sew + tell: rachel’s woodland clearing baby wardrobe

What do you get when you mix Kid’s Clothes Week, the Woodland Clearing fabric collection, and a relative having twin girls? The perfect combination, and here are the darling results, if I do say so myself!

Oliver + S baby clothes made out of Woodland Clearing fabrics

Project details
Patterns used: Tea Party bloomers, Lullaby Layette, and Bubble Dress
Fabrics used: Five different printed cotton lawn fabrics from the Woodland Clearing collection

Oliver + S Lullaby Layette jacket in Woodland Clearing fabrics

I was busy sewing up a storm last week making 0-3 month sized baby clothes for a gift. The complete collection turned out to be: five pairs of bloomers, one bodysuit, one jacket and a couple of adorable Bubble dresses thrown in for good measure. Everything was sewn up by the pattern, except for one little tweak on the Lullaby Layette jacket. I quilted the fabrics first before assembling it and I love the results!

Oliver + S Tea Party bloomers in Woodland Clearing fabrics

This was my first time sewing up these three patterns and I learned something new with each one. The sewing went fine for every item, it’s just that there was something special about the Bubble dress and Lullaby Layette jacket with their ease of sewing and cleverness.

Oliver + S Tea Party bloomers in Woodland Clearing fabrics

I thought it would be nice to have some extra pairs of bloomers to be able to mix and match with the two Bubbles dresses.

Oliver + S Bubble Dresses and Tea Party bloomers in Woodland Clearing fabrics

When sewing up the Lullaby Layette bodysuit, I tried these snaps and the snapsetter tool for the first time. I have to admit I was a little nervous, but I followed the snapsetter tutorial and it worked like a charm! I will never hesitate to use these snaps on sewing projects in the future.

Oliver + S Lullaby Layette bodysuit in Woodland Clearing fabric

I’m really pleased with the baby gifts I sewed, everything goes so well together and the cotton lawn will be soft and gentle against baby’s skin. I’ll leave you with a photo of my personal favorite ensemble.

Oliver + S Lullaby Layette jacket, Bubble Dress and Tea Party bloomers in Woodland Clearing fabrics

Have you done any baby sewing yet? Share your Oliver + S baby sewing in the Flickr group or tag it with #oliverands on Instagram so we can all see. If you make something with the Woodland Clearing fabric collection be sure to tag it with #woodlandclearingfabric.


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  1. Helena

    They are absolutely gorgeous. Thank you.

  2. Jenny

    Eep. So cute.

  3. Wow, they will be such parents! Almost makes up for the shock of two at once!
    Perfect baby girl clothes Rachel.

  4. Such “happy” parents. Doh.

  5. Joanne

    Sew very cute!! Did you follow the fabric requirements as suggested or did you use a lot less?

  6. Tamara

    Completely adorable! And quilting the jacket is the most perfect idea!

  7. Juliet


  8. So perfectly sweet and adorable. Seeing these makes me wish I had a baby to sew for (preferably someone else’s baby – I was too sleep-deprived to sew for my own;-)

  9. Love it <3
    The quilted jacket looks fabulous!!
    I purchased the Lullaby Layette pattern just for making baby gifts and never regret it – I've used it so much.

  10. Such pretty tiny clothes!

  11. Sharon k

    These are all so gorgeous!!

  12. Juanita in OH

    These baby garments are FABULOUS! We are awaiting our seventh great-grandchild to be born early next month. I must make some of these, the are priceless. TFS

  13. These are just gorgeous! I’ve just purchased some of this fabric to start sewing up for our new baby girl due in a few months! Beautiful inspiration!

  14. Sara

    Beautiful! Where did you get your “0-3 Month” tags?

    1. Etsy.

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