a little housekeeping

We know that a few thousand of you subscribe to our blog posts and read them in your email. That’s great. It’s an easy way to keep in touch, right?

If you subscribe by email, this is a little heads-up for you. We’re rolling out an enhancement to how we send these emails. This is the last one you will receive that looks like this and that comes from this email address. Starting with our next blog post, these emails will have a new look and will be sent from a different address. If you are reading this in your email, you don’t need to do anything. We’ve already migrated you over to the new platform.

New subscribe by email look

We’re mentioning this because there are also a few hundred of you who subscribe through your WordPress account. As a result of this enhancement, our posts may no longer automatically update for you there. We wouldn’t want to lose you, so why don’t you consider subscribing by email instead? And for those of you who would like to receive our blog posts everyday in your inbox but don’t already? Well, this is for you too!

To subscribe for the first time, or to update your subscription preferences to receive blog posts, visit our newsletter signup page. Enter your information, check the box next to “Blog Posts,” confirm your email address, and you’re all set! Our blog posts will be mailed to you at the same time every day.

Let us know if you experience any issues, or if your new emails don’t start arriving, by leaving a comment below.



  1. Masha

    I did not get this by email, so I thought maybe I had dropped off the list (though I’ve been on it in the past; I always get and read your newsletters). I checked spam and everything. So I tried to subscribe but got a message saying that I was already subscribed. Not sure what happened?

    1. Masha, this email went out using the old system. The next blog post will go out using the new one. So wait and see if you get the next one by email. That will tell you definitively if things are working or if there’s an issue. If there is an issue after the next post publishes, let me know and I can look into it for you.

  2. Becky

    Hi Todd, will these changes affect those who subscribe by other means? For example, I read the blog on feedly.

    1. Becky, you’ll see no change there. The only change is with email subscriptions and for people who are receiving updates automatically on their WordPress dashboard.

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