halloween costume linky party

Did you sew a Halloween costume this month using an Oliver + S pattern? If so, please do share and link up your project in our costume linky party.

Do you remember Liesl’s Don Juan de Austria from Halloween 2016?

Oliver + S costume linky party

It is always so fun to see what clever costumes you create. We cannot wait to see what gets linked up!




  1. Joanne

    I’m not really into Halloween … though if local parents are kind enough to tell us their children will come knocking I’ll get a ‘goodie bag’ or 2 together ( more like 20 but never mind ) … I don’t put lollies/sweets/candy inside ( your choice of word) but more likely a ballon, an eraser, some bubble blow etc. and If I know your name I’ll write that on the front of the bag. ( yes we are very popular with the the local children ). But I do love the idea of costumes and dressing up. And S blitzed it here.

    In hindsight I could have just all those children choose just one thing from my goodie basket ( no peeking ) … but most of all I’m very strict on the ‘If you didn’t dress up then there is no treat’ rule ( a good lesson for adult life -one has to earn one’s treats !)

    Looking forward to seeing what others did …

  2. Stephanie

    My daughter’s Cinderella dress was a modified Fairy Tale Dress (with lots of extra tulle!)

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