join me in maine next week!

We’re headed up to lovely Maine next week for a big family vacation, and while we’re there I’ll be giving a little sneak peek of the upcoming fall patterns at Fiddlehead Artisan Supply. If you’re in the neighborhood I hope you’ll drop in and join us!




S will be there too, wearing a darling version of one of our new patterns made from Heather Ross’ new fabric collection. I think you’re going to love it!




  1. preview the new patterns? Preview the new patterns? Gosh, it’s only what 14 hours to Maine? Maybe worth thinking about. 🙂

  2. Juliet

    I wish! Not a reasonable driving distance from CA though! Can’t it to see the new patterns!

  3. Ruth

    New patterns?! NEW PATTERNS! Am tickled pink. Would love to go, but it’s a tad far from Melbourne. Will have to wait for the blog post. Anticipation!

  4. I’m glad to see I’m not the only one whose first thought was traveling a ridiculous distance just to get a sneak perk at the new patterns!

  5. Virginia

    I hope photos will be posted on the blog. I can’t wait for a sneak peak at the new patterns.

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