quick sewing tip: selecting thread color

Today’s sewing tip will help you choose the best color thread for your sewing projects. And, as a bonus, I give you a little trick for finding the end of the thread on the spool.




  1. I had no idea thread spools pulled apart. Mind blown.

    1. Kerri Cayo

      I didn’t know those spools pulled apart either. So cool!

      1. Nor me! Great tip, thank you Liesl.

  2. Elisabeth

    This blew my mind! I really had no idea that they pulled apart at all.

  3. Tamara

    Great tip Liesl!

  4. Jenny

    OMG. The pull apart!!!

  5. Kim

    What? I would have never figured out they pulled apart?!

  6. Linda Adam

    Just to let you know that I am really enjoying your sewing tips. Nice & short & easy peasy to follow. Thanks so much. Linda A, Ontario, Canada

  7. Jeannie

    Please continue these short and to the point useful tips. Thank you!

  8. Thea

    Thank you for making this series of quick tips. I love them. So useful in just a few minutes of watching. And of course Liesl, you taught me to sew with your beautiful patterns, so anything you do is the best in my opinion. I hope you have lots more of these to come.

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