what to make with it: turquoise dot aqua chambray lisette fabric

The Lisette Spring 2014 fabrics came out a year ago at Jo-Ann stores in the United States. Have you sewn with any of them yet? Fabric lovers have noticed that the quality of the Lisette fabric is better than most other Jo-Ann fabrics. You really must go see and touch them, if you are able to, that is.


Lisette Spring 2014 fabric collection


We wanted to give you some ideas of what you could make with a few of them. There will be two parts to this, featuring two of the more popular fabrics from this collection. We’ll start out with the turquoise dot aqua chambray today and the other one will follow soon.


Turquoise Dot Aqua Chambray Lisette fabric


Versatile is the word I would use to describe this chambray. It works with so many other colors and fabrics. You’ll see in the examples that it’s been used for many garments from babies to women.

It looks like it’s no longer available to purchase online, but some stores might still be carrying some or maybe you have some in your stash?

I’m sure you’ll recognize this Garden Party Dress. It’s the one on the cover of the pattern.


Garden Party Dress Pattern


It appears that Tricia is a huge fan of this fabric as she has sewn up quite a few garments using it, including this Lullaby Layette and matching Garden Party Dress.


Lullaby Layette and Garden Party Dress in Turquoise Dot Aqua Chambray Lisette fabric


She also sewed herself a Liesl + Co Everyday Skirt.


Liesl + Co Everyday Skirt in Turquoise Dot Aqua Chambray Lisette fabric


Another one by Tricia, but this time a Music Box Jumper. The bodice is in the chambray and the skirt in a green/yellow tiny floral print quilting cotton.


Music Box Jumper in Turquoise Dot Aqua Chambray Lisette fabric


I told you Tricia was a huge fan, right? Because she made even more: these cute Sunny Day Shorts with Lullaby Layette pockets.


Sunny Day Shorts in Turquoise Dot Aqua Chambray Lisette fabric


I was inspired by the British TV series “Call the Midwife” when I made this Jump Rope Dress with in-seam sides pockets from the Playtime Dress.


Jump Rope Dress in Turquoise Dot Aqua Chambray Lisette fabric


Finally if you’d like to see what this fabric looks like made up in a Firefly Jacket, head this way.

By the way, anytime you sew with Lisette fabrics please do share photos of your creations in the Lisette Flickr group. We love seeing what you make with these fabrics.


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  1. I absolutely adore the l isette lines!

  2. I love the look of these fabrics! I so wish we could get them in Canada.

  3. I adore this fabric! I have some hoarded away that I had planned on using for an Everyday Skirt, but I don’t have enough for the side panels. I wish we still had it in stock near me, but we don’t.

  4. Lynda

    Is the chambray available in Australia? tia

  5. Amy

    I have this fabric in my stash! Great ideas…gears spinning.

  6. I think I still have 3-4 yards of this left, I originally bought 7! So I’ve got a couple more projects in mind 😉

  7. Wow, I didn’t know about the Lisette fabric at Joann! I will look for it.

  8. SarahB

    The chambray dot is one of my favorites! I wish I’d bought more originally!

  9. Masha

    This is so timely – I have four yards in my stash (because of a lucky mistake Joann.com made when I ordered three yards) and was just looking at it yesterday, wondering what to do with it.

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