two website enhancements: tutorials page and skills used

If you’ve been poking around our website lately, you may have noticed we’ve rolled out a couple of small enhancements we thought you would find useful.

First up is our new tutorials page which you will find linked at the top right of each page on the site.




We know that many of you refer back to tutorials we’ve posted on the blog over the years, and this page will make it easier for you to find them. We’ve categorized them by topic, so if you really want to focus on a topic like seam finishes or sewing techniques, for example, you’ll be able to find the tutorials more easily. We’ll be adding many more tutorials to this list over time, so stay tuned to see what else we have in store for you.

Our second improvement can be found on the details tab of all the Oliver + S pattern pages in the shop section of the site. We’ve included information there about the skills you will use when you sew each pattern.




This will be especially useful to you if you are looking to add a new skill to your repertoire. You can browse through the patterns to find one that contains the skill you want to develop. You can also use the “search the shop” feature to find a pattern that uses that skill.

We hope you’ll find these two enhancements useful and that you’ll use them to help improve your sewing!



  1. jen

    I was wondering if you could sort the patterns into boys and girls. You see, I have 4 boys. I love to sew. I would like to look at just boys patterns and not have to look through all the girl patterns to find a boy patterns. Also, I just finished making the nature walk pullover and loved loved loved it. Thanks so much.

  2. Sarvi

    This is super fantastic! I often use my O+S library in exactly this way — to learn how to do a specific technique. Incredibly handy to have it listed!

  3. Jenny

    Love the tutorials section. So easy to find. I didn’t know you had that many.

  4. Jenny

    Jen, if you click on shop, and then you click on O & S patterns, on the left is a drop down of things like skirts & tops. Dresses. Also pants and tops.

    With the exception of 3 patterns, the pant/top patterns are unisex. For example, the afterschool pants with or without ruffles. The sail boat pants, etc.

    Same with Jackets and Pajamas. 2 are unisex.

  5. These are great improvements. Thanks for doing them!

  6. dianelyons

    Those tutorials are such a treasure trove of information. Thanks a million for organizing them in this handy manner!

  7. Thank you- I wasn’t a very good blog follower until recently and I had no idea you’d shared so many tutorials. I’m so excited to give more of these a try!

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