All this week we are continuing our 10th anniversary celebration, and we’re doing it in an exciting way! Each day we’re going to be giving away a great prize from a company that has meant something special to Oliver + S over our ten years. Be sure to check back every day. Each prize drawing will be open for 24 hours only.
Today we’re excited to have a special gift for one reader from our good friends at Cloud9 Fabrics. Read all the way to the bottom of this post to find out how you can enter.
One reason I look forward to attending Quilt Market (which I don’t get to do very often now that we live overseas) is because I love to catch up with friends at the show. In this industry, Quilt Market is often the only opportunity I get to chat with my colleagues, since we live all over the place and live very busy lives. I especially love to spend time with other small business owners at the show. The two owners of Cloud9 Fabrics, Michelle Engel Bencsko and Gina Panastico, and the other two organic fabric companies in this market (stay tuned!) are among my favorites.

I still remember the first Market when Cloud9 made their appearance. Their presentation was so fresh and new; we instantly bonded. And I’ve enjoyed staying in touch with them ever since then. They are two lovely women who work hard and are passionate about their work. So passionate that when Michelle and I sat next to each other once on a flight home after Market, she worked away on her laptop, finishing up a fabric collection she was preparing for their mill, while I slept through the whole flight. I was probably snoring directly in her ear. She’s a hard worker!

In any case, when I saw the Cloud9 knit stripes on their Instagram I reached out immediately because I knew they would be perfect for our Girl on the Go Dress. And indeed they are! So to celebrate our 10th anniversary, our friends at Cloud9 are offering a special prize to one lucky winner: two 3-yard cuts of fabric of your choice from their Cloud9 Knits 2017 collection or from their new Garden Ramble double gauze collection.
The Cloud9 knit basics are made from a substantial, soft interlock that’s really easy to work with because interlock doesn’t curl at the edges, the way jersey sometimes can. Plus it comes in these brilliant colors and fun patterns. You’ll just love it.
Meanwhile, Garden Ramble is printed on double gauze, which is also incredibly soft and drapey and is well-suited to many of our woven patterns. If you haven’t sewn double gauze yet, you’re in for a treat. Next week I’ll introduce you to two new sewing patterns in our spring pattern release that would make great use of double gauze, so the winner will be very lucky indeed!
To enter to win two three-yard cuts of the fabric of your choice from either of these collections, leave a comment telling us what you would sew first–something from a knit or something using double gauze. One entry per person, please. We will close comments on this post and choose the winner (with the assistance of on Tuesday, March 20 at 9:00 AM ET. The winner will be notified by email.
IMPORTANT: do not check the box to subscribe to comments on this post unless you’re feeling especially lonely and your really want to receive hundreds of emails today!
I think I would choose to sew a knit first, because I haven’t yet seen many knits for my granddaughters, and I should! Knits are quick to sew and fit, and so comfortable to wear.
Double gauze! Something from the new Oliver and s patterns!
I would make some dresses for my 2 little granddaughters using he double gauze-I’ve been hoping to use it for a while as it sends so good for little people!
I would use the double gauze, I love the softness and the drape of this fabric.
My little needs some rompers for the summer. I’d love to learn more about sewing knits by making some.
Double gauze! It would be perfect for making something special for my two little girls.
I’d love either, but especially the knits. Bright, colourful interlock is tough to find!
I would probably choose the knits, my kids are much more inclined to wear clothes made from knits! Thanks for the giveaway!
Something from a knit because I haven’t had a chance to use the coverage machine I got last year as much as I would have liked.
I would make the hopscotch dress with a knit since my daughter just requested it.
I would use a knit to sew a girl on the go top or dress for my daughter
Amazing giveaway! I would first sew double gauze as I haven’t yet had the opportunity. It seems perfect for a garden party.
I would make a tunic for myself using the double gauze – I’m currently muslining the Portfolio so that would be a contender. And I love interlock for pjs for my kids.
I would make something from knit. Cloud 9 has some pretty stripes!
Gauze, 100%. And a classic shirt, because… I’m a terrible person and I want it for myself!!
Oh that double gauze!
I would go for the double gauze first–some of you tunic patterns would be lovely in this fabric!
I would sew something in knit first, although I would have a very hard time choosing betwwen stripes, dots, triangles and flowers… Such beautiful prints and colors in that collection !
Thanks for the chance to win
Those double gauzes are so, so pretty but I might have to get over my fear of knits and try the girl on the go pattern for my ‘comfy dress’ loving tween!
I think I would sew a skirt for myself or a button down top with the pretty double gauze.
I am already planning to sew after-school/sketchbook shirt with double gauze for late spring / cool summer days or even beach days to block the sun. As for knit I still would love to use the stripes knit for a classic sailboat top.
I havent sewn with double gauze yet so I am really looking forward to that. Whether I win this or not, a double gauze dress in in my future.
I would sew with the knit first. My tween needs some shirts that don’t show off her stomach.
Double gauze for sure. Waiting to sew with this substrate. Love the prints in the cloud 9 fabric!
I love double gauze and have used it to make the Everyday Skirt and a matching Willow Tank. I’d like to use double gauze to make a dress next.
I really want to sew the Girl on the Go dress for my daughter out of knit. She’s aging out of most of the other Oliver + S patterns so I’m excited for the teen option.
I would choose double gauze. I recently sewed with double gauze for the first time and I’m a total convert! It was easy to sew with and so light but sturdy to wear. For summer I’m daydreaming about many double gauze tops, and the gallery tunic is definitely on my list.
I would love to make a playtime dress with the knit fabric and a birthday dress with the double gauze.
I have the carousel dress pattern on the way and I would use the navy double gauze with polka dots to make that in a size 2T. (It has French seams, right? Perfect for double gauze). And if I had fabric leftover I’d try to squeeze in a class picnic blouse or a pop-over sundress modified to a top in a size 6.
The double gauze! And I would be totally selfish and sew myself something from it – like the Galley Tunic.
I would like to sew with double gauze first, I was always a bit afraid to sew with double gauzes. But I tried a few and they’re pretty easy to sew and I am hooked on double gauze now.
Happy 10th birthday, here’s to many more and thank you for doing the giveaway … (thanks to Cloud 9 too!)
I would choose the double gauze. I have never used it and it seems a perfect fabric for the hot, sticky summer ahead.
Tough choice! The only thing I’ve sewn with double gauze is receiving blankets, but I’m also pretty new to knits. I’d probably pick one of each, lol!
I think I’d sew some lullaby layette pieces from the interlock knit. I just love snuggling a baby in soft cotton. I’d probably make the bodysuit, jacket and pants as a baby gift.
Very generous giveaway! Cloud 9 fabrics are wonderful to work with.
The knits are tempting, but I’d go with the double gauze first. The Hide-and-Seek dress and/or tunic for my niece, or a couple of Seashore sundresses!
I would definitely choose the knits – so bright and tempting! Perfect for summer sewing!
A spring hoodie.. for Toddler.. my lo needs one now.. thanks for the giveaway.. and congratulations
Double gauze for sure! These are all beautiful prints!
I’ve got summer dresses coming up next, so definitely the double gauze!
I would love to make my daughter an outfit, dress or top, with the double gauze. I have yet to sew with this material. Happy 10 years!
I would sew some basic tees! My kids probably would wear them more often than many of the more challenging sewing projects I’ve done for them. Maybe those are projects more for me than for them?!
I would first sew double gauze
I would love to sew something with double gauze. I used it once and loved it so much! And the prints are so pretty…
Some of that double gauze for my little girls summer garments would be lovely.
I’d do a girl on the go in knit for my friends daughter, they were flooded out of their home recently so she deserves a treat.
Knits! Interlock knits with such fantastic prints are hard to come by where I live so I would love some to make pants and Girl on the go dress.
Thanks for this lovely giveaway.
Double Gauze for a tunic!!
Some of that lovely knit for fun Raglan tees for my LO!
I would choose the Doubel Gauze! Those prints are just divine and would be fabulous made up in a Gallery Tunic for me or a sweet dress for the wee daughter.
The double gauze, that is.
Look at those knits! Love them and would turn them into adorable springtime dresses for my girls.
I would love to try sewing with double gauze.
I would love the double gauze to sew spring dresses for my girls.
I’d love to try one of their knits to sew a girl-on-the go top for my just-turned 13 year old.
Really beautiful patterns and colors! I think I would reach for the double gauze first for some lightweight summer pants for my 11-year old.
I would choose to see first with double gauze as I have not attempted it yet! It was this time a year ago that I ventured into sewing with knits, so I think it’s high time I ale my foray into double gauze!
I’d choose to sew a cute summer dress in double gauze for my little lady!
Hello! I would sew summer dresses for my little girl from the stunning knit fabrics and a blouse covered in ruffles from gauze fabric for me! Ahhh! I want to win so badly
Double gauze! I just got a bunch of new woven patterns to try out! A dress for my little girl would be so fun!
I’ve never sewn with double gauze and have not sewn much with knits. I would try the double gauze first, since I find sewing with knits a little intimidating (but something I plan to conquer in the next year or so!)
I would choose knit because I have more experience with it. I would sew a hopscotch top. I would love something with double gauze and need to learn to sew with double gauze so that I could have some shirts for my grandkids and myself.
The double gauze – spring is on my mind, and I would love to sew something breezy and light for my 2 little girls.
It’s a tough call because I want to sew the chai tee next, which would work in either fabric. I am leaning towards the interlock knit though!
I’ll choose double gauze, since I’ve never used it before, and I’d make matching shirts (in different colorways) for me and my daughter.
Girl on the go! It is at the top of my next-to-sew list!
Definitely knit. Those stripes are great!
I think I’d do something knit first, it’s so wearable for little girls!
I’ve never sewn with double gauze, so I thunk now would be the perfect opportunity! I’d make a fun dress with one of these lovely prints.
Definitely knits. Kids are all about comfort and practicality.
Knit to make up a series of short sleeve tees for summer.
I’ve got three growing girls. Would definitely try to squeeze three ice cream dresses/tops out of the double gauze!!!
I love sewing with double gauze and my kids love wearing it! Summer dresses in double gauze!
Definitely knit. I’ve been doing more knit sewing as it gets worn more.
Oh man … such a hard choice! But probably something from a knit, as those patterns tend to be simpler and as a mom of (almost) four, I like the instant gratification!
So hard to choose! They are all so nice, but I suppose I’d have to pick knit, as I’m so excited to sew up a Girl on the Go dress with my new pattern. Two actually, for my older daughters, and I’m planning to wing it and make a smaller version for my youngest daughter using one of my Oliver & S t-shirt patterns.
I would choose double gauze to make a summer blouse for myself.
Oh I would definitely use both! Probably the double gauze and use my new hide and seek dress pattern. I’ve been searching for good knits for the playtime dress so that might be next!
Hard decision, but I would probably choose double gauze and sew the lullaby layette!
I would definitely choose the knit to see a dress for one ofy granddaughters. Their Mom prefers easy-to-launder clothing for them! These prints are gorgeous! Thanks for the opportunity!
I love double gauze, so soft and comfortable to wear. And perfect for summer dresses!
I’d sew a double gauze with one of the Oliver & S patterns I ordered last week!
Any, just fabric
This is a tough one! I’d love to sew up a Girl on the Go dress in knit, but I just love those double gauze prints. I might have to see next week’s pattern release before I decide!
Double gauze and knits are my daughters’ favorite Fabrics to wear so it would be a hard choice. But I haven’t gotten to make a girl on the go dress yet, so that might win out.
I love double gauze! I can’t wait to see the new pattern releases next week.
I would make a blouse/tunic with the navy floral double gauze. It’s so pretty!
I have not sewn with either yet. I think I would try the double gauze. Thank you for the giveaway!!
I just saw someone making pyjamas and thought “I should really do that too!”. So I’d probably use a double gauze for that. I’m sure that with the impending arrival of a baby, I can find a use for some knits too!
While the knit fabrics have me inspired (used for the Layette?!), I would cut the double gauze first. With a new baby arriving in 10 weeks, I’m wanting to sew everything I can right now and double gauze will be perfect for summer!
I would definitely sew up some summer dresses for my twin girls with the beautiful interlock!
I’d use either – for clothing!
I would definitely sew the knit first! In fact, I would sew up that Girl on the Go dress for my older daughter.
I think I’d go with the knit first, as the little ones I sew for tend to prefer wearing knits over wovens.
Lovely fabrics! I love theme all.
I’d sew something in the double gauze….love the bold floral print. It’s unusual to find something bold and kid-like in gauze. Congratulations on the anniversary!
I’d sew a summer dress for my daughter and a summer shirt for myself out of the double gauze!
I would like to learn more about sewing with knits. I love the Floating Bouquet in Ivory and would like to make a casual building block dress for my 2 year old with that pattern in knit.
Pink knit for sure! I am expecting my first daughter in 2 months and I cannot stop sewing for her
I have two raglan shirts waiting to be cut for the always growing toddler and preschooler, so definitely a knit.
Although I love Double Gauze (particularly Cloud 9) I would go for those gorgeous Knits because I’m feeling brave and want to challenge myself…. Fingers crossed
The knits!! I would sew some cute little dresses for the new babies in the family!
So hard to choose! Part of me says the knit because I love sewing comfy dresses for my daughter but I think I’d go with the double gauze–I haven’t sewn with double gauze yet but I’d love to try and it would make some really lovely sundresses!
Double gauze as it would be comfortable in summer
I’ve done very little with knit – I’m still a little scared of it! So realistically I would go with the Double Gauze (which I’ve never sewn with!). But…. with good quality fabric I should get out of my comfort zone and try some knits again. There will be much debate if I win!
I’ve never sewn with other but this sounds like a great excuse to dive into knits headfirst! I would sew up the Playtime dress!
Beautiful fabrics!! Hard to choose what I would do first, I
think I would try the knit first and would definitely make some sunny day shorts! They will be perfect for the grandkids to wear with their bucket hats! Love the bucket hats!
I would choose the knit to make a tunic for each of my 5 year old granddaughters. I have a new serger that I need to get used to.
I would sew something from double gauze! I love the feel and drape of it so much!
Class picnic blouse from double gauze for my little girl.
I would sew a knit item first for my 5 year old daughter. But I absolutely love double gauze for summer, so I would have to make something from it as well.
Knit! Casual but classy is what knit delivers when made into garments for sweet babes and young at heart adults.
Oh gosh! these fabrics are beautiful…I’d sew first something with knits cause I love them and where I live it’s difficult to find them at a good price, and my muse also loves them. A dress, a tunic, tshirt…lots of ideas come to my mind.
Congrats for the aniversary!
I have never sewn with double gauze but I’m intrigued! I think it would make a great shirt for me and quilt back for my son. Thanks for the chance to win!
Oooohhh I think I would make the lunch box tee from knit for granddaughter…
I have never sewn with gauze, but would love to try a dress for same granddaughter!
I would definitely sew something from the double gauze because I’ve never worked with this fabric before and I’ve thought about using so many times. The knits are super cute too though.
I would use the knit for the girl on the go, although I love the double guaze and I feel the seashore or music box jumper would be wonderful in that
Most definitely the double gauze! It’s coming into summer here in Italy and a floaty little dress to wear on hot days would be perfect. Or a cover up for the pool that might actually open this summer!
The double gauze in dresses for my granddaughters. It seems so summery and feminine.
I would try to sew with knits because I have never done it and have been wanting to try sewing with knits. Besides, my daughters are in need of some new play clothes soon.
Double gauze would be first because I have yet to have the pleasure of sewing with that fabric and I’d want to get to it immediately! I might have to arm wrestle my 9 year old granddaughter over who gets the garment made from it.
I would sew with the double gauze first, since I’ve never sewn with that before and would love to give it a try on something for myself!
I would sew a beautiful knit dress for my oldest daughter who is running out of clothes that fit – she’s growing too fast!! But really, the double gauze would be perfect too. I’ve never sewed with it before and it seems so summery which is perfect for this time of year.
Double Guaze and I would use it for the carousel dress.
I live in Hawaii so I would choose the double gauze. It would be so airy and help keep my kids cool. I think it would be lovely in the Class Picnic top because it wouldn’t be too hot yet the longer sleeves would help with sun protection.
I would sew up something for my kids in a knit! They are so comfy and are easy to care for.
I would sew something with a knit since those projects are usually fast and easy!
Chai Tee in a knit
I would make Lunch Box Tees for my niece and a bento tee for myself with those smashing knits
I’d probably sew double gauze first, although if I won – I might choose knits!! I’m trying to warm up to “knit sewing” . . .and would love to try out the quality of the Cloud9 knits.
Definitely gauze! I love gauze for light and cool Summer wear. Thanks for hosting this giveaway!
I’ve been using a lot of knits lately so I’d love to try the double gauze!
Oh, the choice! Probably double gauze – I’ve never sewn with it before and the patterns are beautiful!
I would sew with the double gauze first – something light and airy for my kids, just in time for summer. Thank you!
I would choose double gauze first! I’ve got my eye on doing matching mother/daughter skirts with my girls and I know I can squeeze an Everyday Skirt and two Lazy Days Skirts out of three yards!
That’s so cool! My mother made matching outfits for us when I was young, and that still means so much to me. Because my granddaughter lives so far away, I make matching outfits for her and her 18-inch doll as a way to carry on the tradition.
I would love to sew my daughter a summer blouse with double gauze. I made her one last summer and it was so cool and comfy!
Oh I love double gauze!!
I would love to make a playtime dress in double gauze! I have never used double gauze before and have been anxious to try it. Happy Birthday, O + S! Like many others, I learned the sew with your patterns and I tell everyone about them!!
I would start with the double gauze – those are beautiful! I love Cloud9 (yay organic!). Thanks for the give away!
Beautiful knits, would love to try the new Girl on the Go dress from one of these- one of my new year’s resolutions is to try more sewing with knit and this would be be perfect start!
Would love to make a girl on the go – but I have 5 sweet little grand daughters -who would get it?? Double gauze would be for summer top for me!!!!,
I would like to make a tunic and leggings from the playtime dress, tunic and leggings pattern. I have 2 granddaughters (1 year and 4 years).It would be fun to make them something out of a knit fabric
Both would be lovely! My daughter would love the a playdress or skirt from the knits
Double gauze…a cute top and shorts for my youngest granddaughter. Thanks for all your hard work.
Hard decision but probably knit.
I would see my daughter a Janie dress and the playtime dress in the knit fabrics. and something for myself like some pants or a maxi dress in the double gauze
I would choose the knits to make t-shirts. A knit dress sounds particularly appealing, though…
I think I would try a chai tee with the double gauze! Unless my 4 and 7 year old little girls caught a glimpse of those knits…I might have to “wait my turn”!
I would choose to sew up something with the double gauze first (possibly a blouse for my daughter) because I have never used double gauze before. But I would also love to get more comfortable sewing knit fabrics, so hopefully a Playtime dress will be in my future!
I would start with double gauze! I think I could fit two patterns in a 3 yard cut, a shirt for me and a Lullaby Layette for my niece’s daughter, she will be born in April …
Double gauze is my choice as it would be a new medium for me to try and my daughter would love a dress made out of it. I love the look of the double gauze
That’s a tough choice, but I can’t resist double gauze!!
I would love to try one of those knits with the new pattern “girl on the go”.
They are beautiful to look at.
I would sew a romper for my 18 month old for the summer and a onesie for his little sibling who is on the way… can’t wait to have my kiddos in matching outfits!
I would sew with the knit first & then see which of your new patterns to use for the double gauze.
I’m a sucker for knits in cute prints. I’d go for either the playtime tunic or the hopscotch skirt!
And happy anniversary
Double gauze for one of the tunic patterns
I would love to sew a playtime dress.
What a wonderful giveaway! I’m sewing with knits at the moment – I have a need for stretchy maternity clothes! The double gauze would make lovely baby clothes later!
Although I love the knits, I’ve never sewn double gauze and I keep hearing so much about it! I’m thinking a tunic.
Great competition! I love your patterns and cloud 9 fabrics – perfect combination! I would choose knits and have a go at the lunch box tee.
Oh, I adore Cloud9! I would use the knits to make a School Bus t shirt for my grandson, and I would use the double gauze to make myself a Gallery Tunic!
I’d love to try Double gauze. I’d probably make a dress for my daughter.
Tough choice but I’d probably choose double gauze. It’s slowly getting to be spring here and a dress from double gauze would be lovely!
I’d use knit for my new granddaughter with the Lullaby Layette or Girl On the Go I purchased last week, one for now, one for later and the double gauze for a Garden Party dress. Cheers!
Double gauze–summer is coming!
I think a dress from the gauze would be lovely in the summer for my goddaughter.
I would love to make another (#6) Metro Tee with the knit
I have sewn a few garments in knits and would love to try out a dress in double gauze! So exciting!
Being a novice to double gauze, I would love to make a fit and flare dress for the summer with the multispot fabric. I think that it would look beautiful. Thanks you.
I would love some beautiful knit fabric to make more school bus shirts for my toddler. Your patterns helped me learn how to sew 3 years ago and they are still my favorite. I also love cloud 9 fabric. Happy anniversary!
Double gauze for me!
I need to make some clothes for two granddaughters so I would choose some knits.
I would sew something from the knits! I love sewing on knits and using my serger!!!
I’d like to try the double gause. I never sewn with it. I need some summer tunics. Thamks I love your blog..
If I were the winner, I think I would choose some of each. however, which to sew with first? perhaps the knit? double gauze is so ravelly, I’m unsure of the best way to finish the seams –
What elegant timing (as usual), as I’m tracing the Lullaby Layette pattern for the coming grandchild! I would love either of these choices, but I would go with the double gauze for baby (aka “Wiggler.”)
I’d go with double gauze, for sure! I just made a Chai Tee in double gauze and it’s lovely to wear.
I agree with Kim…I’d want both fabrics! My little grandson is paraplegic and has very tender skin…he would love some shorts made from the knot. My granddaughter is very feminine – she’s 5 going on 25! The gauze would be perfect for a dress for her. I can think of several patterns I would use – maybe even the overnight pajamas for both fabrics! Lots of choices.
A picnic blouse with the double gauze for defo
made from the KNIT…not knot! LOL
I think I would sew with the double gauze, although that is a difficult choice! I would sew a fun summer skirt or tunic for one of my girls- or maybe some pj’s. I wonder how it would take to smocking?
Using the knits I’d make some basic T-shirts for the whole family. A bit boring but short and long sleeve ts are always needed. But which prints to choose?!
I would love the try sewing with double gauze! Maybe a woven chai tee. I wish I had little ones to sew for, but until I do, I’ll have to suffer sewing for myself. : )
Knit for me – I’ve just started sewing with it after always sewing wovens – a challenge but it’s good to keep my brain working
Double gauze, definitely! I haven’t sewn double gauze yet, but want to, esp as I live in a place with hot summers and love sewing light dresses and trousers from patterns I’ve mishmashed from several Tina Givens garments.
I should say knit, because one of my goals this year was to figure out sewing with knits better than I currently do. But that double gauze is all so pretty that I would definitely do that!!!
I’m so excited to see the new patterns!
I would try girl on the go in knit!
A badminton dress in gauze! Or a knit something for one of my boys!
Both collections are gorgeous! But I’ve been more excited lately about sewing for myself, so those double gauze are very tempting!
Well I’m about to make my first playtime tunic and I think some double gauze or some knit fabric would be fun to use!
I would sew a playdress with a Knit
I would use the knit first because they come together so quickly! Thanks for the giveaway!
I would love to use some knit for the Girl on the Go pattern! I just got it last week and can’t wait to try it! I love Cloud 9 Knits and I would also love to try double gauze!
I would make a dress from the knit fabric and a loose fitting top from the gauze and put a tank top under it for myself. I really need to get back into garment sewing. I’ve mostly been a quilter the last few years.
I would sew some breezy nightgowns for my little girls from double gauze, using the popover sundress pattern.
I would chose to sew the double gauze first because I’ve never sewn it before. We don’t have any local fabric stores that sell double gauze so I’ve never tried it. Happy Anniversary!
I have 12 grandchildren and would love to try something with the double gauze for some of them. The prints are beautiful and I could see they would make lovely dresses for the girls.
Gauze for me, something to make me excited about the weather getting warmer!
Something for my girl with a knit.
I would make something (probably a dress) with the knits! Those crosses in gray are awesome!
I’d select something in the knit fabric to sew a tunic for my daughter.
My daughter is pregnant w her second daughter & starting a new job. I’d love to treat her to a new maternity top out of the double gauze. I love the drape & luxurious-ness of these fabrics! I hope I’m lucky enough to be selected….. please, oh please.
I would choose knit, I love making comfy knit dresses, tops, and leggings for my little girl!
I’ve never sewn with either … if it’s TWO 3-yard cuts, maybe get one of each? If I have to choose one of the fabric types, I’d go with knit because I just bought the Girl on the Go pattern but have no fabric for it yet.
I’d choose knit for summer sewing for my kids!
My daughter loves a good knit dress and I love making her dresses she will actually wear, but I’ve never worked with double gauze so I would love to give that a try.
I’d probably try the double gauze first since I’ve never worked with it before. I’m making tops and bottoms for the granddaughters so have lots of ideas on patterns to use.
Oh, those fresh and funky little triangles in knit make me instantly feel summery!
I would pick the knits, they are really bright and fun!
I would sew a play dress from knit.
I have the most beautiful 3 year old granddaughter who looks stunning in bright colors that cloud 9 produces. Plus I love the sewability and softness if their line of fabric
I would like to make some new summer pjs using the soft cotton knit. Love the cheerful colors and prints.
I would sew a sweet romantic summer dress from double gauze!
That would be beautiful!
I’d pick the knits. It’s just the perfect material for my two rambunctious toddlers!
Definitely the double-gauze as I’ve never worked with it before. I love to dress my nieces in handmade!
I would use the double gauze for a summer wrap.
A tough choice! Probably double gauze since it’s perfect for some sewing for my newborn. But knits are a favorite too!!
Double gauze for sure. I love the way it drapes
I would sew either a dress for my daughter or a shirt for myself.
Probably double gauze. It’s perfect for summertime
Oh my gracious! When I saw the coordinating baby out fit out of knits I just fell in love. I could just picture a sweet chubby legged baby in one. I have the Baby pattern and several young people who are expecting. So, all I need is the knit. So sweet!
I would choose knit, but it’s a hard choice! I love using knits for comfortable clothes.
I would choose an interlock knit for my first raglan t or Nature Walk Pullover for my wee grandson! He asked me to make him something when he saw me sewing for his sister. So far, i’ve only made him shorts, bucket hats, blankets, and pillow cases. After four granddaughters, he’s the first boy in the family!
Lunch box tee with the knit fabric and probably one of the two pajama patterns. Lovely fabric.
Loved the do not subscribe warning!
Double gauze Playdate Dress for the win, says me who always seems to sew with knits.
I love sewing with both fabrics! Double gauze for a tunic for a granddaughter & knit for pj’s for her older sister. Perfect for summertime.
How festive and incredibly generous. I love Cloud9: my very first sewing endeavour has been a drawstring bag with their waterlilies pond. And the first thing I made with an actual pattern was the bucket hat from Oliver + S. So this teaming up feels so joyous! Congratulations on forehand to the lucky winner. I’d choose the knits, as I have a ton of summery shirts to make for the children. Raglan from the Cargo pants, or maybe a sundress or two. Many happy returns!
Cloud 9 Knits are my favorite! I would use the yardage to sew more Sailboat Tops, which is my most worn Oliver+S pattern.
I’d sew a swing dress for my two year old daughter and maybe a pair of leggings! Beautiful fabrics
I would love to try sewing something with their knit!
My granddaughter are wanting knit clothes at this point. I LOVE the Lunch Box Tee for my older girls. The first time I saw a picture on the % and Counting Blog I knew this was a tee the older girls would really love.
Oh hard choice! Either a few baby dresses and bloomers from knits or some gauze swaddle blankets!
I would love to make a dress for my granddaughter in double gauze. Thank you.
Double gauze is on this year’s goal list! I have a smocked scarf pattern from Purl Soho calling my name.
I love both, but my first project would be a knit dress for my granddaughter.
A gauze sun dress or blouse would be lovely.
I just started sewing with knits (working on my second project today!), so I would choose those gorgeous knits. And happy 10 years to you!
I’ve just printed off the Sailboat pattern for my DGKs who are 7 and 9 so I’d choose the knit as I’ve been looking for some warm colour knits with little luck. Pink and purple seem to rule around here and I’d love a little more variety. My DGS is not going to wear either! He wants green or brown. I’m in love with the Sailboat top and plan to make it in both knits and wovens, and into a dress for DGD.
I would choose knit, they have become my new favorite to sew for the kids (and myself). And Cloud 9 has some beautiful choices!
Well, this is a lovely giveaway! I would sew with the knit first. I have a little guy who I think looks adorable in baby harems and it’s been a while since I’ve sewed up a pair for him! It’s spring break here right now and this would be a perfect project!
This is a hard choice! I’d probably pick the gauze so I could make some cute outfits for my littles.
Definitely the Cloud 9 knit to make shorts and pj’s for granddaughters!
I love Cloud9 Fabrics! I may have squealed a little in delight the first time I saw them in my local little fabric shop. I have used their double gauze to make a firefly jacket and the picnic shorts. People will stop us in the street to ask where I bought them—a true testament to fantastic fabric and Lisa’s timeless patterns! I would love to sew my teen a, Girl on the Go, dress using Cloud9’s knit fabric!!!
Double gauze…. as I’ve never sewn with this fabric. I’m creating some sweet summer dresses from this fabric for my granddaughters in my mind.
I would love the double gauze fabric. It’s going to get hot soon where I live and double gauze is a great fabric for summer.
I would love to try the knit fabric for a lullaby layette.
I just sized up the Lullaby Layette top for my three year old by using the Building Block dress as a base (and original placket). The muslin was successful so it would be great to have some double gauze to make up some nice versions for spring/summer. I also just ordered the ‘After school shirt’ for my daughter in the pattern sale, so I would make a matching top for my daughter.
I’d go for the knit first, new pyjamas for my girls xo
My 2 year old granddaughter has a brand new baby sister. I would love to make their first matching outfits in Cloud9 knits.
I tend to gravitate towards double gauze…but my aim for 2018 is to master knit sewing!

Love Oliver +S
The colors are all so beautiful it will be hard to decide.
I would chose knits. Love wearing them and sewing on them. I make either dresses or tunics.
I think I would pick the knit – I’d like to start sewing a few stretchy things for my daughter, and I love the idea if making those shorts, or maybe your new teen dress!
My grand-daughter’s 2nd birthday is at the end of the month – just time to make a couple of things for her! Either of the fabrics types would do but I especially like the double gauze. The prints are all gorgeous by the way
Hi Cloud nine. I am very familiar with your interlock knits and I love them so easy to work with and so soft for little kids clothes. Ive only ever made children’s items with your interlock, but I am sure it would be just as satisfying a sew for us grown ups. But since I am nuts about sewing for my grandkids and granddaughter in particular, I would relish the chance to win the interlock knit prize. She needs separates for the coming summer. Tops, shorts and of course some great dresses , which are her favorite apparel item. Thanks for this opportunity
Everyday Skirt in dreamy double gauze adapted for a hint of smocking at the waist with the classic shirt in chambray for my tween.
Love Oliver+ S partterns. I would use the gorgeous double gauze with the flowers. I think it would look stunning for a young girls Family Reunion dress.
I will choose the knits. I have three granddaughters who would love some new t-shirts. Maybe there would be a piece of knit fabric for me too!
I would sew some fun summer dresses for my granddaughters who live in San Antonio. They would especially love the double gauze because it is so breathable.
Well I have just ordered 10 O&S patterns so I am sure I won’t lack for inspiration! The lunchbox tee is one that beckons, with the knit fabric in mind of course.
I would love to sew some spring skirts for my nieces from the the double gauze.
I would like to see tthe gauze first. Perfect for this time of year
I would sew a knit for my granddaughters.
I’d like to try the double gauze first. Summer is around the corner!
Oh what an incredibly hard choice! Those knit are beautiful and would make such a cute building block dress
But on the other hand, double gause with the family reunion or fairytale dress would be precious! I think this is what we can call a win win
I would definitely be sewing something with knits, probably a t-shirt for me. It’s not easy finding just the right knit suitable for a t-shirt and Cloud 9 has such great quality overall, I’d love to try out their knits!
I would choose double gauze as I haven’t worked with it before
A hard decision but I would go with knits first.
Knit. I need to try. Playtime maybe or the new dress for sure.
Double gauze to make a sketchbook shirt for my son and the interlock knit for a school bus tee for him. And a shirt for myself with the metro pattern.
Double gauze, please!

Lisette for Butterick 6567 in double gauze.
Knit. My second grandchild will be born soon and I’d love to sew the layette pattern from Oliver & S.
I’d use the knit first to make some cute spring tops!
Since grandchild #7 is on its way, I would love to make one of those little layettes in a knit!
I would probably pick the knits first to sew up some summer Playtime Dresses for my daughter. Though I would love the double gauze for a Classic Shirt for me. I just know I’m way more likely to sew for my kids than for me.
I’d sew the Roller skate dress in knit for my 4.5 year old. She loves that pattern and has had 3 dresses in it already. It’s spring and since she’s grown a bunch it’s time to make her some new dresses!
The girl on the go top in the interlock. My daughter is growing up and is into comfort.
Knit! I’ve actually never seen with knit before, though I’ve recently been eyeing a few dress patterns that this collection would be perfect for!
I love double gauze’s! Such a great weight for summer tops!! Those prints are amazing!
A couple of years ago I really screwed up the Sailboat top by sewing it in a woven fabric and my son is still traumatized by it. I think I’d have to go with a knit to right that wrong.
Knits!!! Especially since cute knit prints like these are so hard to find. I need to sew up several school bus t-shirts for my son because he has long torso and all RTW t-shirts that fit in the shoulders turn into belly shirts very quickly!
Something in knit, because they’re just so versatile and comfortable.
I just started sewing with knits. Two school bus tees later and I am hooked! Just got playtime leggings pattern to make pants to go with the tees for cute pajama sets. I would love some of that fresh new knit fabric to continue this new adventure!
After I caught my breathe after hearing that I won your generous price, I would make a couple matching knit outfits for me and our beautiful new Grandaughter, Emmelynn Rose!!!
A whole bunch of baby clothed with these gorgeous knits!!
Oh, the double gauze! It says summer time, which sounds so good!
My favorite summer skirt is the soho skirt that I made using double gauze. I would definitely make another one. With the interlock fabric I would make a playtime dress for my granddaughter. I have made one before and it got the approval of her mother who refuses to iron.
I’d be sewing a girls dress with the knit fabrics.
I love sewing with knits! I can sew a cool summer dress for my daughter with it.
I’ve promised my 9 year old daughter we will make her a Girl on the Go dress together. So knit for me definitely – probably the lovely navy fine polka dot print, but I would let her choose.
I *just* bought some cloud9 double gauze yesterday and can’t get over how soft it is! I’d definitely love a 3-yd cut of another double gauze fabric to sew something for either me or my daughter (or both!)
I would definitely sew an Oliver and S pattern for the soon to be born babies in my life.
What to choose? Knit for leggings, or double gauze for a summer dress for my granddaughter.
My kids love knits so if I was sewing for them i would use a knit. For me – double gauze. Thanks for the chance and congrats on your anniversary!
Thank you. I would sew some new long sleeve tops for my daughter out of the knits, since she put on her one of hers from last season and it now more of a crop top.
The newst Cloud9 Knits would be my cjoice to sew up springtime dresses and tops for my granddaughter.The Clould9 Knit print collection is so bright and lively!
From the knit, a t-shirt for myself!
My 18 mo old will have grown out of the Lullabye Layette pattern soon and I’ve yet to make anything from it! So I think I’d choose knit and give it a shot.
Oh my, it’s hard to commit! But perhaps a knit – used with the tea party dress pattern. Combining Oliver + s with Alabama Chanin hand-sewn technique. However – that double gauze is enticing! Perhaps a simple sleeveless summer dress (adult, please!). It would be a tough decision!
I’ve never sewn with double gauze before so I think I’d choose that first! Perhaps a tunic for myself!
It would be fun to sew the Classic Shirt in the double gauze! But, the knit looks so colorful. . . I’m sure I could sew something super comfy with it!
I would sew a t- shirt for my granddaughter and a t-shirt for myself (possibly, maybe) using the newly released Oliver+S pattern, using knit fabric. Happy 10th Anniversary! What a great giveaway!
Definitely double gauze!! Love it! I’d love to make another bubble dress for my daughter.
Those knit shorts look so cute! Definitely would make those!
Oooh, it’s all so lovely!! I’d have to go with double gauze because a Book Report dress is next on our list to sew!
My daughter loves her playtime tunic in knit…it comes out of the wash and gets put on as soon as she sees it in her drawer. That green knit with little polka dots looks perfect for a new one in the next size up! Or maybe a maritime top for me out of the navy knit with pencil stripes. It would be hard to decide!
interlock is my favorite thing to sew. i love how many of these patterns are cute yet unisex – would love to make up some playtime leggings or shorts for my boy and girl.
Thank you for this giveaway! I’d love to make myself a Gallery Tunic in double gauze and if I cut VERY carefully could maybe squeeze and Hide-and Seek Tunic out for my daughter too!
Oh, I’d totally make a Gallery Tunic out of double gauze. Dreamy…
I’m thinking maybe some boys shorts in knit. I’ve not really sewed with either fabric type so either would be fabulous.
I’d sew some of the layette collection using both
My 11 yo niece is coming to visit for 2 wks this summer so that I can teach her to sew. In anticipation, I added the Girl On the Go pattern to my purchase of 10 for the anniversary sale and I would love to try the Cloud Nine Knits for that project! I can’t wait to pass along the passion for my hobby!
I would like to sew the Playtime one of the Oliver+S patterns I own for my two children size 4 and 8. I would like to try to sew knit because I never sew Knit because I always feel not confident enough to work with the knit material.
Just tonight my almost-two-year old granddaughter and my three-year-old grandson asked for matching red nightgowns. Probably a gauze would be best with summer coming up but that is absolutely what I would make!
I’d make a knit first. I just got the building block dress book and have a one month old girl!
I’d make a Jump Rope Dress with the double gauze.
I love sewing with knit! My beautiful grand daughter would get a couple of new dresses, not yet sure which ones.
I’d get a knit- and try a top for me…. before making a dress for my girl. I love Cloud 9 patterns.
I’ve never sewn with double gauze so I would like to give it try. I think it would make a lovely pop over top.
I would sew the Girl on the Go pattern in two different knits in two different sizes for my granddaughters. The girls are so different in personality, that one pattern often won’t satisfy them both. I think this pattern with different fabrics could satisfy the grandma desire to make the “twinner” outfits that the girls won’t think of as twins!
I would just love to win the knit as we have a new grand baby coming in August and I could get out my Oliver and S Lullaby layette pattern( the first pattern I ever bought from you) and make some darling outfits for this new little one. Being a grandma has its perks.
I’ve already got the receiving blankie’s although not made from as cute of double gauze as Cloud9 makes.
I do like working with your patterns as they are so well drafted and the instructions are written to work! Thanks kws
Coming into autumn here so I’d go the knit and make a playtime dress or a sailboat top (or both!)
I LOVE double gauze so I would certainly sew that first!! Happy Birthday!
I would go for the double gauze – I’ve been wanting to try Cloud 9’s! : )
Knit: I just saw an Audrey Hepburn movie last night and got really envious of a little shirt she had – boat neck in front, slight scoop in the back, with elbow sleeves. It was probably a woven, but when i scrolled down the page, that charteuse triangle next to the navy stripe made me itchy to try a knit version with contrast binding and shoulder tabs, for a nice summer-evenings shirt.
(Well, that’s the idea. Would I ever actually finish it before I end up needing to upsize the costume-play clothes for my nephews again? who knows… I love sewing for those boys, though, and my niece, too.)
I would sew something for my granddaughter with a knit first. She loves the feel of soft knits and Mom loves them because you don’t have to iron them! Thanks for the opportunity.
Knits for me, please! I need some new short sleeve pjs for the summer. These fabrics would be absolutely perfect.
I have never sewn with double gauze before, so I would pick a new spring top for me in double gauze.
I would love to make a Chai top out of both a knit and a double gauze. I would also like to try a dress out of double, which I have never done before. Cloud 9 fabrics are such nice quality. I have enjoyed seeing with them a little. Thanks for the giveaway.
I just received the Roller Skate Dress pattern (thanks to your wonderful sale!) And I’d love to sew it is in one of the beautiful double gauzes. But which one …
I would have to choose the double gauze as I broke my serger on my last project… No more knit projects for me until it is back from the shop!
I would love to make a new piece from the double gauze. They are beautiful.
I’ve already purchased the Floating Bouquet fabric in navy in anticipation of the Girl on the Go sew along. Lovely fabric. Can’t wait to start sewing this dress for my granddaughter.
Definitely the double gauze first. Something for my first grandchild due in a couple of months.
I would start with the knits! I need T-shirt’s for work.
I would love to make a rollerskate dress of wach of my girls in one of those lovely print knits.
I meant each of my girls
The choice is hard as I have been eyeing gauze for a while but since I’ve just braved the world of knits I’d like to have another go at the Brindille and Twig pocket romper for my almost 8 mos old
I would choose the knit. The ice cream dress in knit is a hit with my grand daughters!
The double gauze collection looks lovely! I’ve never sewn double gauze but it looks very inviting!
Truthfully I would love to see something with both but at the moment I’ve got a pattern that calls for knits that I’ve been wanting to see for my youngest baby!
I just purchased the lullaby layette pattern, and I would love to sew it up in that gorgeous double gauze (but it would be great in the knit too!)
I haven’t sewn with double gauze so that would be my choice. Probably a Playtime tunic for my little girls or maybe something for me – an everyday skirt perhaps.
I have been looking for some great knits with which to make the Oliver &S layette pattern and you have answered! Thank you. I will be heading right over to Cloud9.
Oh that hard to choose! I would sew a spring scarf out of……double gauze! These fabrics are all gorgeous!
I would sew the double gauze first in separates for summer. I just love these colors!
I’d make sleeveless playtime tunics with double gauze. Definitely one of my favorite oliver and s patterns!
Double Gauze! That collection is beautiful .
I would sew with the knits! I never have and I’ve been wanting to make myself a shirt!
Difficult choice, I’ve never seen with either fabric but I plan on stepping out of my comfort zone. I think trying the Double Gauze next would be fun! Thanks for this opportunity, those fabrics are gorgeous.
Double Gauze.
After sewing nearly all knits in recent months, I whipped up a quickie project in a quilting cotton and am in the mood to sew wovens now…
I’ve never sewn with knit and I really want to try it out!
The double gauze, perfect for summer
I would love some double gauze for a summer tunic.
Oh I would love to make the new Girl on the Go top out of knit! My 11 year old has hit a growth spurt and needs a bunch of new tops. This would start things off nicely!
I would choose to sew Cloud9 Knit basics, in the pink and white stripe. I would make a Hide and Seek Tunic from it, as I have used this pattern many times, and my 4 yo granddaughter loves it!
Those beautiful knits—would stitch up a whole spring collection of O & S Nature Walk Pants for my 3 1/2 year old daughter. She loves those pants!
Oh that double gauze – perfect for some loose swingy Florida tops.
I look forward to making my first pair of leggings for my daughter.
Such a hard choice – probably something with the double gauze. It’s so hot here most of the year!
I have never come across a double gauze, so would love to try this for a family reunion or carousel dress for my wee granddaughter. Beautiful designs
I would use the knit fabric to sew a spin dress for my daughter. Watching her twirling with a homemade dress is a joy.
Ohh the double gauze. I would make a blouse for myself. I have a lizette top pattern that would be perfect
I have been intriqued by double gauge and would love to try it. Our summers can be short but very hot. I would a new top or dress for summer. Our small town no longer has a place to buy fabric so it would be extra special to try something new
I’m eagerly awaiting spring, and double gauze is perfect for spring sewing!
I would love to sew the double gauge! Maybe a summer top for myself or a short sleeved version of playtime dress for my daughter.
I’ve been dying to try sewing with double gauze but haven’t yet had the chance, so that would have to be my first project. Now, choosing the pattern to use it for would be the tricky part!
Double gauze – baby accessories! First, a bandana bib! I’ve sewn so many, but never yet out of double gauze!
I had several double gauze posts show up in my social media feeds today, it must be a sign I need to make something with this kind of fabric!
Jersey for me, I love the prints
Hi Oliver +S! This giveaway is great, I love it!! I’m about to make a dress for my little cousin that she wants to wear for her mama’s wedding ! She has a lot of ideas and she’s still hesitating between two of your dress patterns for kids! I’ll let her choose the fabric, too!
I would love to sew dresses or summery tops with the double gauze. Although I generally prefer wovens, I’ll bet the interlock is dreamy.
For me? I’d choose double gauze.
These fabrics are great, so it is a really good prize. I would go for the double gauze, because I have never sewn one and I want to try one of your gallery tunic pattern with this fabric.
Double gauze!!!!!!! Summer dresses for me, myself and I!!!
Double gauze, because I’ve never sewn with it before. Although the knit prints are really great.
Double gauze here. Love to make me a woven blouse.
Double gauze for the win here pease.
In our warm summers both the grandkids and myself would certainly benifit.
It’s a hard choice, but I think it would be the knit to replace my granddaughter’s playtime tunic dress.
Knits! I’m going on a course soon to learn how to use an overlocker. Then I’ll be sewing knits all summer
I’ve just got the lullaby layette pattern. I would LOVE to make a shirt and trousers from the double gauze fabric. Dreaming the snow will go away and my little boy will need nice cooling clothes for the warmer weather!
Knit! I’m just making the playtime dress in a knit at the moment and really want to make another one!
I would use a knit to sew a skirt for my daughter.
Double gauze, as I’m about to start sewing some new summer shirts for my son!
Knits, knits for my grand and her dolly!!!
The blue Knit with the dots is adorable, if I should win I will make a dress for myself! Always sewing for others, with love, but now it’s me-time LOL.
I would sew the double gauze first to make a shirt or a dress for one of my daughters.
a Girl on the Go dress from knit fabric!
I would sew a a dress in a knot for my daughter first as I’m starting to plan her winter wardrobe and a long sleeved knit dress is on my list!
I would love to make a summer shirt for myself for my upcoming holiday to Honolulu. Mahalo.
I don’t have a serger and am not yet at ease sewing knits on my machine so it would definitely be the double gauze. Thanks for the giveaway.
I would definitely love to sew with the knits, probably something for myself and for my daughter for our approaching southern winter- our first adter 2 years of living in the tropics. We both need a new wardrobe!
I should probably sew something for my daughter but will most likely sew a hemlock tee out of the knit for myself
a dress and a sun hat for my grand daughter. So fun!
The Parachute Polo and Sweatpants pattern is winging its way to me so I’d make those for my two boys.
I’d like to make a nice summery top out of the double gauze
My oldest is forever growing out of her clothes (as they all do!), so probably the knits to make her some shorts or a skirt.
I would sew a Recital blouse with the ruffled collar stand from some lovely double gauze
A Sailboat to in the lovely green dot Jersey would be perfect
I always wanted to sew a dress using double gauze!
I would sew the knit fabric first– a little girls dress would be fun. I’ve never sewn with the gauze before. I love cloud9 fabrics
I’d love to try out double gauze as I’ve never used it before. Perhaps I’d make myself a top in between sewing a quilt for a wedding in Australia!
Definitely knits! I enjoy sewing with knits.
I to make a sailor top using double gauze
Double gauze! It would be perfect for making summer dresses for my daughter.
8 would see something from the Lullaby Layette collection in knit because I have my first two grandchildren coming -one boy and one girl. Perfect!
I would make my girl some fun leggings to wear under her skirts and dresses in the cold.
What an awesome giveaway! I’d probably dive into the knit, something I’ve been intimidated to try!
THE double gauze! Moved to Australia after Scotland and need to experiment with lightweight fabrics!
Knit!! I’d use it to make a comfy outfit to suit my little adventurer!!
I’m sewing with double gauze at the moment, would love to get my hands on some of those lovely printed knits. This would be wonderful.
The double gauze! I know of several babies being born this summer and it will make beautiful baby blankets!
I would sew something for my grandson……I’ve wanted to try the layette pattern using a knit for years.
Here is my chance! Thank you.
I LOVE double gauze so it would have to be something for either my kids or myself from double gauze.
Something from the knit collection for sure! Probably a Bento Tee!
Hi, I love Cloud9 fabrics and Oliver and S patterns! I would first sew double gauze to make some spring/summer items for my kids.
Right now, if I sew I am using a knit fabric. So I’d Be making something for the Tweenager. Thank you for the chance to win!
I would see a second Party Dress for my granddaughter.
Soo hard!! I think I would go knit because we’re coming into the cooler months now and I want to be warm. Happy 10th anniversary!
I would make my granddaughter a dress with the knit fabric.
With the double gauze I would make my new grandbaby to be a receiving blanket.
Double gauze all the way! I love sewing my kids’ clothes with double gauze. It’s sturdy and cute and comfy in the summer!
Double gauze receiving blankets for my best friend’s new baby
Definitely a Rollerskate dress in double gauze : ))
I would sew with the knit first because it’s coming into winter in Australia and my girls need some warmer clothes!
Double gauze, I have never sewn with it, and would love to try it. I would sew a classic shirt perfect for spring.
I would use the knit to make dresses for my granddaughters. I the the girl on the go pattern.
I would love to try the double gauze!
I’d choose double gauze…it’s so soft and buttery!
I would make either dresses for my girls or coordinating tops for all four kiddos.
I’d definitely go with the knits first because I’m all about secret-pyjamas clothing for myself and things that stretch and move for my very active toddler!
Double gauze for the win! I would like to make my girls new tops.
I would choose the knits, to sew something for me and for my daughter. I’ve never sewn with interlock! Thanks for the giveaway!
Double Gauze! I’m intrigued. I’ve never used it before.
Knits. GD loves your patterns and I need to get making them. Tks
I love sewing with knits, so I would definitely start with that!
I’d sew something is double gauze; I’ve been sewing A LOT of knits lately, and I’ve never sewn double gauze.
Thanks for the opportunity
I will always choose to sew with a knit first, because they are fast and comfy! (And I have a serger which makes it all so much better!)
I love double gauze, especially in the humid summer weather we have here in Washington, DC. But I’ve never sewn with interlock and would love to make the Chai Tee in one of those lovely prints.
Double gauze, I’d make a dress with pockets!
I would Definitely choose knit. Surprisingly I do not have as much knit in my fabric library as other types of fabrics.
Cloud9 is just such stunning fabric. I’d love some for my lad to work up into some new trousers.
I’d sew up knit metro and school bus t-shirts for the whole family.
How about a knit AND double gauze? I am thinking summer night gowns for my granddaughters, ages 6 and 4, knit top with a flowy midi skirt bottom..
Double gauze! I have a new granddaughter who is going to have many, may cute dresses.
Tough choice! I think I would choose to sew with a knit first. A tshirt or leggings.
A knit first. I’m on a knit sewing frenzy at the moment!
Id love to make something beautiful from that delicious double gauze!
Maybe a selfish sew for me!?
I would love to make something with the knit, but the double gauze looks beautiful as well!
With a baby on the way, I’d definitely go for the knots to see some adorable leggings and the Lullabye Layette!
I would sew a knit first
I would sew with a knit, because my daughter loves twirly dresses, but is pretty rough and tumble when she plays in them. I need the spin AND the durability of a knit!
They are so pretty! I would definitely use some knits!!
I’m all about the double gauze, especially in the Classic Shirt pattern. I’ve made it four times and absolutely love it!
I’m really taken with the double gauze prints and I would make a gallery tunic
Why pick? I have just finished taking a “sewing with knits” class, so that appeals to me. But having never used double gauze, I want to try it out! Beautiful selection of fabrics.
I would see a night gown for my 3yo daughter with knit
As knits are so quick I have to confess I would go for some almost instant gratification sewing with knit fabric first ~ followed closely by the double gauze which is also lovely to sew with. Wonderful giveaway!
Firs I’d like to sew a playtime dress for my 4 years old granddaughter with knit fabric.
Double gauze, for sure! The children love its feel, and I love working with it.
Definitely knit – I’m loving to sew with knits at the moment and am keen to try the playtime leggings.
First, in double gauze, I would sew a Garden Party dress.
Double grade for sure, though the knits are so appealing.
Darn auto correct! Double gauze. Sheesh.
I would love to sew something long and flowy from the double gauze!
I think I would choose double gauze!!
I would love to make a shirt for myself out of one of those fun interlock prints!
I have been planning to try double gauze this year – definitely a summer dress!
I would make something with a knit! Congrats on 10 years; may you have many more!!
It would be hard to choose, but I’d probably go with a double gauze to start, as it would be perfect for a soft, summery dress.
A blouse in double gauze!
That double gauze looks beautiful! I’ve just started sewing garments again after a long hiatus and I’ve been making matching pants for my twin boys and matching dresses for my daughter and me. I completed the carousel dress for my daughter and found a similar adult sized pattern for myself. It’s therapeutic and fun! Would love to try out those beautiful gauze patterns on something!
Hello! I would sew a knit skater dress with the green and blues. A crossed bodice (perfect for Easter) with a spotty skirt would be fun
I would sew the knit first…I’m thinking specifically just how sweet my granddaughter would look in a sweet knit play dress…and of course I’d have to make a knit romper for my grandson…
Since today is the first day of Spring I’m ready to sew my little girl the Oliver +S Ice Cream dress. This is one of my favorites and if we’re to win I would definitely choose that pattern and use something from the Cloud 9 Garden Collection.
Double gauze! I love it for summer and I have a dress planned for my sister in it.
I’m loving knits at the moment so I’d like to sew with that
I would sew a knit first. I am still learning how to use my serger and to work with knits. I love a striped knit – I have several ready-made and one me-made shirts in a stripe. Happy anniversary!
I would love the double gauze to make a summer outfit for my 15 months old daughter.
I have been looking for some really exceptional knits to make this jacket that I love. I have worn it so much it is about to fall apart. Cloud 9 has some fabrics that would be perfect for the jacket. I love the deigns. Any fabric left over I would make some items for my granddaughters.
Knit because it is harder to find such great knit designs
I would choose to sew with knits. I’d live some more knit fabric so I can perfect my sewing skills working with knit fabrics.
Definitely the double gauze, into a beautiful floaty top or dress for my daughters. Ive never sewed with double gauze before, so fingers crossed.
What a lovely combination of classically beautiful patterns and fabric. My daughter reaches for her knit clothing first so I’d cut into the knit and save the double gauze when the weather gets hot and sticky in summer.
I’d sew another Playtime dress in a knit fabric as my daughter loves them so much!
The knits are my #1 choice. Love sewing with knit fabric and pretty knits are very difficult to find.
I’ve never sewn with gauze before so I’d make a nice breezy summer top or shorts!
I think I would sew the knit first for your girl on the go dress. My granddaughters have just sized out of your regular size range and love comfy knit dresses.
I have never sewn with knit and yet have three knit patterns from OS. I would love to make matching knit dresses for my daughter’s (6 and 19mo). I know that seeming knit for the first time will be easy with my OS patterns. They are so easy to follow and I learn something new every time I sew with them.
To have these two lovely fabrics in my collection would truly be a win!
My one year-old grand niece would love an outfit in one of those bright double gauze fabrics!
Double gauze for sure! I live in the S of France and desperately need cool clothes for this summer. The fabrics look gorgeous!
I live in the tropics so for me we go with loose and airy dresses the hide and seek tunic for my daughter out of a double gauze. A funky basic t for my son out of the interlock and finally a chai tee for me made a size big out of the gauze.. Loose and airy and so chic with sorts or a skirt.
A knit to make dresses for my granddaughters for summer. Such lovely prints.
Definitely a knit first for our new sweet grandson and then double gauze for wonderfully cool summer clothing.
I would sew with the double gauze first. I’ve never sewn with it before, and it would be a fun adventure.
Double gauze! Never sewn with it and everybody is raving about it!
I would be brave a try sewing with knits for the first time and sew a ‘Girl on the go’ dress for my 10 year-old who is the size of a 12 year old! I’ve never sewn with double gauze either but I’d love to make a dress or tunic with one of Liesl’s pattern’s for myself with some :-).
I would use the interlock to make something for my new grandchild that will arrive later this year. I have been dying to start using some of the children’s patterns and now I have a reason.
Definitely double gauze… Something for spring with pintucks.
Double gauze for sure! Today is the first day of spring and I need to refresh my wardrobe!
I would love to sew a double gauze summer dress for my daughter!
I would probably sew something for my great-great nieces and nephew. Thank you.
I would definitely make a comfy knit dress first!
The fabrics are all so beautiful. Such a difficult decision! I want to try the Girl on the Go pattern, so those knits would be just wonderful!
The double gauze would be perfect for a summer blouse to wear in Georgia!
I would pick a knit—I have two sweet grandsons to sew for. I find double gauze a little tricky to sew clothing, but it doesn’t stop me buying them.
I would sew something light and summery with the double gauze.
I would love to sew something for my new grandson out of cloud nine fabrics, they are so soft and would be great against his skin!
I probably would use a knit first since i am new yo sewing with knits
Happy aniversay!! I’ll love to sew a dress <3
I would see a knit dress for my daughter, Spring is here.
I’ve very keen to sew a knit garment using my conventional machine. A little intimated, too, but definitely keen.
I would choose the double gauze and make dresses for my 2 granddaughters (I already have some of your patterns)
who love to wear the same outfit.
I would whip up a new tunic with either knit or double gauze! Both my favorite fabrics these days!
Wow! How generous! I’d sew something with a knit first (double gauze scares me a little)!
Double gauze for me first as I’ve never tried it, but then a tee shirt in knit! Thanks for the giveaway!
Knit dresses for my granddaughters.
Do I have to choose? I’ll say double gauze since it’s time for summer and spring sewing. I’m planning to make the Lullaby Layette for a friend using double gauze for the jacket and a coordinating knit for the omesie.
I think I would see something from the knit- something nice and stretchy for my pregnant self!
I would sew something with a knit first and then the double gauze for dresses for my two grand daughters.
It would be hard to choose which one 1st as I’ve never sewn either; but, I’d be excited to win and try both. I could cut and chain piece and sew two at once? Perhaps not, as all I know there are special needles for knits. . . .set up 2 machines and end up with an entire outfit. YES. Please enter me to be a winner.
The new teen pattern with the knit. And a sweet summer dress from the cottons
Believe it or not, I find double gauze more intimidating than knits. So I think I’d start with that, actually. Sew bravely!
I would make a blouse or top out of double gauze as I haven’t had a chance to work with it yet and love its drape. I do love knits though and have been making several knit tops lately.
I would love to sew with double gauze, especially with the summer coming soon. Maybe a simple dress for my daughter! It would be so amazing to win this prize!!
I would sew something with a double gauze as I live in the humid South. Love knits but sometimes they just cling and make one feel even hotter.
Double gauze, if I had to choose. Haven’t used it before but think my hot climate would be great for it.
I’ve been making knit dresses for my granddaughter and would choose that project first and then play with the double gauze
I would use a knit and a double cause since I would like to try both fabrics to see what my granddaughter would like more. I like the playtime pattern and the fairy dress with a twirly skirt.
I love the prints and colors in the double gauze fabrics. I’m not familar with that type of fabric, but I’m thinking it would be great for a spring or summer outfit!
A double gauze Gallery Tunic for me!
I would use the double gauze for my girls. They love the feel of Cloud 9 double gauze and need some new dresses/rompers for spring and summer! Thanks!
I’d use the double gauze because I never have before!
I would make 2 girl on the go dresses in knit for my grandnieces! Thanks for this opportunity!
This is such a great prize. I love love love cloud 9 interlock! But I have never sewn with double gauze, so I think I would try it out on a carousel dress for my 5 year old! The prints look beautiful.
I would make the new ‘Girl on the Go’ dress for my Miss nearly 9 with a subtle printed knit. She’s hit that awkward ‘tween’ stage and needs some ‘big girl’ outfits.
I think I would try something with the double gauze because I have never used it and love an adventure with fabric. Not the kind you might die on or miss a meal.
Definitely would be excited to sew something with knit for my kiddos. I just finished my first ever schoolbus tee!
I would Sew the knits first because you have such a great collection.
I would use the double gauze to make the playtime dress. Love the new fabric patterns.
I would see something in double gauze for one of my girls, they are so pretty!
I love the navy blue spotty double gauze. I would love to see a summer dress for my daughter with this fabric.
I’d love to use the double gauze! Great for the coming summer months!
Happy anniversary! I would love to use the double gauze to make a dress for my new great niece! I’ve never sewn with DG before and look forward to your new patterns using it.
I have the perfect knit dress pattern I would make for all my little girls.
I would sew with double gauze first because I love making button downs and shirt dresses.
I would definitely work with the double gauze first because I don’t think I’ve ever sewn using double gauze. A cute little dress might be just the thing!
The lovely weekend getaway dress in the double gauze!
Those knits! Is sew some summer dresses for my little girl!!
Definitely double gauze – dresses for the grands!
I think I’d go with one of each! Leggings or a spinny dress for my kid, double gauze shirt for me.
I would sew girl on the go dress with the jersey! I’ve just bought the pattern so need some beautiful fabric now!
I would make a knit dress for my grand daughter. I love their fabrics
I’d definitely sew a knit outfit for myself or my grands. Cloud9 makes gorgeous knits!!
Beautiful fabrics and a very challenging choice. I love both! Knits are always fun for bigs and littles, especially since I got a Serger. I also have one 13 year old granddaughter who only wears dresses, and I love supporting that independent thinking with the double gauze. We’ve been working together using the Block Pattern Book, which is SO FABULOUS! Happy 10th to YOU and thanks for including all of us in the celebration — I see there are a lot of us loving you.
Double gauze. The luxury of baby fabrics! XXX
I would love to try double gauze for some of the layette pieces- especially the jacket and pants!
I’d love to make a couple of girl-on-the-go dresses for my nieces from the Cloud9 interlock knits, but I love the double gauze too.
I would definitely pick the double gauze – haven’t sewn with it yet and this might be the motivation to get me going!!!
Interlock! I have two little boys who are constantly on the move and only want to wear comfy things.
I love to sew. Now we have been blessed to have a granddaughter after being blessed with 6 grandsons. The boys are all at the age they won’t let me sew for them. She loves to be in my sewing room.
I’d make your everyday kirt in double gauze for me, them maybe a little dress for my granddaughters!
I struggle to find quality knits so definitely a summer dress from that dandelion knit.
The knits! For the girl on the go pattern!
Definitely with knit – the kids need some new t-shirts!
I would sew knit dresses for my 2 little girls. It’s beautiful fabric!
I’d make a lovely knit dress.
I would make some knit shirts for myself…and maybe some baby gifts .
The double gauze prints are so pretty! With summer coming on, I’m sure that fabric will be great for anyone!
Playtime dress for my daughter!!
Knit with your new tween pattern. Bc you gave the courage to do knits!
Knits…it’s all my daughter will wear and I should learn to sew it!
That double gauze floral caught my eye. I love the red in it and would make a blouse or dress! And also the simple black stripes knit I would make something like shirts for my boys!
I’d sew a knit dress for my daughter first!
The knit! Because that’s what i always fall back on. Also because I have a boy and there are some lovely boyish prints.
I think I would sew a double gauze dress. Or maybe use it as a quilt back.
I love gauze but I would probably go for a knit because that would appeal to my kids more. Thanks for the giveaway! Happy anniversary to a wonderful company!
I haven’t sewn with double gauze before and would love to try it – perhaps a summer shirt-dress or tunic. What a fantastic prize!
I would make a sun dress for my daughter in knit and a tunic style top for myself in the gauze.
Such a hard decision on what to make first. I’d love to say something with double gauze cause I’ve never worked with it but I’ll probably end up sewing pants or shorts for my kids with the knit first. We always put those kids first.
I’ve never seen with double gauze before, so I would love to make something from that. Maybe a summer dress for my daughter!
Happy anniversary! I’d make a classic Breton shirt in one of the striped knit fabrics, I think.
I would sew with the double gauze first- because I am dreaming of warm weather!
Another Gallery dress in double gauze!
Oh, how do you choose?! These fabrics are gorgeous! I love love the striped knits, so I guess I’d first sew a raglan tee or the Playtime Dress with the knits. But, then I’d want the double gauze for a Peter Pan collar top made from the Building Block pattern.
i think a spring dress in one of the bright knits would be perfect
I’ve never sewn double gauze, but I’ve admired it, so that would be my first choice.
Double gauze. I’d see up a few summer dresses, especially love the tea party dress!
I would Sew shorts and tees for my grandchildren with the knit first, (I would also choose a gauze to try for the first time).
I’ve been sewing for my seven granddaughters for years with your patterns. Now that they are getting older, I’m so pleased to see the new pattern, Girl on the Go, and would look forward to sewing with the Cloud 9 knits. Congratulations on ten years. Your patterns have always been easy to follow and very instructional.
I’d choose the double gauze. I’ve never sewn with it before but it sounds like it would make a nice dress.
The Cloud 9 basic knits would make some really beautiful spring outfits for my 5 year old granddaughter!
I would love to sew the girl on the go dress for my sweet, very petite thirteen year old granddaughter using one of the knits.
The floral double gauze with the navy background and the red with white print would be so cute together on a dress for my 5 yr old! I would choose the double gauze. Happy 10th Anniversary Oliver and S!
Double gauze and I would make a summer dress for myself. I have filled up my wardrobe (and a lot of other spaces in the house) with childrens knit fabric and have nothing to wear myself..
Congratulations on your 10 years! I’d sew something with a knit first – those prints are gorgeous, and would look so good sewn up!
Knits! Would love to make dresses for my 3 nieces!
A double gauze would make a beautiful summer dress; an a knit would be great for pajamas.
I’d sew a knit dress (an extended Bento tee) first, just to try it! Thanks for the chance!
I’m partial to wovens, but can’t wait to try a knit hopscotch dress for my three-year old.
Lovely fabrics! I would sew a knit first. I recently purchased a serger and have been sewing for my “grandchild’s hope chest” using the Oliver and S layette pattern.
I would choose the knit for some new much needed summer tops.
Double gauze! It’s a fabric I still have not made a garment from but it’s so lovely:)
I would sew something with the double guaze……only because I have never sewn with double guaze before.
a knit! my soon-to-be-four-year-old needs a birthday dress!
I’d sew myself a summer dress from the double gauze! I’ve wanted to try out double gauze for quite a while, and I was just admiring the new Cloud9 collection the other day.
It would be so great, as I would be able to make 3 of my granddaughters ages 2 and 2 age 6, matching tops.
Double gauze! And I’d probably sew a baby playtime dress for the little one due to join our family this spring. (With a matching one for her big sister)
I love cloud 9 knits! I’d make a simple skater dress for my daughter
I’d love make something a knit fabric. It’s been awhile since I’ve seen with knit, a new learning curve.
Congratulations to Carla who left the 219th comment on this post. Her entry was picked at random, and she’ll be receiving the prize from Cloud9 Fabrics.