your cape fabric questions and a britex fabrics wool give-away

Quite a few of you have asked fabric questions about the Woodland Stroll and Forest Path cape patterns, so I thought I’d give you a nice, proper answer in full here rather than little piecemeal blurbs in the comments section.

But even if you don’t have questions, guess what! Britex Fabrics has generously offered to give away enough wool of your choice to make a beautiful cape! Read on to the end of this post for details and your chance to win.




Before diving into specifics, let me take a minute to explain about fabric suggestions and sewing patterns. Since there are probably more than a million different types of fabric in the world, a fabric envelope is never intended to be the final authority on which fabric you can use for that pattern. Instead, the fabrics are supposed to help you make your selections by guiding you in the right direction.

For example, when you see denim and canvas listed on a pattern, you know that a heavier fabric without much drape will work best for that pattern. You can certainly use denim and canvas, but you might also fall in love with a twill that will be great for that pattern, even though it’s not listed on the envelope. On the other hand, when silk charmeuse or silk jersey are called for, that’s a hint that you’ll get the best results from a very lightweight drapey fabric. Denim might not be the best choice there. So don’t be afraid to experiment with different fabrics, but take your cue from the types of fabrics that are listed and you’ll probably be more happy with the results.

We’ve recommended several fabrics for the exterior of the cape: wool coating, wool melton, velveteen (i.e., cotton velvet), moleskin, and corduroy. Those are my top suggestions, but that doesn’t necessarily mean you need to limit your choices to these fabrics. If you live in a tropical climate you could also try a lighter-weight wool. I think wool gabardine and flannel would be fine, as would a lightweight fleece. You might have fun with the newer raincoat/laminate fabrics, too. So you’re looking for fabrics that aren’t too stiff or thick. And you don’t want anything that’s too drapey, either. Fabrics like jersey or interlock wouldn’t be good, I think.

So the rule here is really, not too drapey, limp, or wimpy. And not too stiff or boardy. Got that?

As far as the lining goes, we suggest rayon, acetate, polyester, China silk, or cotton lawn. I like a slippery lining because it doesn’t catch on your clothing when you’re wearing the cape. Bemberg rayon is my favorite because it’s relatively easy to work with and has a lovely drape and hand. And it lasts longer than a lot of slippery linings. (Some rayons and polyesters really creep me out. Polar fleece is the worst offender for the creepy touch factor. But that’s just me.)

Here again, that doesn’t mean you can only use the fabrics we listed. But, as with most fabric suggestions on a pattern envelope, you can learn a lot about the pattern and the desired appearance by evaluating the suggestions. They can give you a hint about what fabrics work best. If you find a gorgeous silk satin that you want to use, go for it! (And I want to see it; I’ll bet it would be spectacular!) If you really want to use quilting cotton (which is understandable because there are so many great prints available), it would almost certainly work but might require a little more finishing along the edges.

So now that you know a little more about the fabrics, I also wanted to alert you to the great selection of wools at Britex Fabrics where, if you haven’t ever been for a visit in San Francisco, they have all sorts of gorgeous fabrics. It’s quite an inspiring place, next time you’re in the area. And fortunately for those of us who live nowhere near Britex, they also have a lot of selections on their website. Here are a few standouts I noticed the other day when I was browsing:




 1, 2, 3, 4

And the lovely people at Britex have generously agreed to sponsor a give-away! (This is the part you’ve been waiting for, right?)

To enter, leave a comment telling me about your most adventurous sewing project ever. Doesn’t matter if it was successful or not. We’ll select one lucky winner at noon ET next Monday, and we’ll notify that person by email. The winner can choose their own fabric (up to $75.00!) from Britex’s offerings to make a cape for yourself or someone you love. Or someone you want to love you. Whatever you want to do.


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  1. Erin Waters

    It probably does not sound too adventurous, but my most adventurous sewing project would maybe be my friends linen drapes for her livingroom…her window was an oversized picture window (170 inches wide, 96 long). So clearly, the project itself is not that intense…it was managing the gagillion yards of linen while sewing that became the difficulty

  2. Robyn Brown

    My most adventurous was attempting to make a dress for myself many years ago. It was somewhat successful. I did make the dress and it fit but it was obviously homemade. It was pretty misshapen. 🙂

  3. krystina

    A top for myself made of cotton lawn… I still haven’t finished it!

  4. Tineke

    The most adventurous was snow pants for my little girl, waterproof and insulated. A lot of trouble (skipping stitches, breaking needle) but finally done. My girl loves her pink pants and they gets a lot of wear.

  5. Maureen

    My most adventurous was the Secret Agent Trench Halloween. The skill level was fine. The adventure was trying to finish it before we lost power from Sandy!

  6. Donel

    My most adventurous project was a full on baby carrier. It had buckles, snaps, straps, foam and was made with a heavy canvas. It turned out great and I used it a lot, but I must have spent 2 weeks researching the best ways to sew the different components before I even started.

  7. Sarah

    My most adventurous sewing was for myself- a proper party dress. And it was a complete disaster in both the sewing of it and the fit. Thanks for the lovely giveaway!

  8. Adventurous?
    Maybe draw drapes for a sliding glass door?
    But tailoring a Scottish wool coat while I was in high school was too. We did not have lots of money in the family so this pricy wool scared me but I did so love it! It never every wore out. Never ever!
    Making my wedding dress?
    Prom dresses for the nieces?

    I have never thought of my seeing projects in terms of being adventurous –but maybe so!

  9. amanda palmer

    I am not an experienced sewist; so my most adventurous project may seem like a bore to others. I made a maternity shirt for myself that had top panels with long “tails” that wrapped around and tied in the back. It was very challenging for me, but I finished it and it looked great!

  10. Lynn B.

    My most ambious project was to make a strapless homecoming dress for my daughter in less than 2 weeks. The dress was boned and had a waist stay. I had not sewn boning before, so it was a learning “stretch” to make this and have it fit properly. It had to stay up and not be too revealing. She picked a less than wonderful fabric to learn on. I am happy to say the dress was completed on time, it did not reveal more that what was wanted and stayed in place for the evening. — Just don’t assume it was completed with couture techniques ; }

  11. amelia

    My most adventurous endeavor is not terrifically exciting, but it was definitely challenging enough for me. It was a dress for my sister-in-law’s wedding last summer. Left (typically) until the last minute, it did not fit properly and there was no time for troubleshooting, so I wore a dress I already had and it is sitting in a box waiting to be fixed. That said, I definitely learned a lot in the process and look forward to getting better at fitting and altering patterns as I get more experienced (and have some time: maybe when my kids, currently a toddler and an infant, move out? : ) ). Thanks for a lovely giveaway.

  12. Sinnie

    My most adventurous was seashore sundress for my two years old. It was my first sewing garment. I was so nervous and followed ever step carefully. When it was done, I was so happy because I can sew by myself now.

  13. Lisa

    I’m not a super experienced sewer either so my most adventurous project thus far was a tunic-style top. It wasn’t a big success — I really need to learn more about fit to get it just right.

  14. Shannon

    My most intimidating so far was a swimsuit I’ve started but not finished yet. I hadn’t worked with that type of fabric before, but so far it’s turned out very nice and not as hard as I was assuming it would be.

  15. Brenda

    Hmm… would be a toss-up between the lined, interlined silk drapes for my bedroom, or the heavy duty waterproof pack saddle I designed and sewed for my husband. Well, for his horse actually 🙂

  16. Jennifer Schramm

    Thanks for the give away! I’ve Sewn many challenging things over the years, but the most adventurous was this crazy fish-shaped cat bed. The cat was supposed to go through the mouth to take his nap. It involved all sorts of layers of foam and fabric and weird tight angles. I made it through and the final product was adorable, but the the cat wouldn’t use it! A few weeks later the dog chewed part of it up. It was such a challenge to put together that I kept it anyway…for 11 years…before my husband finally convinced me to let it go.

  17. Every time I sew without a pattern I feel adventurous! I turned a giant free promo t-shirt in to pj pants for my daughter.

  18. My most adventurous project was to make a slip cover for an ugly couch we had way back when. I usually just go with it and hack my way through. I completely mis-measured the back and had to fix in in a creative way! Overall it looked great not perfect but better than what was underneath.

  19. Loren Church

    I made my wedding dress. It was a simple dress in cream silk dupioni but it was still nerve-wracking because it would be worn so publicly.

  20. My most adventurous sewing was a leather jacket that I made a several years ago. My mom had gotten the leather more than thirty years ago and she stored it folded in a box. She passed it on to me, but the creases from the folds were not going anywhere. The skins were also from different, but similar dye lots. So, I cut up the skins around the creases and pieced them back together. I added a decorative stitch over the seams. Honestly, I don’t know if I’d have the courage to do it again today. The construction of it turned out really well and I still wear it, but the fit leaves some to be desired. I certainly learned a lot! I would love to make a cape with some lovely wool!

  21. Liana

    Many years ago I tried to design and make a bias-cut gown out of some slinky silk to wear to a wedding. I’m not a good sewer to begin with, so you can imagine what a disaster it was. The thing gave me nightmares, and I hadn’t even gotten to the skirt part of it before I gave up and pulled out an old ’50s dress pattern (not bias) to use instead.

  22. Crystal

    Most adventurous project thus far was pajamas for everyone in my family and all my nieces and nephews in just a short few days time. It was successful, but a very hectic few days.

  23. My most adventurous is hard to pick. I have tried many long ago. I am just getting my swing back into sewing for self. I haven’t sewn for self in 25 years with accept ion of one top in fall. I made my wedding gown (which I finished night before wedding).

  24. Jenny

    My most adventurous project was my wedding dress. I sorta kinda knew what I wanted and dove in. There are many things about it that would most likely be better done today but the marriage has lasted 17 years and is still going strong, so I am happy with the results. 🙂

  25. Dana

    Based on my sewing development at the time, I think my most adventurous project was the first quilt I made, which I decided should be all out of triangles (not sure why I didn’t just start with some nice squares)! Ooh, all those stretchy bias edges were sure a learning experience. Eek. But it turned out fine, and we love it!

  26. My most adventurous sewing experience came early on when I was just learning to sew. I had my machine less than six months and up until then had sewn things like tote bags. My girlfriend asked me to sew her daughters 3rd birthday dress. No pressure or anything. The dress had a full gathered skirt (I had never gathered anything), it had sleeves (I had never sewn sleeves), it had a collar (I had never sewn a collar). It was an adorable little navy blue and tan dress. In the end it didn’t look too bad.

  27. Hayley

    So far my most adventurous seeing project was a queen sized quilt for my parents – hand quilted! Now that I’m done having babies I want to venture into garments and fitting…

  28. Ok, my most adventurous sewing provect was a corderoy pant for my baby (but size 3). Was one of my first projects and included a fly with zipper!! Obiously I didn’t finished at that moment, but tree years late I did.
    And here is the happy result.
    But is still big, 🙂

  29. Amy

    My most recent recent big project was probably my most adventurous– a lace and canvas teepee for my niece. Turned out nicely but sewing was tricky because it was so big!

  30. Mel

    my most adventurous project is yet to come! I’ve volunteered to help the local theatre company with costumes for their next production. I’m so excited (and nervous!). thanks for the chance, what a generous giveaway!

  31. My most adventurous sewing project was the wolf costume I made my son. It was my first (and only so far) time sewing with fake fur. And I am a long term beginner who never knows what I am doing too. I broke countless needles and the fur will never totally be cleaned up from my basement (my sewing area) but the costume actually came out ok. People thought he was an ewok but I considered it a success.

  32. My most adventurous sewing project was the wolf costume I made my son. It was my first (and only so far) time sewing with fake fur. And I am a long term beginner who never knows what I am doing too. I broke countless needles and the fur will never totally be cleaned up from my basement (my sewing area) but the costume actually came out ok. People thought he was an ewok but I considered it a success.

  33. Kate

    My most adventurous project was a flower girl dress for my two-year old for my cousin’s wedding. I made a practice run and it was adorable, but my mother harped about how it was too short and not warm enough for a autumn wedding. I should have never listened to her, but got a pattern for a far more elaborate dress with a bolero jacket. The only problem was the pattern didn’t come small enough. So, I had to modify it. AND, I no longer had time or fabric for a practice dress. Well, it wasn’t awesome, but it was good enough to wear at the wedding. Live and learn. In the future, my mother can just deal with my style choices.

  34. Angie

    I’ve attempted some shorts with a zipper and lining. They didn’t go well and they didn’t fit. Gotta get good at simpler things first!

  35. Sara

    Cotton voile dress with about a million tiny pleats and a lining. It turned out OK. I would love to win this but understand if they don’t want to ship to New Zealand!

  36. Rebecca

    I remember my first sewing project I decided to tackle after only having made pillows-a queen sized quilt. I had seen one at a local amish shop and loved it so much that I thought I could recreate it on my own. I had no pattern, no concept of seam allowances plus barely knew how to use the old White sewing machine my mother lent me! I still cannot believe it actually turned out and have it proudly displayed in the guest bedroom. I guess if you’re going to do something, go big!

  37. I made myself a swimsuit, that felt pretty adventurous. Although, it has been a nearly a year since then and I still haven’t used it.

  38. Leah

    I’ve had so many sewing adventures (and misadventures!) it’s hard to pick one. I suppose slip-covering furniture is always quite the undertaking as I have to create the pattern and the whole project takes SO MUCH TIME! Thanks for the fun giveaway!

  39. Shannon

    For Halloween my son decided he wanted to be the Stay Pufft Marshmallow Man from Ghostbusters. There were lots of construction tasks to be worked out, but in the end it was great!

  40. Kelly

    I made my daughter a lined, brown corduroy jacket. It turned out so cute, but it did take quite a while to finish. 🙂

  41. Paula

    My most adventurous sewing experience was making a St. Nicholas costume for my son. His school (Catholic) dresses up as their favorite saint for Halloween. I made a bishop’s miter, cape, caplet, and alb. All using fussy fabrics and adding decorative trim, etc.! Phew!

  42. My most adventurous sewing project: the Christening dress to my youngest daughter when with 3 months by that time. It could turn wrong but I loved the result! It was a simple pattern by the way.

  43. Leah Z

    It feels like everything I sew is a challenge…but I would have to say the most adventurous was the Secret Agent Trench for my son. He wanted a trench to wear as part of his Tintin Halloween costume and there aren’t really options out there. The pattern and the fabric we found were both great, but I had to take it to someone else to make the buttonholes.

  44. Sarah

    To date my most adventurous exploit in sewing involved taking a pair of sale Ann Taylor corduroy wide-leg pants and transforming them into skinny cords! It was my first foray into tailoring something for myself, and my first project with my serger.

  45. mrsm

    I thought I would make cute, simple Christmas dresses for my 2 nieces and my daughter. Totally easy and doable considering I ordered the fabric on the 24th of November, right? Cue an incredible shipping snafu on the fabric company’s part, and a December 18th bout of the flu on mine, and yeah, I was sewing on Christmas eve. Oh well, I finished and they looked great.

  46. Sewing is nearly always an adventure, trying to make what I have on hand suit the project but the project that comes to mind is a dress I made for myself, McCall’s 5637, a vintage Hannah Troy pattern; felt like I learned a lot in the process.

  47. G

    A faux fur coat for my older daughter. Or maybe the raincoat I made her. I think it’s a draw…

  48. Emily

    Underpants without a pattern was a bit adventurous (with limited success). Also, when I first started sewing, I made a statue of Liberty costume by blending two patterns to get the kind of dress I wanted. That one looked pretty good.

  49. Every project I sew for myself is adventurous, because sew clothes it´s not the same as sew bags, purses, etc.
    Some of that projects went wrong, but many of them are very good. And it´s fabulous to wear something that you made.

  50. Kri

    Every sewing project seems like an adventure, however, I stepped out of my apparel sewing world and took a stab at reupholstering my vintage t-cushion couch, love-seat, and chair. After tripping over many yards of fabric and patterning nightmares, it was finished. However, the fabric once on and in natural light, looked overwhelming metallic gold! Not able to entertain the thought of a do-over, I lived with a shimmering gold couch set for several years! I will stick to sewing clothes!

  51. Jen

    I guess you could say the dress I made for my daughter for my brother’s wedding was adventurous in that I had not been sewing for a while when I committed to the project and then I chose a beautiful silk dupioni that cost an arm and leg for a baby’s dress. The dress turned out fine, but unfortunately not the heirloom it should have been. Sometimes adventures are undertaken with more confidence than the adventurer deserves to employ!

  52. Kirsten manning

    I think my most adventurous garment was a lined party dress for myself. I really did enjoy wearing it though!

  53. LucyL

    My most adventurous sewing project was a wool jacket for my son. That’s my first time work with 100% wool fabric. I was nervous because 1. the fabric is among the expensive kinds of what I have, 2. it kept fraying in the process, 3. I was adding self-drafted lining to the jacket for the first time. Thankfully, the wool fabric is surprisingly tailoring well! The final product looks nice and I’ve fallen in love with wool ever since!

  54. Kristin

    I recently started sewing up a cape from Vogue patterns using a fake fur and it has not been going well at all! Maybe because fake fur is absolutely nothing like those fabrics suggested on the envelope, as your post discusses. 🙂 Oh well… Sewing adventures are my favorite kind of adventures. I’ve had my eye on Britex fabrics for a while but have never made a purchase. What a great giveaway! 🙂

  55. Maggie

    Mine was my very first quilt. I bought a few books, then bought a sewing machine. I didn’t know anyone who quilted, and I had never sewn on a machine. I winged it!

    It turned out all right, so I made more.


  56. Mirelys Grimm

    My most adventurous sewing project was a renaissance dress. It was about 9 years ago and I was way above my head. I did a lot of research and called my mom regularly for tips. It turned out beautiful. And I learned a lot!

  57. Jenny Taylor

    My most adventurous sewing project would probably be my custom made (ie not from a pattern) wedding dress but a close second would have to be my daughter’s Christening dress. It was made with Batisse cotton and swiss lace trim purchased from M&J Trimming in NYC. I actually contacted Liesl to ask where to buy the trim. I appreciated the time Liesl took to email me her suggestions and was even more excited to explore the shops. The dress was a labor of love but it was fun to make.

  58. kitty

    I learned to sew by copying my own clothes. For some reason, I was intimidated by patterns. Finally, I gathered my courage and dove in. The first pattern I bought was for a double-breasted, empire-waist, knee-length winter coat. The wool I bought as a remnant was too thin for New England winters, so I used two layers. I found some cheap hot pink silk twill for the lining. And since I did not own a sewing machine, I sewed the whole thing by hand. I learned so much, and wore my coat for years, fixing things as time passed (buttons fell off, I sat out the lining) and learning even more from that process. The coat doesn’t fit me any more, but I keep it in the closet anyway.

  59. Kelly

    I’m afraid I am not very adventurous, I usually stick to patterns and dont add too much fluff. I recently started adding details, and piecing some items. Wild woman huh?

  60. my most adventurous sewing project was the anna tunic (into a dress) by amy butler. so much about that dress pattern was a challenge, it’s hard to know where to begin! There were just so many more steps with multiple steps within the step. Talk about confusing. And then add trying to do some new-to-me sewing techniques (the instructions came with its own glossary – I didn’t know what half of the sewing stitches were). Seriously. But I finished it!

  61. Stephanie

    Most adventurous? Sewing Lord of the rings costumes for my family. We had an elf, wizard and a halfling! It was my first attempt at sewing a dress for myself.

  62. Allison

    I tried to make a quilt for my niece with different sized blocks (squares and rectangles of different sizes). Although I tried to plan it out, I was a bit too ambitious and it still is sitting in pieces in my UFO box…

  63. My most adventurous sewing project would have to be an Easter dress for my then 3 month old daughter. I had only just begun learning to quilt, so I only knew how to sew straight seams! I hardly knew how to operate my sewing machine back then. There was pleating and piping and a lined bodice, oh my! Boy, was I ambitious! I learned a lot and it turned out well!

    I loved making the cape for myself and have already been eyeing some grey wool for another! I’ll have to go check out Britex……

  64. emilia

    I made my wedding dress, all poofy & fun, with matching ties & vests for the guys. It was a frantic three months!

  65. Amanda

    I tried to make a child’s version of Mondo’s dress (Project Runway) for my girls: Completely unsuccessful, but I learned a lot!

  66. Sewing a slipcover for our much abused couch! It was mostly a success and not as hard as I feared.:)

  67. Sarah

    My biggest sewing adventure was to copy and make a woman’s body building custom for a national competion. You would not believe how hard it is to sew a teeny, tiny, stretchy bottom that covers just the private area. My proudest moment was figuring out how to make the bottom so it would not give the woman camel toe in front of thousands of viewers. Oh yes, proud, proud moment! It took a week of just cutting and sewing numerous bottoms and tops to get a great fit. I had no idea that a costume using that little fabric would be soooooooooooooo time consuming and frustrating.

  68. Jen

    My most adventurous sew thus far, I made a dress for myself. It had darts and was a vintage pattern. I ended up having trouble and needing to change the pattern up a bit. Still need to finish it a bit but I am waiting to see the final post baby size (made it about a week before finding out I was pregnant and baby is now 4m)

  69. Lioness

    A satiny princess dress for my two year old. Gathering all that fraying fabric was a nightmare, and the hem looked terrible too. She wore it proudly though!

  70. Beth B.

    My most adventurous project was a button-up shirt for me, with collar, cuffs, placket, etc. I didn’t realize until it was finished that the collar was off-center and the fabric too thick for machine buttonholes. Sooo…it never gets buttoned and I wear my hair down over the collar 🙂

  71. Carolyn

    After much thought, the day I cut into silk dupioni for the first time was the beginning of my adventure.

  72. My most adventurous project was last year, when I tried to copy a carriage coat dress from J.Crew. I really thought I was an advanced sewer enough to achieve such a project. I was really, really wrong! So, now I let talented people like you, Liesl, drawing beautiful patterns. I just stick to the instructions!

  73. Jennifer

    My most adventurous sewing project was probably my first–I used some silky stuff to make a baptismal gown for my first baby. Tucks, pleating, buttonholes, square neckline… it wouldn’t be at all hard now, but then it certainly was!

  74. Amy

    Oh, that’s easy. I don’t do clothes, just quilts and crafty items. I’m about to embark on my first foray into clothing with an O+S pattern for my daughter’s second birthday. I’m going to make her a Tea Party Sundress!

  75. Mine would be sewing my first dress. I had no idea what I was doing and it turned out horrible. But I learned a lot and now I love making dresses

  76. sarvi

    My number one most adventurous project was without a doubt the Apple Picking dress. As soon as I saw the envelope I knew exactly what I wanted (which rarely happens). What I wanted was a very floaty white-with-black-polka-dots fabric with a black dupioni bow. Well, I got it, but not without wishing (repeatedly) that a meteor would land on me and free me from sewing such slippery stuff. Anything really worth doing is probably a little more time consuming and although I never did get the waistline perfectly even, I am still so incredibly pleased with the dress. It’s my all time proudest creation. Big shout-out to all the ladies in the forum for their help!

  77. SharonK

    Halloween costumes this last year! My middle boy wanted to be a lefo ninja from the show Ninjago and it had to be “perfect” be his way! He was so picky and kept asking me if I knew what I was doing, lol. It had so many little details on it that it took me five days to cut and sew it. In teh end it came out great! I used the O+S Sleepover pattern for his ninja costume. His two older brothes want ones now too.

  78. Melissa

    My most adventurous sewing was making my own bridesmaids dress for my sisters wedding. I don’t often sew for myself and she had chosen slippery satin backed crepe with Georgette overlays for it. The was much swearing and frustration, but in the end it worked and turned out lovely. I was very proud of my self at the end.

  79. Dawn Stanbrough

    My most adventurous sewing project was making an Oliver + S school days coat for my Granddaughter. I cut down my mothers much loved faux fur coat. I had to take the original coat apart and position the pattern pieces individually to make it work. It was the easiest pattern I have ever worked with.

  80. Making a poncho raincoat out of laminate fabric. It turned out great!

  81. Beth

    Probably the pieced napkins and placemats I made for my mother-in-law – that linen was so slippery! They turned out great, but they took forever.

  82. Annette Martini

    Most adventurous? Adapting a pattern to make the perfect tiger costume for my skinny 2 yr old daughter versus making a slipcover from scratch for my ugly but comfy couch in college

  83. Annette Martini

    Most adventurous? Adapting a pattern to make the perfect tiger costume for my skinny 2 yr old daughter versus making a slipcover from scratch for my ugly but comfy couch in college. Ani loves the costume, made extra long and with a white fur ruff around the face.

  84. By far my most adventureous sewing project has been to offer sewing classes to elementary age girls. It started very small and simple three of my friends daughters two hours a week. Now three classes of five girls each and a waiting list…. Want an adventure lock yourself in your basement playroom with 5 third graders for 2 hours at a time with pins, needles, sharp scissors, and SEWING machines and giggle and sweat as they create adorable purses, gathered skirts, Doll clothes, watch them learn to correct mistakes and encourage one another. Smile broadly when they succeed, commisserate when the machine comes unthreaded or the seam ripper is needed, rejoice in the greatest adventure being to share what you know and love with people who will do the same.

  85. Jennie Lynn

    My most adventurous sewing project is probably the Halloween many years ago when my mother and I decided to make a full-on antebellum-style dress, homemade hoop and all. More than once my mother threatened to throw the whole mess in the garbage can, but I kept coaxing her to stick with it and in the end, it was great and I loved it. Now that I’ve started sewing for my daughter , I really appreciate what she did for me.
    And then there was the Christmas when I decided to make everyone I knew their own pair of pajama pants and turned the basement into a pants factory for weeks. Whew.

  86. Andrea

    My most adventurous sewing project was my first: a toddler sleepmat complete with custom made bias tape. I survived and project number two didn’t seem nearly as challenging.

  87. Barbara Kugler

    My most adventurous sewing project was my daughter’s wedding dress. It was a tea length, classic 50’s style strapless gown made of three layers of silk. It had boning in the bodice, which I had never done before. The top layer of silk organza was fitted free form based on an idea my daughter saw on a designer gown, and then cutouts of lace were applied over the organza by hand. There was also a border of lace on the bottom. Luckily I started several months before the wedding and completed it on time. My daughter looked so beautiful and I was so proud.

  88. radiya

    my most adventurous project yet was a diaper bag

  89. Melissa

    My first sewing project, just one year ago, was most adventurous. It was a size 18-24 month peasant dress for my sweet neice Amber. I spent a little over 2 weeks to complete the project because i had to google every aspect of the project: cutting fabric, sewing a straight line, ironing as you go, how to sew rick rack. You name it every thing was researched and reresearched to ensure a sucsessful end product. It was so rewarding and was just the beginning of my love of sewing for others. I have yet to sew for myself and would love to make myself a lovely cape with Britex fabric.

  90. Robin

    I made a velcro-on many-compartmented caddy for my Nana’s walker. It was pretty challenging for me at the time and, in parts, had many, may layers to sew through that were a challenge for my machine.

  91. kim

    2 of us moms tackled several costumes for peter pan last year hook’s jacket was my most adventurous we altered the patern and added different cuffs it turned out amazing

  92. Jennifer

    My biggest sewing adventure has to be a Waldorf doll for my daughter. Quite a bit of work, both physically and emotionally. You impart part of yourself in a doll like that.

  93. Jennyroo

    The Amy Butler weekender, the holy grail of sewing projects!

  94. I believe one of my more adventurous projects I ever made was one of my first. I was in an academic program called Odessey of the Mind (now Destination Imagination) and our team created a performance around rainbows (this was 5th grade) and we came up with raincoats made out of clear garbage bags (the thick industrial kind) for our costumes. Brilliant and completely challenging for my new sewing skills. Somehow I managed it on my Moms Kenmore and gave my sewing confidence a huge boost! Most recently I made my friend her wedding dress and although I was stitching until 11:30 am the day of the wedding, I still think the plastic raincoat takes the cake.

  95. christina

    Hmm, my adventurous sewing is usually for my daughter — historical dress-ups, anyone? 1770’s gown, 1790’s frock, 1870’s prairie dress & bonnet — yeah, she’s a little history nut ( and so am I ).

  96. darci

    my most adventerous item might the coat i made as a teenager. It was a full length belted wrap coat with a huge shawl collar and turnback cuffs.
    Think Donna Karan in the 80’s and then think ‘Bathrobe’
    Needing to be unique, i made it out of raspberry polarfleece and inset an emerald green racing stripe down each side seam. My next mistake was to line it with green and white pencil stripe cotton.. I look like i weighed twice what i did and the sleeves were difficult to get on since they were lined with cotton. An investment in time and materials that ended up a total waste 🙂

  97. As I’m not a very accomplished sewer (yet!) the most adventurous sewing I’ve done is diving into sewing with a quilt. Learning curve was verrrrrry steep to say the least. What took me the most out of my comfort zone, however, was sewing a jacket for my boyfriend’s niece who was 2.

  98. Hmmm, I have been sewing regularly for about a year, and it was the Lazy Days skirt pattern that got me started. I have recommended that to all the folks who tell me they want to start (or re-start) sewing b/c it’s such a great way to get started!

    My most adventurous project would probably be to sew a doll for my daughter as a special gift. She did a great job picking out the fabrics, similar to what was in the book but with her own flair. I look at that doll and still can’t believe that I did it!

  99. WendyD

    I don’t sew much, so my most adventurous was a vintage 1940s robe for my then 3-year-old. It was the first time I had veered a little from the instructions, and the pattern tissue was so old and fragile, I was a nervous wreck cutting the pieces out.

  100. Jenny

    My most adventurous project was also in the costume realm – a pair of Renaissance styled gowns for the Renaissance festival this summer, one for myself and one for my four year old. With about 10 time to do it (and a 4 and 1 1/2 year old). The dresses turned out well, as long as you don’t look too closely in a few places… there’s some wonky sewing but given the time frame, I was happy.

    By the way, if you are in SF, Britex is a fantastic place. I have shopped there for years, and the sales people there know a lot and are very generous with their knowledge.

  101. Jenny

    10 days time – sorry!

  102. Cyndi

    For some reason it didn’t seem like an adventure at the time, it just seemed like the only way I was going to financially be able to get the Laura Ashley long skirt, top, and pinafore I had my heart on to wear to a wedding as a teenager that fall. I kept that outfit for many years and when I pulled it out from time to time, only then did I marvel at the rows of neat pintucks (how did I even know how to DO them? I have no idea) and perfect, small buttonholes on the blouse and yards of lace evenly gathered on the pinafore. It was an adventure in learning that I didn’t fully appreciate until much later.

  103. Jams

    Making my first quilt, without a pattern and random lengths of fabric. I was able to come up with a great baby blanket size, with only a tiny bit of fabric to share!

  104. My adventurous sewing isn’t adventurous because of skills – I decided to make an entire outfit for my autistic son knowing there was a very good chance he would reject the whole thing. Luckily it worked out!

  105. Many of my O+S projects have seemed difficult before I jumped in, and then after I wonder why I was so worried! The most adventurous project was probably one this Fall, a fake-fur coat with a silky lining, because both were such unfamiliar fabrics for me.

  106. I tried making a velvet skirt and I have to admit that it looked like something my grandmother would wear. I think I will make a scarf out of it though I did not really enjoy sewing with velvet. Thank you for the chance.

  107. I tried making a velvet skirt and I have to admit that it looked like something my grandmother would wear. I think I will make a scarf out of it though I did not really enjoy sewing with velvet. Thank you for the chance.

  108. Carrie

    By far my most adventurous sewing project was sewing costumes for a high school musical. I didn’t know how to sew at the time, and boy was that a crash course! Three of us (with a lot of help from our moms!) made twenty-three drop-waist dresses with detachable sailor collars and coordinating scarves and headbands. And then we made bowties and dyed vests for the guys to match the girls.

  109. Nicole

    My most adventurous sewing project is a disaster and still on the floor of my fabric closet! It was supposed to be a dress for me with a knit top and cotton skirt. In theory it was the perfect summer dress but reality it needed a lot more sizing adjustments and knit skills than I had at the time. My most successful project was the Fairytale dress I made my daughter for Christmas. I thought it was way too hard for me, but ended up turning out really well. I can’t wait to make another one for Easter! Thanks for the giveaway!!

  110. Nicole

    My most adventurous sewing project is a disaster and still on the floor of my fabric closet! It was supposed to be a dress for me with a knit top and cotton skirt. In theory it was the perfect summer dress but in TTreality it needed a lot more sizing adjustments and knit skills than I had at the time. My most successful project was the Fairytale dress I made my daughter for Christmas. I thought it was way too hard for me, but ended up turning out really well. I can’t wait to make another one for Easter! Thanks for the giveaway!!

  111. Stephanie

    I made a GIANT silver heart that hung on my husband’s submarine. They pulled into port after deployment with the 30 foot shiny heart around the sail.
    We didn’t weight it enough, and it was super windy so it only lasted about 15 minutes in port before they took it off. I was so excited to have my husband home that I didn’t even care.

  112. Jennifer

    My most ambitious but not very adventurous sewing attempt was sewing a lined, wool, tailored blazer for my college age daughter. I am not experienced nor skilled enough to pull it off. It was a disaster. I gave it to my daughter anyway so that she could witness how hard I tried and so that she could feel the love. She threw it away. It couldn’t be salvaged. I would say that my most successful sewing adventure is the School Days Jacket. I have made three (all the same size) to date. My daughter wore her scarlet melton wool version today. She also has one for rain made out of canvas and she has lighter weight wool flannel version. The flannel is the one she wears most often and is our favorite.

  113. Pam

    My most adventurous sewing project was an asian dress designed from satin fabric. I was 18 and it ended up with a horrible fit, poor quality material certainly didnt help!

  114. Emily

    My very first sewing project was Amy Butler’s Birdie Sling. I went at it not knowing what gussets were or how to use fusible fleece. Somehow it worked out, after some Skyping with my mom about the lining, but a much better version came along nine months later when I made one for my brother’s girlfriend. By then I had plenty of projects under my belt and nothing was confusing!

  115. Juliet

    There was this awesome quilted corduroy vest that I tried to copy. The pattern was just for the shell so I had to create the quilting, lining and top stitching myself! I had never quilted anything before. I think it came out great, but I hate the color I chose! Next challenge will be attempting to dye it!

  116. My most ambitious/adventurous sewing to date is a wool coat I made last winter.
    As an aside, I am making up the woodland stroll cape at the moment from an eggplant colored boiled wool with a very bright patterned silk satin lining – I will be sure to put my photos on fliker when I’m done!

  117. It would have to be a Drizabone (raincoat) I made my son Hugo,when he was three. The fabric was oilskin and tough to sew but it looked great.
    I kick myself for giving it away.
    xx N

  118. Marlena

    My most adventurous sewing was a smocked heirloom Easter dress with a very limited knowledge it took me about two years to figure it out and was worn only once. I am glad I did it but my kind of sewing is more casual and quick.

  119. Sarah B.

    Deciding to sew my soon-to-be-born son a quilt when I was 8 months pregnant. Too adventurous… my mother-in-law had to finish it up for me. He still loves the quilt, though.

  120. Janet

    I’d have to say it was a wool plaid suit i made in high school….loved that suit wish i still had it!

  121. I made a puppet theater for my daughters without using a pattern.

  122. Mary

    A few years ago I decided to see some knit pants and a shirt for my son (yet to be born) while taking a sewing class. It was the first time sewing clothes and sewing with knits. It didn’t turn out great but it was a great experience.

  123. Brooke

    Probably my wedding dress like so many others. It was challenging and fun to make just what I wanted!

  124. Shelley

    The “next big thing” project which is in my head at the moment will probably be my magnus opus. But that’s always the way isn’t it.
    oh, and I’ve just bought myself some wool for a cape, but when my mum saw it she said she wanted one too. Sewing for my mum, that will be an adventure!

  125. My most ambitious sewing project was a waldorf doll. And since I’m terrible at hand sewing it was a real challenge. In the end, I ended up swapping work with a friend so that I could avoid most of the hand sewing!

  126. Way back, about a million years ago, I used to sew most of my family’s clothing. I even made my husbands dress shirts and slacks. I need to sew one of these capes for my granddaughter!

  127. Way back, about a million years ago, I used to sew most of my family’s clothing. I even made my husbands dress shirts and slacks. I need to sew one of these capes for my granddaughter!

  128. lisa m

    I haved sewed everything from handbags to trousers to quilts…certainly the project where I cursed the most was an Amy Butler handbag using super-stiff interfacing.

  129. Most adventurous… a swimsuit for my 2 yr. old, which she has worn once so far (Jan. weather in SD, CA. So proud to have finished it!

  130. Jessica

    Mine would have to be sewing my wedding dress! I always knew what i wanted, but could never find anything in the shops…so I purchased my fabric, found the closest pattern I could and hand a go at it. After much stressing, and pattern altering…it was (thankfully) perfect!

  131. M H Thompson

    When I was in eight grade and did not know better, I decided to make address for my graduation. I chose a pink linen. I has no idea how to sew linen, but I just dove in. I loved that dress and it came out great to my eye.

  132. liz f

    Wow! I’m so impressed by other people’s adventurous sewing. I’ve not sewn much for myself, although I’m really looking forward to trying the cape. My most adventurous was either an Amy Butler bag (one of the very structured ones) or when I decided to make 15 O+S Adventure vests for my daughter’s 3rd birthday.

  133. My most adventurous sewing project is to date my own king sized quilt pieces duvet cover. And I did it! The Anna Maria Horner evening dress pattern was also a serious challenge. And my daughter really wants this cape!

  134. Sharon

    my most adventurous project was a red pleather jacket for my nephew’s Michael Jackson Thriller halloween costume

  135. kelli

    My first sewing project was a wedding dress for my barbie doll. I don’t know what I was thinking with those tiny pieces!

  136. Romy Choi

    I made my prom dress. Shiny, slinky silk, with a sweetheart neckline and long bell sleeves. I sewed up most of it the night before the big event and forgot to iron some of the seams as I went. The silk didn’t like being ironed from the outside and I didn’t know much about pressing cloths back then. I basically finger pressed the neckline until it behaved (sort of). It was also the first time I had sewn in sleeves. Learning about easing in is not something you want to do when your material is slipping all over the place!

  137. my most adventurous sewing project was a woodland themed tablecloth cubby house to go over a pool table. It was a big success but I wouldn’t attempt it again… I never realised how big a pool table was!

  138. Lisa M M

    Most adventurous was back in year 9 I decided it would be fun to make a bright red men’s lined blazer with chunky gold buttons. It was way beyond my sewing capacity, especially the lining part at the time. It looked great from far but up close it was far from good! Thanks for the lovely giveaway.

  139. db

    Most ambitious project….. Had been sewing since high school and when we were first married I made a man’s suit for my husband – welt pockets and all. After it “shrunk” (and no I did not wash it – it was fully lined) it went to the “dres up box” for the kids. I think it is still down there awaiting a grandchild!

  140. Shasta

    My most adventurous sewing project was a winter white double breasted jacket lined. I was in my early 20’s and had not been sewing for very long. It took me a while and I struggled with the lining and getting the sleeves to fit the shoulders correctly. It took forever to finish it. When done it was a little bulky and looked a bit homemade but I wore it because I was very proud of myself for making it. Thanks for the chance at the give-away!

  141. Kim

    My most adventurous sewing project is quilt made from origami squares. Every square is different bright colors and each square is a different origami pattern on a solid black background. I sewed it for my daughter but I found out that it’s not practical for a child’s bed because everything gets caught on the folded pieces of fabric so it’s in the basement.

  142. Elizabeth

    Finishing a wool coat for my brother was definately my most ambitious project. I took my time and used a tailoring book to add special details. It was definately worth it though!

  143. Susan

    My most adventurous project was making a new body for a someones childhood teddy as a favor. She wanted to give it to her daughter but the body was totally worn out. I agreed to do it. It was terrible. I finished the teddy but his body was puff puff puffy. I made the woman a little quilt to go with the
    teddy too, trying to make up for the puff job.

  144. M most adventurous project was a dress for my daughter using an Oliver + S pattern. I had never even used a pattern before! It turned out wearable.

  145. Amanda

    My most adventurous project was not difficult but took a lot of time. About 50 buntings someone ordered for me. Took forever!

  146. Elise

    In my senior year of high school we had a Medieval Feast and I volunteered to make costumes. I’d never sewn without a pattern before, but I boldly went out and bought fabric to made a jester’s costume based on a drawing in a book. I didn’t draft a pattern or make a muslin, I just cut right into my fabric (this was years before Project Runway was even a gleam in Heidi Klum’s eye). I made a poofy skirt thing that looked like the bottom of a waistcoat and a very jester-like hat with bells on the ponts. We cut up two pairs of tights of different colors and joined them together. Then we made our (very handsome) South African exchange student wear it for the Feast. It was pretty fabulous, I wish there were pictures (this also pre-dates cell phones and digital cameras, good lord I’m old).

  147. aprilshowers

    I’d say that my most adventurous project to date was making matching pjs for my girls from the Sleepover PJ pattern just a few months after learning to sew, under a strict time deadline (Christmas!) with the ruffle (that thing nearly killed me!). This included, among other adventures, a late-night trip to the sewing store to buy the end-of-bolt of the fabric I was using when I cut out the entire back upside down. This past year I gave myself a little more time by starting in October and skipped the ruffle but added a third set for my little niece. I love all 5 pairs and the girls wear them all the time. Next up is the School Days jacket out of a laminated cotton!

  148. Deb

    The most ambitions and as it turned out, daunting, sewing task for me came early in my life.
    When I was 9 years old, my Auntie Ethel handed me my cousins’ worn out and torn Teddy Bear to repair. Little did I realize at the time that my dear auntie couldn’t thread a needle hence she was calling for my expertise. Expertise? I was only 9!!
    Honoured yet nervous that I might fail with my limited couturier skills (I had been making little dresses from fabric scraps that were basically rectangles with holes for arms for my dolls) I accepted the challenge.
    I replaced Teddy’s missing eye with a shank button,(you know…the choking hazard kind of button) probably taken right off my dad’s suit jacket hanging in the closet.
    Teddy’s back seam was open so I stitched it with all the dexterity of a left-handed 9 year old using a tapestry needle and a thread colour that didn’t match Teddy’s worn fur. My craftsmanship looked somewhat like stitches on Frankensteins monsters head.
    When I handed the repaired Teddy back to my cousin, he was ecstatic.
    But to this day, I think he was happy merely to get back his Teddy ….. not with the repair job!

  149. Pippi

    I made a huge (6 feet tall) wall hanging advent calender (Pottery Barn inspired) with 24 individually embellished and numbered stocking pockets. It had batting and binding and I had never done any quilting so I had no idea what I was doing and the thing was so big I could barely even get it all together with my machine.

  150. Eleanor

    I often dive into projects without really knowing where I’ll end up, especially if its a request from one of my children (for example: currently working on a classic US Navy uniform for my son). I also slipcovered my sofa with no upholstery experience. I tend to figure things out as I go, and “make it work”!

  151. Mel

    My most adventurous was the school days coat for my not quite 2 yr old daughter. I hadn’t been sewing long at the time and nearly everything I knew was taught to me by O+S patterns. I bought expensive wool cashmere and wanted it to be perfect for her. It was and I was so proud!

  152. My most adventurous sewing was also the craziest! It was a ‘recycled’ dress from fishing net, curtain fabric an old zipper and playing cards. The net was just awful to sew with, and the whole project was just too adventurous for me!
    I posted 3 pics on Flickr of the unfinished dress, if anyone is interested

  153. Lesley Condon

    My most adventurous project so far has probably been making 2 secret agent trench coats at the same time. One was out of Wedgwood blue corduroy, the other out of laminated cotton. It required 2 separate machines and a teflon foot. It was difficult but both children were really happy with the finished product.

  154. Rose

    My most adventurous wasn’t anything compare to the stories I’ve read, but it was for *me*. I was in my late teens (many decades ago) in the 70s, and I wanted to make a slinky black wrap dress for going out to the Disco. It was a Diane Von Furstenburg Vogue pattern. It was the first time I’d sewn with knit jersey, and it was slippery and stretchy and complicated for such an “easy” design.
    It ended up turning out nice, but the fit, even though it was a wrap, just didn’t do it for me.

  155. Cindy

    Last winter a friend and I re-covered the cushions on her whale watching boats. We were in way over our heads, but they came out ok. Staple gun and tight pulling make up a lot for what was lacking in our pattern making skills. I naively thought that I could take apart an old cushion and use it for a pattern; but since the old and new fabrics weren’t exactly the same, and the new foam we had cut didn’t have the same degree of “cush” as the old foam, it wasn’t as simple as I thought.

    Can’t wait to make the cape, and thanks for the giveaway.

    Never again! Upholsterers deserver whatever they want to charge.

    Thanks for the giveaway

  156. Deana

    My most adventurous so far was probably a jacket with matched plaid. Working on another plaid project right now!

  157. Pam S

    I made my daughter a mermaid Halloween costume with some slippery shiny fabric. It turned ut ok but there was a lot of reverse sewing along the way!

  158. Caralee

    The dress I made for my sister’s daughter for her christening. I was trying to copy a dress that was my grandmas when she was a baby, but is ruined. Lots of entredeux and lace insertion, that I had never done before. It turned out nice, with help from people at the fabric store….and some friends.

  159. I had to laugh when I read that you don’t like polar fleece. You’d never make it in the Pacific Northwest!! My most adventurous sewing project was probably my first. I found a large tablecloth around the house when I was 19 and became obsessed with the idea of sewing it into a dress. Never mind that I didn’t have a sewing machine and that I sewed it all by hand! And never mind that I had absolutely no idea what I was doing. It came out barely wearable, but man, I was proud of myself 🙂

  160. Tammy

    My most adventurous sewing project would have to be the bedding, ie blanket, toy bag for end of cribs, and bumpers I made for my twins. Having just bought a sewing machine and taking a few lessons, I figured I could make it all, especially after viewing custom bedding online for 800 plus dollars. Well, after using several coupons for fabric stores around town and hitting some sales I got to work. I would like to thank the store “Sew Much More” in Austin, TX for their sewing club meetings which taught me to use the feet and techniques I needed to complete my project. And thank you too Liesl for the patterns and support you provide. I have learned much by sewing your patterns for my son and daughter.

  161. shae

    I put 50 hours into a designer wedding dress for a friend and she tried it on and decided to buy a discount dress…maybe a little too ambitious on my part but definitely a heartbreaker.

  162. Pam

    My most adventurous project, was cutting up my daughter’s wedding dress, to transform it into a smart dress for her to wear to a friend’s wedding…

  163. Erin

    I am in the process of sewing two class photo dresses in blue silk diponi, I am pretty nervous and ready to cut it out now.

  164. Sue H

    I just started to sew for my little 16-month-old baby recently by hands. The first sewing project is the little mitts that was shown in your book. I picked this to be my first sewing gift for the little one because I can do it without purchasing a sewing machine and I just love how the mitts fit on her little hands. She always giggles when she has them on, priceless!

  165. My most ambitious project so far was to sew matching Christmas dresses for 3 of my daughters plus my granddaughter. Of course, not just any dress, but a 1780s reproduction pattern all stitched out of period correct fabric. Oh, and did I mention that I started them only 2 weeks before Christmas? And that I had to sew at the dining room table, the only table we have. So my projects were shuffled to and from the table 3 times a day to make room for 11 of us to eat! I put the final stitch in place just in time, and they all looked absolutely beautiful!

  166. M

    My most adventurous project was trying to make a dress haha never brave enough to try it again!

  167. M

    My most adventurous project was trying to make a dress haha never get brave enough to try it again!

  168. Janet

    I attempted a wedding dress for a bride to be who was pregnant, but neglected to tell anyone! After the fourth muslin still did not fit correctly due to an ever expanding bust size, I felt totally incompetent. The wedding was postponed, but she was my last bridal customer. My own daughters wedding dress was a breeze….she sketched the design and I made it in two weeks.

  169. Mfm

    In high school, I sewed a doll for an Anmesty International project on a friends’s mom’s sewing machine, with no pattern. It came out very well, tiny clothes and all. I try to reach back to that level of sewing confidence now that I am trying to learn the proper way to sew in my 30’s.

  170. Terri

    My biggest sewing adventure is the minky football blanket that I keep trying to make. I didn’t realize just how hard minky can be to work with! It’s still not finished!

  171. Mila

    the greatest sewing adventure was actually making a Jedi Bath robe for my son. The pattern was for a normal bathrobe so I had to add a hood and I had never sewn with flannel. It took some time to realise that when they say needles dull quickly, they really mean QUICKLY. Four needles later …

  172. Rohini

    A king-size quilt with my very basic sewing ablity. I thought, its all straight lines – how hard can it be right? Wrong!! It was a mess. I just couldnt figure out how to manuvere so much fabric around on my machine.

    That was a few years ago though. I’m a little better now and ought to give it a try!

  173. Rebekah Stockton

    After sewing less than a year, I decided I wanted to make my three daughters Waldorf-inspired dolls.

  174. This time last year, I started on a cocktail dress for our schools charity auction based on Vogue 8409. It was ambitious in part because the pleated bodice made altering for a full bust challenging. It took me several muslins to work out how to make that alteration work. It also needed back adjustments and side seam adjustments, as well as armscye adjustments for sleeveless. It was also challenging because I used probably the nicest fabrics I had yet to try: a delicate imported cotton voile not entirely appropriate for such a fitted shape. For help making the dress look professional, I enrolled in Susan Khalje’s Craftsy course and learned many, many useful things about couture construction. The dress was fully lined and underlined with a hand picked zip. In addition to the time and fitting challenges, I felt challenged to not show up at such a event attended by people of means looking “homemade.” In the end, my hard work paid off and I received a compliment from a supremely stylish woman who does all her shopping in Paris! Above all, this experience really brought me home to where my true sewing passion lies.

    Ps- it’s been really fun reading through what others have challenged themselves to do! Thanks
    Britax for the giveaway!

  175. Theresa

    Making the tutu from “Little Things to Sew” this Halloween with NO sewing experience (it did come out alright, lol) you will be glad to know I am taking a proper sewing class next weekend. 3 3hour classes! I am so excited!

  176. Jennifer McCann

    Right now a tie between the Fairy Tale dress and a Collette pattern for me. I have’t sewn for myself or this body and its changes in years. Today I did a tissue pattern fitting class and learned quite a bit on this Collette pattern.

  177. I’m a reckless and fearless sewer, so I’ve plunged into my share of ambitious projects. Probably the most challenging was a pair of black denim jeans for my husband, complete with rivets, flat felled seams, two color top stitching, and a wee coin pocket. They fit like a glove and he has worn them until they’re falling apart. No greater compliment!

  178. KerryQ

    I am still a bit of a nervous sewer. Before I tackle a project or pattern, I read everything I can about the fabric, the pattern, and any tricky parts (zips, or new techniques). It gets to the point where I am procrastinating just starting the project because I don’t want to screw it up! Anyway, my most adventurous project was sewing my daughter’s First Communion dress out of silk dupioni from a Vogue pattern. I finished it with 15 min. to spare! It looked great, but I still need to reinstall the zipper after 2 years. I’m still procrastinating going near that thing!

  179. Bethany M.

    Probably making and quilting a king size quilt on my 6.5″ harp machine was my most adventurous sewing project.

  180. Carinne James

    When my daughter was baptized in my church, which we do at age 8, I took my wedding dress, and re-made it into a baptism dress for her. Itw as terrifying making the first cut! It was my first experience with something that large, and working with heavily beaded fabrics. But it turned out gorgeous!

  181. Megan D

    My most adventurous project was a knit cardigan with ruffles (my second project ever). I had no idea what I was doing! It turned out I’m but my fabric choice was awful.

  182. Hmm, its button up dress from voile that I’m making from a Burda magazine pattern. Scary, complicated, pockets and tons of buttons and a fabric I’ve never worked with, so I’ve been working on it for a year!

  183. Dana Stone

    My most adventurous project was when I was first learning to sew. I made a foam “overstuffed chair” for my toddler. I had to learn cording, zippers and how to follow a pattern that was not for clothing. My seam ripper and I became good friends!

    It was a beloved gift that he wore out after a few years. I was so proud of that chair!

  184. Summer B

    I made a marionette using a hanger and fake fur and foam pads. I didn’t have a pattern, just an example to look at. It turned out really well, and my children still love it more than a decade later.

  185. Jamie

    I just started sewing, so everything is an adventure! But, my biggest adventure yet is the 2+2 blouse. Accomplished and proud!

  186. Rita

    I made a lamb costume for my daughter when she was about a year and a half old. cutting out the fabric took forever. The serpa fur was so thick I could bearly get the scissorrs to cut through the fabric. To sew the seams I had to cut the fur away from the seams otherwise it was too thick to sew through. I had fur flying everywhere plus sore hands! The sewing room was a mess as well as me. talk about a labor of love ~ but I had the cutest lamb ever 🙂

  187. I am just about to embark on my most ambitious sewing project: a twin-size quilt. I have all the fabric, but am undecided on the pattern since I am a novice sewer.

  188. Katja Magus

    I’ve made a few coats with Pendleton wool, interlined with Thinsulate and though I got through them all right, my machine was definitely groaning with all those layers! But they are well loved and very hand-down-able, so worth all the effort! A waxed cotton coat for my eldest was the biggest nightmare but also very well loved!

  189. Amy Marble

    My most adventurous sewing project was a period costume for a friend. It took 3 months with multiple fittings. It was amazing when it was done, but quite the project.

  190. With a little help from, we’ve selected our winner. Congratulations to Megan D whose entry was chosen!

    I’m guessing Megan never thought that her knit cardigan with ruffles would win her such a nice gift certificate from Britex Fabrics.

    Thanks to everyone who entered. We loved reading your stories! Comments are now closed.

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