Hello, friends!
It’s that time of year, isn’t it? As soon as I returned home from my trip I caught a nasty cold. Then some good friends came for a visit, and now I’m finally starting to feel like I’m back to feeling like myself and it’s already December! I hope your month is off to a good start.
I’ll be back next week with a special tutorial to show you how I altered my Liesl + Co Bistro Dress to make a completely different dress using the techniques from the Building Block Dress book. And Rachel has some fun kid-friendly sewing projects for you, too.
Pinterest Links
It’s been so long since my last weekend links post, I have lots of inspirational images for you this week! First of all, Wouldn’t this pink color be gorgeous for the new Lisette for Butterick B6423 coat? The neutral tone on the right could also be really versatile and elegant.

I love the details on this man’s outfit. The subtle purple/burgundy shade to his jacket, sweater, and kerchief. The glasses. The kerchief with the collar. The windowpane of the jacket. It’s all good. I’m loving the neutral of this coat and scarf combo, which also reminds me of the Lisette B6423 coat.

While in Seattle during my book tour, Keli and I dropped by to see the lovely Aran of Cannelle et Vanille, who I first met when we were both teaching at the Makerie years ago. Aran cooked us lunch, and I got to see her gorgeous studio for the first time. Aran is so inspiring in so many ways, not the least of which are her fabulous recipes (I made the roasted beet, carmelized onion and goat cheese tart from her photo below just the other day and it was delicious) as well as her stunning photography and aesthetic. I also loved her collection of dishes and cutting boards, which is why the image on the right, below, also attracted my attention.

Winter and sewing. The two go hand in hand, don’t they? I love this color palette and the mood of the image on the right.

These images just feel peaceful and cozy to me. I think I’ve been craving some quiet, relaxed time at home after all this travel and busy-ness!

Weekend Reading
- Discovered in the attic of a Wisconsin family home, this unique collection includes clothing and accessories from three generations of a family.
- Audrey Hepburn is often referenced as a style icon. If you’re a fan, here are new images you’ll appreciate, including her off-camera style. (Hint: it’s not very different from her on-screen style.)
- I don’t really enjoy shopping very much. But after reading this, I’m trying to change my perspective on the experience.
- Here’s a little vintage color and fashion inspiration for you, even colorized to enhance the experience!
- I managed to steal a few minutes to see this wonderful exhibit while in New York last month. Now I really feel like I should re-read Proust to get the full effect.
- And if you get to New York, don’t miss Agnes Martin at the Guggenheim. So beautiful, and the video that shows her working really captured me.
- Sadly, I didn’t get a chance to drop by the recently re-opened Rose Reading Room at the New York Public Library. It’s one of my favorite places in the city, but I’ll just leave it on my list for my next visit.
- I live with a couple of funny/cute animal video fanatics, and this video had us cracking up the other night. Rock out, little doggy!
- Lindsie sent me this video: a man on a mission to sew his own clothes. Nice to have a guy among us, isn’t it? And I like how adventurous he is in his quest to learn.
- I’m quite obsessed with the Meet the Composer podcast right now. Each episode has been riveting, and from a creative perspective I’m really enjoying them because it helps me to understand my own creative process so much better when I hear people from other industries talk about their own experiences. Plus, I’m learning so much about music and finding all sorts of contemporary classical music I’m learning to love. Have you listened to it yet?
- If you’re a Wes Anderson fan you’ll love his new holiday ad for H&M.
Have a wonderful weekend!
That Wes Anderson ad is just awesome! Thanks for sharing.
Funny,! My son & his family are visiting NYC right now and he just posted a picture of the ceiling from the Rose Room. He just labeled it as the library so now I know what part it is from
When will the New Liesl and Co patterns come out?
I saw Agnes Martin’s “The Tree” at a museum last year and was so impressed by it. Her work is so methodical. That piece and one of Frank Stella’s that was also there inspired me to try similar compositions in whole cloth quilting.