girl on the go tester photos

It’s always fun when we start getting complete questionnaires and photos back from our team of pattern testers. But it’s especially exciting when the reviewers are uniformly excited about a pattern! That was certainly the case with the Girl on the Go Dress + Top pattern. We always test the full range of sizes, and I love seeing the photos of the finished clothing. But there are also usually a few issues we need to address before a pattern is completely ready to go to the printer, and testing really helps me to see what those issues are so we can answer common questions or find solutions to problems that arose during the testing process.

Oliver + S Girl on the Go Dress + Top

In the case of the Girl on the Go pattern, however, there were very few questions from our testers. I had a few things I wanted to improve, but the testers were pretty uniformly thrilled with their dresses and tops. So although I don’t ask the testers for blog-ready photos I know it can be helpful for you to see the patterns on a wide range of sizes and ages (not to mention different fabrics and environments). I’ve asked the testers if we can show you their photos and several of them said yes. They’re generous that way.

Jeanne and Robin have been testing for me for years, and they always do an amazing job. Jeanne has a very demanding full-time career and a very active family life, so I honestly don’t know how she does it but she sewed up both versions of the pattern and sent back her questionnaire early. (This is just one of many reasons why I love her.) And Robin is absolutely fearless when it comes to testing. She contemplates her fabric choices long before she gets started and shoots her questions back to me as she tackles every project with enthusiasm. Reliable testers are hard to find, so I feel lucky when they also become friends like these two have!

Jeanne's Girl on the Go sewing Jeanne and Robin's Girl on the Go Dresses

We had a bunch of new testers this time, and here are some of their photos. Crystal sewed this darling version of the dress in a size 8 with a color-blocked tie, which I love.

Crystal's Girl on the Go Dress

And here is the top Beth sewed in a size 18 for her niece to check the sizing. I love to see these sewn up and worn!

Beth's Girl on the Go top

Sarah sewed a size 14 for her daughter. The neutral stripes are pretty, aren’t they?

Sarah's Girl on the Go top

And Rebecca sewed a size 8. I love the floral she chose!

Rebecca's Girl on the Go top

And while Deepika, of isn’t a tester, she sewed an early version of the dress to review for her site so I thought I would include it. You can read her review here.

Deepika's Girl on the Go Dress

Lots of different versions, right? I think it’s fun to see what fabric everyone chose and how they styled it. I can’t wait to see what you do with this pattern!




  1. Robin

    Thank you for the kind words Liesl. Jeanne, we really must meet at some point. Sophie loves this dress and wears it to swim club practice a lot! I think the French terry makes it more of a secret bathrobe than a dress.

    1. You two would get along swimmingly… xoxo

  2. My daughter is too young for this one now, but I got the pattern anyway, thinking I could make some items for my niece, who is on the lower end of the size range width wise but SUPER tall. Can’t wait! Love seeing the testers.

    1. Thanks for your support, Inder! That means a lot.

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