pinterest picks and links

OK, how is it May already? Ack! But here we are, and you know that means the start of Me Made May, right? This year I’m challenging myself to wear at least one thing that I’ve made every day. I might go for a few days of wearing only things that I’ve made, too, but I can’t give up wearing blue jeans for an entire month, and so far I haven’t sewn any jeans. (When I was in middle school my Mom sewed me a pair of Calvin Klein jeans, and I loved them. One of these days I may just have to make some myself!) So, are you going to play? You can read all about it right here. I’ll be posting my photos to the Oliver + S Instagram account this time. But I hope you’ll consider doing it, too. You can set your own parameters, with no stress. Come on, it will be fun!


may-1all my #mmmay15 photos are taken by S


We’ve got another busy weekend planned, with a fancy tea party on Saturday and tickets to the ballet on Sunday. But next week I’ll be back to start the Oliver + S spring pattern sew-alongs beginning with the Parachute Sweatpants. I’ll kick things off Monday with a tutorial that will show you how to add pockets to the sweatpants or to the Butterfly Skirt, so be sure to come back for that. I’ll also be introducing you to the new Liesl + Co. women’s patterns starting on Wednesday. The paper patterns just arrived, and they look great! I hope you’ll tune in for those introductions, too. I’m really looking forward to sharing them with you.

Well, it’s been a few weeks since my last weekly wrap-up post, so let’s get to it, shall we?

Pinterest Picks

If I’m not mistaken, this smocking appears to be worked on (knit) jersey. I love it, especially the dense texture created by the stitches themselves. Am adding this to my (long) list of things to try.


apr 10 apinterest link


Sarvi posted the cutest shibori indigo dress the other day. Isn’t this clever? She made the heart shape with a stitch resist, and it turned out perfectly!


sarvi-fairy-tale-dresspinterest link


Love this color blocking. I think this would be perfect for the Lisette B6183 top. (I hope to sew this pattern for myself next week if all goes well. Have you sewn it yet?)

Apr 10 cpinterest link


And I’d wear that top (above) with yarn-dye striped Liesl and Co. Girl Friday Culottes like these. So cute!apr 10 gpinterest link


Have a great weekend!




  1. Robin

    Liesl, I think you’ve taken MMM to a whole new level by wearing things that you’ve designed, not just sewn.

  2. Colleen P.

    Have to agree with Robin there, you’ve taken a step beyond! I’m with you on the date though-how can it be May already, it was only just the beginning of March a few days ago!

  3. Thanks, ladies! I enjoy wearing anything I sew myself, but you’re right that there is a certain pride in also having designed it. xo

  4. Melinda

    Thank you so much for your excellent links – so much useful information! Especially the one about keeping your kids and their bodies safe. I have been struggling on how to address this issue (my children are still young enough that we are just at the beginning of needing this) and this article had the perfect advice. Thank you!!!

  5. Hmmmm, smocking on knits….. Yep, we’ll have to put that on our “to try” list! LOVE THAT LOOK!!

  6. Sarvi

    The links are so interesting, as usual. I appreciate the child-safety link, though it is sobering to think about. Getting to bed on time is really difficult for me, and I too often find myself falling asleep on the couch while purporting to watch a film/spend time with my husband/read a book, etc. Probably all causes would be better served by a bedtime routine more similar to my kid’s: wash up, fresh PJs, bit of book time, and go to bed on purpose, not by mistake. For MMM I’m happy to report that I work my Everyday skirt to my daughter’s recital and felt very spiffy in it.

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