weekend links

Hello, friends!

S and I stopped by a famous little shop, Alpargateria Casa Hernandez, here in Madrid the other day. We were purchasing espadrilles–known here as alpargatas–to wear at home as slippers.




I’m sure you’re familiar with espadrilles, yes? Casa Hernandez has a huge variety of these shoes in a stunning array of colors, fabrics, and styles. Choose from simple flat styles like the ones we purchased, or select from various heel heights, materials like linen and leather and suede, slingbacks and ankle straps and almost anything you can imagine. Next spring I’m planning to go back and purchase another dressier pair; I particular liked the wedge styles made with leather. In fact, I was searching for a similar pair this summer and couldn’t find anything I liked quite as much as a pair they had in the window the other day.

Since the basic espadrilles are made with a fabric upper, wouldn’t it be fun to make your own? As it turns out, you can easily do so! I got all excited when I came across Ada Spragg’s espadrille DIY the other day and had to share it with you.




Cute, yes? I’m especially excited about this because I have a new fabric collection coming out in just a couple of weeks, and I think I may need to make espadrilles with some of the new fabrics! I’ll tell you all about the new collection as soon as I get the OK. I promise.

In the meantime, here are some links to keep you busy this weekend.





As a life-long fan of ice cream (I submit my ice cream Pinterest board as evidence of said obsession), I started following @jimbachor on Instagram because he was using ice-cream-themed mosaics to fill potholes in Chicago. It all started as a way of calling the city’s attention to the problem of unfilled potholes. He’s since moved on to other subjects for his street mosaics, but his work continues to delight and inspire me.

Pinterest links

Isn’t this a cute ideas to finish an armhole or neckline? Use fold-over elastic (or maybe even stretch lace?) instead of a bias facing. Very clever and pretty. And probably less bulky, too.


sept-11-apinterest link


I love this outfit for fall. Use our Lunchbox Culottes pattern for a similar look.


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Here’s a little trio of pins for you: This first one is basically just half square triangles. But watch the cream, mustard and black.


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Keeping in mind that quilt, this jacket takes it to the next level using the same triangles and color palette!


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Swap out the colors just a bit–ballet pink in place of the cream and slate gray in place of the black–and you have an equally darling and sophisticated dress for a little girl. I might play around with the Carousel Dress for a similar look, but the Pinwheel Dress could also work well. I love the color blocking here, still with the use of subtle triangles.


sept-11-epinterest link


Weekend reading

  1. A month or so ago I linked to a newish company that’s offering men’s fashions using performance fabrics. Do you remember that one? Well, here’s another company offering formal clothing using performance fabrics! What a fantastic idea, especially for musicians and people who need to move and to work while wearing formal apparel.
  2. Have you ever wondered why you’re often asked for your zip code when you shop? Here’s a possible answer, as well as a few other secrets of the retail trade revealed.
  3. This list of ways to protect your relationship with your teenager is really good. And I think it doesn’t just apply to teenagers; S is ten and would be horrified if I did a lot of these things.
  4. What do you think? Is it all a myth that we’re not getting enough sleep? I’m still pretty sure I’m not getting enough, and the late Spanish nights aren’t really helping me to change that.
  5. Back in NYC it’s Fashion Week, and this overview gave me a good chuckle. Sadly, it’s accurate.

Have a wonderful weekend, everyone!


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  1. Thanks for the link about raising teenagers! My oldest is 9 (4th grade) but you see some of the preteen stuff at this age already, and these are all such good reminders. I particularly need to remember the one about putting your phone away when your kids are around, and not nagging about silly things.

  2. Jane

    The list for ways to ruin your relationship w/ your teen is spot on. My son is 16. His pre-teen and early teen years were quite a struggle for us both. We were both trying to figure out our new roles as he grew and developed more independence. It’s not easy figuring out those roles or where the line should be drawn. As we’ve relaxed and acclimated to having a teen in the house, things have gotten much easier. He is a really great kid, and I’m so proud of him, but it took a little time and patience to get here.

  3. I’m super-happy that orchestra musicians are getting formal wear in performance fabrics. I can’t wait for this development to trickle down to equestrians, who are still wearing dry clean only textiles for arena competitions in all weather.

  4. Sarvi

    Count me in for being excited about the performance fabric recital/performance wear, I have to try my hand at that!

    Super excited to try making a pair of espadrilles, too, how many kids can have shoes to match their culottes?

    Hahahahha, or I could make a left shoe with my face and a right shoe with my husband’s face, to match my kid’s backpack with her own face on it…

  5. liz n.

    Another reason retailers ask for your zip code is to track how far people are travelling to their stores. This information helps them determine all sorts of things: where to build, where to focus advertising, the (presumed) income levels of shoppers, etc.

    I always give them a fake zip code. Such a rebel.

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