portraits of eraser animals

We stick closely to the topic of sewing here. But today, because of a little gap in the editorial calendar, we are departing from the norm to bring you something different: portraits of eraser animals.

S, the photographer who has kindly let us share her work, says that each is intended to capture the personality of its subject. We hope you enjoy.

Portraits of eraser animals
Benjamin is introverted but kind.
Portraits of eraser animals
Blackie is tough.
Portraits of eraser animals
Splash likes to explore.
Portraits of eraser animals
Puddles loves the color blue and also likes to explore.
Portraits of eraser animals
Icicle likes to read and is very smart.
Portraits of eraser animals
Cookie is cute, curious and kind.
Portraits of eraser animals
Green Tea is curious and daring.



  1. Deb

    I’m relating to Benjamin.
    Good shots S!

  2. Stephanie Spann

    I love these photos (and erasers). Really quite adorable!

  3. Tali

    Beautiful portraits!

  4. Kerri

    This was a delightful diversion in my day. Thanks for sharing!

  5. NanaLinda

    Delightful! S is a talented photographer.

  6. Erin

    Seriously, these are awesome. Well done, S!

  7. I love these!!!! Well done, S! I must show these to my kids, I know they will appreciate all of the little personalities.

  8. Darcy

    Absolutely adorable! And the photos are beautiful!! Great job, S!

  9. Marcy

    Love it, S! Thanks for sharing.

  10. Fiona

    Just brilliant!!! Thank you very much, S. You are a real sweetheart to share your precious friends

  11. All those eraser animals were really CUTE!!!!!!’!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    This comment was typed by my 6 year old son Joseph. I second that comment !

  12. Veey talented young lady! I really enjoyed these.

  13. Sarah Helene

    Can Icicle see herself in the reflection? So cute! So creative, indeed!

  14. Lucinda Poel

    S has some serious talent . . . depth of field mastered! love these photos and they really do show lots of personality:)

  15. Miriana

    Lovely portraits, fantastic captions! What a talented girl you are, S!

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