?)
    12. Check
    13 More than twice
    14. Check. (Have you noticed you sew faster in order to get to the end of the seam before the thread runs out?!)
    15. Check
    16. Dirty iron shot of steam – does that count?
    17. Forgotten, hmm … couldn’t be bothered, more like
    18. Check
    19. First time I tried out my new Bernina – straight through my finger nail. ‘Nuff said
    20. Check. And forgot to alter needle position when using a zipper foot. Same end result!

  18. Katie

    17, and many of them more than once. But I’ve been at it for a long time.

  19. Margot

    Been sewing for 50 years. Done 16 of the listed items – and a whole lot more. Never gave up or left a scorch mark. Don’t recall messing up any sleeves but may have forgotten! And my straight stitch and zigzag use the same foot.

  20. Teri

    19 lol, I don’t know if that makes me feel experienced or just old lol.

  21. Ruth

    18. When I severely sewed my finger years ago, they wouldn’t take an X-ray until they did a blood test for pregnancy. I found out I was pregnant with my son through sewing!

  22. Gail Glaneman

    All 20! Not just scorch marks, but burned through poly lace on a very special lace suit my mother custom-made for me.

  23. Mea Cadwell

    Only 11. Whew!

  24. Andrea Fincham

    I sewed through my finger with a 4 horsepower industrial machine. Very powerful. Went through my finger like butter.

  25. Wendy

    I’ve done most many times.

    I haven’t broken more that one needle on the same project, but I once broke the foot off my machine sewing a pinwheel block. Thankfully, it was only because of a loose Allen screw and easily fixed.

    I haven’t left a scorch mark exactly, but I did ruin an iron by accidently filling it with flat Sprite that looked like water. It was in a water bottle I didn’t know my son filled with Sprite and left sitting in my sewing room.

    I don’t go on vacation so that one doesn’t apply.

    I have never sewn through my finger, but every time I get my fingers too close and the screw hits me, I think I have and have a minor panic attack.

  26. Robyn

    15 – some on repeat

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