oliver + s building block dress is now available!

It was beginning to feel like this day would never come, but it’s finally here: my book is officially released!

After two years of hard work, including months of agonizing over the best way to present the information, countless photo shoots, and even a few tears of frustration, the Oliver + S Building Block Dress book is finally ready for you.

I hope it will be the start of something really great for you, too. After all, that’s why I wrote it.

Oliver + S Building Block Dress

Over the last week, I have told you about how I came to be a designer and patternmaker and how that ultimately led to our customization tutorial series here on the blog. It was your desire and ability to alter patterns using our tutorials that inspired me to think of a new way to teach you the patternmaking techniques that would give you skills to do your own designing. And I told you about how this method works and how the book is structured. And now the book is finally here!

Building Block Dress Variation

Since we’ve waited a really long time for this, we want to be sure it’s extra special for everyone. So let’s celebrate!

Special Offers on the Book Available This Week Only

You can see more photos from the book and purchase your copy right here. And if you purchase from us this week, you’ll get more than just the book.

Buy a copy before 11:59 PM ET on Saturday September 24,  and we will send you an invitation to an exclusive Building Block Dress Facebook group. As part of this private group, you’ll have special access to upcoming on-line events, opportunities to ask questions and get personal assistance from me, and you’ll be able to share your ideas and photos with other members of the group. Membership in the group is limited, however, so be sure to place your order right away in order to be included. Invitations to the group will go out via an email from Facebook at this time next week.

Orange Building Block Dress

In addition, through Saturday September 24, we’re offering the book at a special 10% discount price. There is no coupon code needed. Since the book is only available from us at present, this is a great chance to buy the book at a discounted price before it is widely available. The book won’t be available on Amazon until sometime in October, so I encourage you to get it now so you have this month to work on your fall sewing.

Oh, one final thing. We printed this book in a relatively small press run, and once it sells out it will be six weeks before more copies are available. So I really encourage you to purchase early to ensure that you get your copy.

Building Block Dress with Cat

Tomorrow I’ll announce my upcoming book tour–both virtual and live. I’ll be traveling across the U.S. in October and November, teaching workshops focused on the book and the techniques covered in the book. Stay tuned for those details and a chance to work with me in person to help you develop patterns for your own designs. Or at least to get your book signed! I’d love to meet you.





  1. Oh, I hope you come into NC! I’d love to meet you and have my book signed too of course! Congrats again on the book. It looks amazing and I can’t wait to smell the fresh new pages! 🙂

    1. Thanks, Melani! Book lovers, unite!

    2. Darcy

      I’m going to second the request for NC 🙂

  2. Congratulations!!! I just ordered! Fingers crossed you come somewhere close enough to meet you!

    1. Thanks, Emily! I’m making five stops across the country (maybe more?), so hopefully one of them won’t be too far away… Wish I could stay longer, but S is already NOT HAPPY.

  3. Hahah. I am like a little girl. My transaction was complete by 11:01!!!!

    1. But, believe it or not Jenny, there were two orders that came in before yours did!

      1. Hahah. That’s so funny. They must be quicker typing in their card numbers! 😀

  4. Darcy

    Just got it!! Can’t wait for it arrive!! Congrats on the book release!

    1. Thank you, Darcy! xoxo

  5. Crafts At Home Mama

    Congratulations!! I just ordered my copy. Looking forward to reading it. Hope you come to MD!

    1. Thanks so much!

  6. Rebecca

    YAY!! I hope I’m in on the first run… I mean to babysit my computer until first thing this morning. 😉 I am in San Francisco, so I paid expedited shipping — assuming it’s shipping from NYC. 😉 Speaking of SF … I *really* hope you’re doing book tour over here?? Please?? 😀

    1. Rebecca, if I could I’d make many more stops than I’ve already scheduled. It’s a matter of being away from home and our daughter for so long. And then there’s the issue of writing more books and patterns…

  7. Jessica

    I got mine! Consider my purchase my vote for a women’s version, though I am looking forward to learning the techniques. I just need to fine tune my block.

    1. Thank you, Jessica! I’m confident that you’ll find lots of useful techniques in this book in the meantime. But your vote and support mean a lot to us! Keeping my fingers crossed…

  8. Sandra Gibbon

    Just ordered mine1.45 am Australian time.
    Looking forward to its arrival.

    1. Sandra, that’s dedication! Thank you so much. Now go get some sleep!

  9. Amie

    Oh, please add a Canada date or two! Montreal, Toronto, Winnipeg and Vancouver would love to have you!

  10. Amy

    Just ordered mine. 🙂

    1. Thanks, Amy!

  11. Tricia

    Just ordered!! Particularly excited about learning how to use sleeves from one pattern on the bodice of another – will help me with my Christmas sewing! Very exciting that you are coming to Fancy Tiger although I do not think I will be able to make your class since I will have a newborn. Would be lovely to meet you someday tho, I have been a big fan ever since Justin first told me about you ;).

  12. Sarvi

    Ordered — I got the yellow tracing paper and the 6 inch ruler too — the ruler especially will be super handy. Excited! I have a seventh birthday dress to sew, coming up 🙂

  13. Mary Ann Wilson

    Yeah & congratulations on this venture! Great idea!

    1. Thank you so much, Mary Ann! Enjoy.

  14. Kamill Knudsen

    I’m so excited for your book!!! I purchased your “Little things to sew” book and it is my absolute favorite book ever!!!! I have made almost everything in it! I have a little girl who will only wear dresses so I can not wait to make her some from your new book!!!!! I’m beyond excited!!! Thank you thank you! Also I would love to join your fb group!

    1. I’m so glad you like it, Kamill! And if you purchase the book from us this week we’ll send you an invitation to the Facebook group, for sure. Enjoy!

  15. Catherine L

    Hope I made the first run! Had to pick up a sick little girl (the recipient of all the fabulous dresses I will make from this book) from school earlier so I’ve been busy.

    Cannot wait to see it and inhale that new book smell!

    1. You made it, Catherine, no worries! Many thanks.

  16. Lynda

    yay! I’ve ordered mine, (I even splurged on faster shipping to AUS shhh..), not that I actually need the book in a hurry or have girls to sew for. congrats and thanks for all you do 🙂

    1. Thanks, Lynda! I’m thrilled that you’re so excited about it. Enjoy!

      1. Lynda

        I am excited, I have lots of your Liesl & Co and Lisette patterns but have only made two so far, I finished the PJ pants yesterday and they turned out ‘perfect’!! a decent achievement for a beginner I thought. GalleryTunic is next. Is the Traveller Dress still available? I really want to make this and will try at Spotlight next time I’m near there, it isn’t showing on their online store. thanks again 🙂

      2. Lynda, the Lisette Traveler Dress pattern was taken out of print quite some time ago. Unfortunately, it’s no longer available.

  17. Emily

    I was refreshing my screen and ordered as soon as the clock here on the west coast struck 8! Can’t wait for it to come. 🙂

  18. Got mine! So excited, this is going to be such a handy tool. How well do the techniques learned translate to working with knits?

  19. Jen

    Just purchased my copy! Like many others here, I have learned to sew from your wonderful patterns. You have an amazing talent for making difficult things seem simple. I was shocked when my first project turned out just like the pictures and I learn something new every time I use one of your patterns. Every item of yours I have made has become part of my favorite memories with my children and I thank you.

    1. I’m so glad to hear that, Jen. I hope you have lots of fun with the book.

  20. Juliet

    I wasn’t going to buy this. I don’t have little girls! But, after reading your blog posts and looking through the preview pictures I think that I can probably learn a lot about customizing from this book, and that is something I am very interested in for myself. With shipping it came out to $28, that’s a very inexpensive sewing class.

    1. You get it, Juliet! I think you’ll learn a lot from this book, and then when the women’s book is ready (?) you’ll be a step ahead already!

      1. Juliet

        I did

  21. Elisa

    I preordered and paid it in Book Depositary yesterday (Spain time). Could it be possible to join to the facebook group?
    Thanks in advance

    1. Elisa, unfortunately not. The membership list is tied to sales history from our website, so you would need to purchase directly from us to be added to the list.

  22. francesca

    This looks like such a great book. the idea behind it is amazing. I’ve been reading all the blog posts feeling envious of little girls – or their mothers:). As a non-mother without any nieces or other available kids, I won’t be buying it – but I wanted to add my voice to those who clamor for an adult version:) !

    1. Francesca, just because the book includes a pattern for a girls’ dress doesn’t mean it won’t be useful for sewing for yourself! I think you’ll learn a lot from it. It’s intended as a sewing reference to be used with patterns of all sorts.

      1. francesca

        Oh, thanks for replying, Liesl. Really? In that case I might just add it to the library….. To be honest I was thinking of getting it anyway but felt slightly ridiculous:)

        Have you found the Bouton d’Or haberdashery yet? I think I had told you about it. It’s an amaaaazing old shop with beautiful murals – and lovely habdash:). I used to visit often when I lived in Madrid.

  23. Francesca, I haven’t! Thanks for the mention. I think someone else told me about this and I had completely forgotten about it, so I will search it out! Cheers!

    1. francesca

      You must! Wooden cabinets, murals on the ceilings, lovely buttons etc – really charming:). It wasn’t too far off from Salamanca/Chamberi but I cannot for the life of me remember the name of the area, embassy driver used to take me there or I’d remember the metro stop.

  24. Kitty

    I am very excited about this book and its concept, like many my sewing has improved hugely with using your patterns. You mentioned that buying direct is a much better deal for you than Amazon, however, shipping to the UK is expensive from the US. In the spirit of wanting to support your work (and the amazing work that you put into teaching us!) but not wanting to pay a fortune in postage, what would be the best way to purchase your book here in the UK (i.e. do you get a better deal on with some bookstores than others on each sale?)

    1. Kitty, thanks so much for your thoughtfulness! We understand that shipping outside the US is ghastly expensive. Unfortunately, we’re not large enough to have any leverage there. Amazon, however, is. If you can wait to purchase a copy and can find it through an in-country retailer with lower shipping that’s fine. Again, thank you. Your concern is very much appreciated.

  25. I’m so excited for this book. I just placed my order today. I can’t wait for the Facebook group invitation.

  26. Marsha

    I’m delighted to have just purchased the book. I have a 7 month old granddaughter and another granddaughter on the way. While they are still a little young, it won’t be long before they are vertical and these techniques will be put to good use. Until then I will have a chance to practice and get good.

    Thank you so much for pouring your heart and soul into a book like this. I look forward to learning and reading every page.

    1. Thanks so much, Marsha. Congratulations on your granddaughters, and I hope this book just adds to the fun! xo

  27. Kate

    So do I understand correctly that if I live in the U.K. I will not be eligible to join the Facebook group unless I buy the book from your US based site instead of Amazon in the U.K. which will then cost me approximately £10 in postage. I had preordered the book on Amazon but have cancelled it until I know as I would very much like to be part of the group.

    1. Kate, that is correct. The Facebook group is a special benefit available only for customers who purchase directly from our site this week.

      1. Kate

        Many thanks for clarifying Todd.

  28. Bonnie Riley

    Hi Liesl – Could you please tell me if the book is strictly for woven fabrics or if the use of knit fabrics is also addressed? I love sewing with Oliver & S patterns. Thanks – Bonnie

    1. Bonnie, many of the techniques laid out in the book are equally applicable for knit fabrics. Liesl may have more to say on this in a coming bloc post.

  29. Oh my gosh I didn’t know about the Saturday night deadline –can I still be invited to the Facebook group? I feel like it will help so much with support/questions/etc… I love your patterns for women and just yesterday made my first Hide & Seek dress for my daughter Ruby. She adores it! I cannot wait to learn more, and I am so grateful you made this book. It must’ve taken so much work and tenacity. XOXO

    1. Natalie, the group opens on Monday morning. If you make a purchase today (Sunday) and email your order number and request to join to information@oliverands.com before midnight, we will get you added manually once the group has opened.

      1. Bonnie Riley

        Hi – late, as usual, but I also bought the book this morning (Sunday) and have sent in my request to join the sew along. Thanks for extending the deadline. ~ Bonnie

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